import warnings from pathlib import Path import pickle import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import as px import plotly.graph_objs as go from plotly.subplots import make_subplots import as pio from scipy.stats import ttest_ind import plotly import json from src.Predictive_Maintenance.logger import logging ARTIFACTS_DIR = "artifacts/eda/" warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") df = pd.read_csv("notebooks/data/data.csv") def setup(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: def type_of_failure(row_name): if df.loc[row_name, 'TWF'] == 1: df.loc[row_name, 'type_of_failure'] = 'TWF' elif df.loc[row_name, 'HDF'] == 1: df.loc[row_name, 'type_of_failure'] = 'HDF' elif df.loc[row_name, 'PWF'] == 1: df.loc[row_name, 'type_of_failure'] = 'PWF' elif df.loc[row_name, 'OSF'] == 1: df.loc[row_name, 'type_of_failure'] = 'OSF' elif df.loc[row_name, 'RNF'] == 1: df.loc[row_name, 'type_of_failure'] = 'RNF' df.apply(lambda row: type_of_failure(, axis=1) df['type_of_failure'].replace(np.NaN, 'no failure', inplace=True) df.drop(['TWF', 'HDF', 'PWF', 'OSF', 'RNF'], axis=1, inplace=True)"Created type_of_failure column") return df def save_plot(fig, filename): filepath = Path(ARTIFACTS_DIR, filename) fig.write_image(filepath) return str(filepath) def question_one(df): category_counts = df['type_of_failure'].value_counts() total_samples = len(df) category_percentages = (category_counts / total_samples) * 100 categories = list(category_percentages.index) percentage_labels = list(category_percentages) percentage_labels = [f'{num:.2f}%' for num in percentage_labels] fig = px.histogram(df, x='type_of_failure', category_orders={'type_of_failure': categories}) fig.update_traces(text=percentage_labels, textposition='auto') plot_path = save_plot(fig, 'question_one.png')"EDA Question 1 complete") return plot_path def question_two(df): category_counts = df['Type'].value_counts() total_samples = len(df) category_percentages = (category_counts / total_samples) * 100 categories = list(category_percentages.index) percentage_labels = list(category_percentages) percentage_labels = [f'{num:.2f}%' for num in percentage_labels] fig = px.histogram(df, x='Type', category_orders={'Type': categories}) fig.update_traces(text=percentage_labels, textposition='auto') plot_path = save_plot(fig, 'question_two.png')"EDA Question 2 complete") return plot_path def question_three(df): num_cols = ['Air temperature [K]', 'Process temperature [K]', 'Rotational speed [rpm]', 'Torque [Nm]', 'Tool wear [min]'] fig1 = make_subplots(rows=5, cols=1, subplot_titles=num_cols, vertical_spacing=0.04) for i, col in enumerate(num_cols): box_plot = go.Box(x=df[col], name=col) fig1.add_trace(box_plot, row=i+1, col=1) fig1.update_layout( title="Distribution of Numerical Features", height=1200, width=900, title_text="Box plots" ) plot_path1 = save_plot(fig1, 'question_three_boxplots.png') outlier_cols = ['Torque [Nm]', 'Rotational speed [rpm]'] fig2 = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, subplot_titles=outlier_cols, vertical_spacing=0.03) for i, col in enumerate(outlier_cols): box_plot = go.Histogram(x=df[col], name=col) fig2.add_trace(box_plot, row=1, col=i+1) fig2.update_layout( title='Distribution of Torque and Rotational speed', yaxis_title='Frequency', title_text="Histograms", width=900 ) plot_path2 = save_plot(fig2, 'question_three_histograms.png')"EDA Question 3 complete") return {'boxplots': plot_path1, 'histograms': plot_path2} def question_four(df): corr_matrix = df[['Air temperature [K]', 'Process temperature [K]', 'Rotational speed [rpm]', 'Torque [Nm]', 'Tool wear [min]', 'Machine failure']].corr() fig = px.imshow(corr_matrix, zmin=-1, zmax=1, text_auto=True) fig.update_layout( title='Correlation Matrix', height=600, width=800 ) plot_path = save_plot(fig, 'question_four_correlation_matrix.png') test_cols = ['Air temperature [K]','Process temperature [K]', 'Rotational speed [rpm]', 'Torque [Nm]','Tool wear [min]'] values = [] for col in test_cols: failed = df[df['Machine failure'] == 1][col] non_failed = df[df['Machine failure'] == 0][col] t, p = ttest_ind(failed, non_failed) values.append([t, p]) values = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=['test-statistic', 'p-value'], index=test_cols) alpha = 