import streamlit as st from PIL import Image image_file = "images/massock.jpg" path_image = "images/SIPE_sketch.jpg" image = text1 = """ *I am a young Cameroonian named **Massock Batalong Maurice Blaise** with a *Masters in specialty Materials/ Mechanics option Mechanics at the University of YaoundΓ© I* and a *Master in Science Mathematics at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS-Cameroon)*. And holder of a *Certificate in Big Data Analytics with python issued by AIMS-Cameroon*. I am also a Kaggle Notebook & Discussion Expert.* - **LinkedIn**: Massock Batalong Maurice Blaise - **Email**: """ text2 = """ *This dashboard is one little part of my project :green[**Creation of Intelligent system for an Education Performance (ISEP)**].* """ text3 = """ To construct an intelligent system able to evaluate an educational performance of students of an establishment (school, secondary school, training center, university,...) given and to help respectively the teacher staff and the administrative staff to arrest well an evolution of school teaching of theirs students. Because in future, these students will be human ressources qualified able to releive the challenge and stakes of Africa in the domain such that education, health, water, energy, agriculture, infrastructure, etc ... """ def welcome(): placeholder = st.empty() with placeholder.container(): kp1, kp2, kp3, kp4, kp5 = st.columns(5) kp1.metric( label= "πŸ—“ **:red[School year]**", value = "2018-2019", delta = "" ) kp2.metric( label= "πŸ‘¨πŸŽ“ :red[**College**]", value = "Tebap", delta = "" ) kp3.metric( label="πŸ‘©πŸ« :red[**Form**]", value="6e-5e", delta = "" ) kp4.metric( label="πŸ› :red[**City**]", value="Yaounde", delta = "" ) kp5.metric( label="🏴 :red[**Country**] ", value = "Cameroon", delta = "" ) def about_me(): st.sidebar.image(image) st.sidebar.markdown(text1) st.sidebar.markdown(text2) st.sidebar.header("Abstract") st.sidebar.markdown(text3) st.sidebar.image(path_image)