from fastapi import FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel import joblib import pandas as pd # Create a FastAPI instance app = FastAPI() # Load the entire pipeline sep_pipeline = joblib.load('./RandomForestClassifier_pipeline.joblib') encoder = joblib.load('./encoder.joblib') # Define a FastAPI instance ML model input schema class PredictionInput(BaseModel): PRG: int PL: int PR: int SK: int TS: int M11: float BD2: float Age: int Insurance: int # Defining the root endpoint for the API @app.get("/") def index(): explanation = { 'message': "Welcome to the Sepsis Prediction App", 'description': "This API allows you to predict sepsis based on patient data.", } return explanation"/predict") def predict(PredictionInput: PredictionInput): df = pd.DataFrame([PredictionInput.model_dump()]) # Make predictions using the pipeline prediction = sep_pipeline.predict(df) encode = encoder.inverse_transform([prediction])[0] # Return the prediction return {'prediction': encode }