import streamlit as st import as px import pandas as pd from module.load_data import data from module.dataset import create_data import as px from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, export_graphviz import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'seaborn-dark-palette') def grades(mark): if mark >= 0 and mark < 5: return 'U' elif mark >= 5 and mark < 9: return 'E' elif mark >= 9 and mark < 12: return 'D' elif mark >= 12 and mark < 15: return 'C' elif mark >= 15 and mark < 18: return 'B' else: return 'A' def segmentation(data:pd.DataFrame): df = data.copy() factor = pd.factorize(df.form) df['form'] = factor[0]; definition=factor[1] cols = [f'seq {i+1}' for i in range(6)] + ['age','form'] tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=31012020)[cols], df['gender']) export_graphviz(tree, out_file="images/", class_names=["Female", "Male"], feature_names=cols, impurity=False, filled=True,rounded=True) result = pd.DataFrame({"Feature":cols, "Gain":tree.feature_importances_}) return result def scatterplot(female=None, male=None, line_separator=None, x_axis=None, y_axis=None): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.scatter(female[x_axis], female[y_axis], marker='v', color='red', label="Girl", lw=1.2) plt.scatter(male[x_axis], male[y_axis], marker='o', color='blue', label="Boy",lw=1.2) plt.xlabel(x_axis); plt.ylabel(y_axis) plt.title("Decision line", fontweight="bold") for u in line_separator[0]: plt.vlines(line_separator[0], 0, female[y_axis].max(), color="black", linestyles="-.", lw=1.75) for v in line_separator[1] : plt.hlines(line_separator[1], -1, female[y_axis].max(), color="black", linestyles="dashed", lw=1.75) plt.legend(loc="best", frameon=True, fancybox=True, shadow=True, title="Gender") return fig df_trim = create_data(data) total_students = len(data) average_age = data.age.mean() gca1 = df_trim["trimester 1"].mean() gca2 = df_trim["trimester 2"].mean() gca3 = df_trim["trimester 3"].mean() annual_gca = (gca1+gca2+gca3)/3 evaluations = ['seq 1', 'seq 2','seq 3','seq 4','seq 5','seq 6'] sgca = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Male','Female'], index=evaluations) sgca['Male'] = data[data.gender == 'M'][evaluations].mean() sgca['Female'] = data[data.gender == 'F'][evaluations].mean() form_counts = data.form.value_counts() gender_counts = data.gender.value_counts() progression = sgca.diff() pass_or_fail =pd.DataFrame({seq:data[seq].apply(lambda x: 'Passed' if x >= 10.0 else 'Failed').value_counts().to_dict() for seq in evaluations}) student_grade = pd.DataFrame({seq:data[seq].apply(grades).value_counts().to_dict() for seq in evaluations}) ##print(student_grade) bar_polar = px.bar_polar(data_frame=sgca, r='Male', theta=sgca.index, color='Female', title='General Class Average (GCA) for each evaluation', barmode="overlay",width=1200, height=500) pie_form = px.pie(data_frame=form_counts, names=form_counts.index, values=form_counts, title="Form", hole=0.25, width=500, height=500) pie_gender = px.pie(data_frame=gender_counts, names=gender_counts.index, values=gender_counts, title="Gender", hole=0.25, width=500, height=500) feature_importances = segmentation(data) bar_feature_importance =, x="Feature", y="Gain", title="Feature importances bar", width=500) with open("images/") as f: dot_graph = female = data[data.gender == "F"] male = data[data.gender == "M"] def visualization(): placeholder1 = st.empty() with placeholder1.container(): kp1, kp2, kp3, kp4, kp5, kp6 = st.columns(6) kp1.metric( label= "**:red[👬 Total students]**", value = total_students, delta = "" ) kp2.metric( label= ":red[**⏳ Average age**]", value = f"{average_age:.2f}" , delta = "" ) kp3.metric( label=":red[**✍ GCA-trimester 1**]", value=f"{gca1:.2f}/20", delta = 0.0 ) kp4.metric( label=":red[**✍ GCA-trimester 2**]", value = f"{gca2:.2f}/20", delta = round(gca2-gca1, 3) ) kp5.metric( label =":red[**✍ GCA-trimester 3**]", value = f"{gca3:.2f}/20", delta = round(gca3-gca2, 3) ) kp6.metric( label =":red[**🎓 Annual-GCA**]", value = f"{annual_gca:.2f}/20", delta = "" ) placeholder2 = st.empty() with placeholder2.container(): col1, col2 = st.columns(2) col1.plotly_chart(pie_gender) col1.caption('**We represent the gender of students in form 6e-5e (francophone section one of the cameroonian education system).**') col2.plotly_chart(pie_form) col2.caption("""**We represent the number of students in each form 6e and 5e**. **NB**: **Cameroon have two sub-education systems one is a francophone and a second is an anglosaxone.