0.05 values['Hypothesis'] = values['p-value'].apply(lambda p: 'Reject null hypothesis' if p < alpha else 'Accept null hypothesis') value_path = Path(ARTIFACTS_DIR, 'question_four_ttest.json') values.to_json(value_path, orient='split')"EDA Question 4 complete") return {'correlation_matrix': plot_path, 'ttest': str(value_path)} def question_five(df): num_cols = ['Air temperature [K]','Process temperature [K]', 'Rotational speed [rpm]', 'Torque [Nm]','Tool wear [min]'] fig = make_subplots(rows=5, cols=1, subplot_titles=num_cols, vertical_spacing=0.03, horizontal_spacing=0.01) for i, col in enumerate(num_cols): violin_trace = go.Violin(x=df['Type'], y=df[col], name=col, box_visible=True, meanline_visible=True) fig.add_trace(violin_trace, row=i+1, col=1) fig.update_layout(height=2000, width=800, title_text="Subplots") plot_path = save_plot(fig, 'question_five_violin_plots.png')"EDA Question 5 complete") return plot_path def question_six(df): num_cols = ['Air temperature [K]', 'Process temperature [K]', 'Rotational speed [rpm]', 'Torque [Nm]', 'Tool wear [min]'] fig = make_subplots(rows=5, cols=5, shared_xaxes=True, shared_yaxes=True, vertical_spacing=0.02, horizontal_spacing=0.02) for i, col1 in enumerate(num_cols): for j, col2 in enumerate(num_cols): if i == j: fig.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=df[col1], name=col1, showlegend=False), row=i+1, col=j+1) else: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df[col2], y=df[col1], mode='markers', name=f'{col1} vs {col2}', showlegend=False, marker=dict(size=3)), row=i+1, col=j+1) fig.update_layout( title="Pair Plot of Continuous Variables", height=1200, width=1200, title_x=0.5 ) plot_path = save_plot(fig, 'question_six_pairplot.png')"EDA Question 6 complete") return plot_path # def question_seven(df): # df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date']) # df['Year'] = df['Date'].dt.year # failure_counts = df[df['Machine failure'] == 1].groupby('Year').size() # fig = px.line(failure_counts, x=failure_counts.index, y=failure_counts.values, title="Machine Failure Trend Over Time") # fig.update_xaxes(title="Year") # fig.update_yaxes(title="Failure Count") # plot_path = save_plot(fig, 'question_seven_trend.png') #"EDA Question 7 complete") # return plot_path def question_eight(df): num_cols = ['Air temperature [K]', 'Process temperature [K]', 'Rotational speed [rpm]', 'Torque [Nm]', 'Tool wear [min]'] fig = make_subplots(rows=len(num_cols), cols=1, subplot_titles=num_cols, vertical_spacing=0.03) for i, col in enumerate(num_cols): for product_type in df['Type'].unique(): data = df[df['Type'] == product_type][col] fig.add_trace(go.Box(y=data, name=product_type), row=i+1, col=1) fig.update_layout(height=1200, width=800, title="Distribution of Continuous Variables by Product Type") plot_path = save_plot(fig, 'question_eight_boxplots.png')"EDA Question 8 complete") return plot_path def question_nine(df): fig = px.scatter(df, x='Air temperature [K]', y='Machine failure', title="Machine Failure vs. Air Temperature") fig.update_yaxes(title="Machine Failure (1=Yes, 0=No)") plot_path = save_plot(fig, 'question_nine_scatter.png')"EDA Question 9 complete") return plot_path def get_eda_obj(): with open(Path(ARTIFACTS_DIR, 'eda.json'), 'r') as f: eda_json = json.load(f) return eda_json def run_eda(df): eda_results = {} df = setup(df) eda_results['question_one'] = question_one(df) eda_results['question_two'] = question_two(df) eda_results['question_three'] = question_three(df) eda_results['question_four'] = question_four(df) eda_results['question_five'] = question_five(df) eda_results['question_six'] = question_six(df) # eda_results['question_seven'] = question_seven(df) eda_results['question_eight'] = question_eight(df) eda_results['question_nine'] = question_nine(df) with open(Path(ARTIFACTS_DIR, 'eda.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(eda_results, f)"EDA completed and results saved") if __name__ == "__main__": df = pd.read_csv("notebooks/data/data.csv") run_eda(df)"EDA script executed successfully") import webbrowser from pathlib import Path ARTIFACTS_DIR = "artifacts/eda" def open_plot(filename): filepath = Path(ARTIFACTS_DIR, filename)'file://{filepath.absolute()}') # Example: Open the plot for question one open_plot('question_one.png')