from fastapi import FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel import joblib import pandas as pd from fastapi import FastAPI,HTTPException import uvicorn # Create a FastAPI instance app = FastAPI() # Load the entire pipeline rfc_pipeline = joblib.load('./rfc_pipeline.joblib') encoder = joblib.load('./encoder.joblib') # Define a FastAPI instance ML model input schema class IncomePredictionInput(BaseModel): age: int gender: object education: object worker_class: object marital_status: object race: object is_hispanic: object employment_commitment: object employment_stat: int wage_per_hour: int working_week_per_year: int industry_code: int industry_code_main: object occupation_code: int occupation_code_main: object total_employed: int household_summary: object vet_benefit: int tax_status: object gains: int losses: int stocks_status: int citizenship: object importance_of_record: float class IncomePredictionOutput(BaseModel): income_prediction: str prediction_probability: float # Defining the root endpoint for the API @app.get("/") def index(): explanation = { 'message': "Welcome to the Income Iniquality Prediction App", 'description': "This API allows you to predict Income Iniquality based on Personal data.", } return explanation'/classify', response_model=IncomePredictionOutput) def income_classification(income: IncomePredictionInput): try: df = pd.DataFrame([income.model_dump()]) # Make predictions prediction = rfc_pipeline.predict(df) output = rfc_pipeline.predict_proba(df) prediction_result = "Income over $50K" if prediction[0] == 1 else "Income under $50K" return {"income_prediction": prediction_result, "prediction_probability": output[0][1]} except Exception as e: # Return error message and details if an exception occurs error_detail = str(e) raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"Error during classification: {error_detail}") if __name__ == '__main__':'main:app', reload=True)