** """) tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs([':orange[**Performance**]', ':orange[**Distribution**]', ':orange[**Miscelaneous**]']) with tab1: tab1.plotly_chart(bar_polar) tab1.caption("""We represent the general class average of students in each sequence. Colors bar shows the marks for female gender and bar polar also shows the marks for male gender.""") tab1.subheader('Progression') tab1.line_chart(progression) tab1.caption("""This chart shows a progression of students during the six evaluations. We just make a difference between the previous sequence and the next sequence. The x-axis represent a sequence and the y-axis represent the growth of students.""") tab1.subheader('Passed or Failed') col1, col2 = tab1.columns(2) col1.caption(':red[💃 passed or failed table 👉]') col1.dataframe(pass_or_fail) col1.caption(""" - In left: We got this table to compute the number of students that the mark is >10 (passed) or <10 (failed) for each sequence. - In right: We plot this table. The chart explains how a student make some effort to succeed a ICT course. - In general, we can appreciate the effort of the students in the form 6e and 5e for each evaluation. """) col2.bar_chart(pass_or_fail.T) tab1.subheader("Student grades") col3, col4 = tab1.columns(2) col3.caption(':red[💃 grades table 👉]') col3.dataframe(student_grade.fillna(0)) col3.caption(""" The student grade respect this decision: - U -> [0 - 5[; E -> [5 - 9[ - D -> [9 - 12[; C -> [12 - 15[ - B -> [15 - 18[; A -> [18 - 20[ """) col4.bar_chart(student_grade.T) col4.caption('This bar chart shows the number of student in each grade for each sequence.') with tab2: tab2.subheader('evaluation and age distribution') tab2.caption('Histogram') var1 = tab2.selectbox('Choose items', evaluations+['age'], key=6) fig1 = px.histogram(data_frame=data, x=var1, width=1200, height=500, opacity=0.75) tab2.plotly_chart(fig1) col1, col2 = tab2.columns(2) col1.caption('Boxplot'); col2.caption('Violin') var2 = col1.selectbox('Choose items', evaluations+['age'], key=7) var3 = col2.selectbox('Choose items', evaluations+['age'], key=8) col1.plotly_chart(, y=var2, width=500, height=500)) col2.plotly_chart(px.violin(data_frame=data, x=var3, width=500, height=500)) with tab3: st.subheader('Relation graph') container = tab3.empty() vcol1, vcol2, vcol3 = container.columns(3) trim1 = px.scatter(data_frame=df_trim, x="trimester 1", y="trimester 2", width=350, height=350,title="trimester 1 & 2") vcol1.plotly_chart(trim1) trim2 = px.scatter(data_frame=df_trim, x="trimester 2", y="trimester 3", width=350, height=350,title="trimester 3 & 2") vcol2.plotly_chart(trim2) trim3 = px.scatter(data_frame=df_trim, x="trimester 3", y="trimester 1", width=350, height=350,title="trimester 1 & 3") vcol3.plotly_chart(trim3) tab3.caption(""" The three charts shows the monotony of the relation function between the three trimesters. Each chart prove that the students for form 6e-5e francophone education systems at the Tebap college make considerably an effort to succeed an ICT's course. """) tab3.subheader('Supervised segmentation with tree') tab3.caption(""" In this section, we are making a supervised segmentation to segment the population of student into subgroups that have different values for the target gender. To find a subgroups, we are using a tree structured model. We cannot make a classification here because our dataset is just a size equal to 46. Let's go! 💂 """) block = tab3.empty() hcol1, hcol2 = block.columns(2) hcol1.caption('**Feature importance table**👉') hcol1.dataframe(feature_importances) hcol1.caption(""" The table shows the features that the tree structured model consider very importance for segmenting students population in to subgroups. """) hcol2.plotly_chart(bar_feature_importance) tab3.subheader('Dot graph') tab3.graphviz_chart(dot_graph) tab3.caption(""" Let's us interprete this graph. - node 0: the student that the mark in seq 6 <= 11.375 are female gender; the answer is False. In each node, we have a condition where the next node give an answers. Let's plot the line separating the region. """) bcol1, bcol2 = tab3.columns(2) var1 = bcol1.selectbox("Choose x-axis (line[i])", ['seq 1', "seq 2", "seq 4", "seq 6"]) var2 = bcol1.selectbox("Choose y-axis (line[i+1])", reversed(['seq 1', "seq 2", "seq 4", "seq 6"])) line1 = bcol2.multiselect("Line separator for x-axis", [1.25, 2.75, 3.125, 4.375,5.0, 5.625, 11.375,13.5]) line2 = bcol2.multiselect("Line separator for y-axis", [1.25, 2.75, 3.125, 4.375,5.0, 5.625, 11.375,13.5]) tab3.caption(""" We have eight lines line 1 (node 0) to line 8 (node 12). We start to line 1 and line 2. """) gplot = scatterplot(female, male, line_separator=[line1, line2], x_axis=var1, y_axis=var2) tab3.pyplot(gplot)