import streamlit as st from import welcome, about_me from module.dataset import eda from module.load_data import data from module.data_viz import visualization import numpy as np from datetime import datetime global LOW, HIGH, SEQUENCE, RESET LOW = 10.0*np.ones((46,7)) HIGH = 20.0*np.ones((46,7)) SEQUENCE = ['seq 1','seq 2','seq 3','seq 4','seq 5','seq 6','average_marks'] RESET = True st.set_page_config( page_title="ICT Mark's Dashboard", page_icon="📢", layout="wide") st.title("📊 :red[ICT Mark's] Dashboard") welcome() about_me() date = f"{} {}:{}:{}" #page = st.selectbox('Select page:', ['Dataset','EDA', 'Data Viz']) tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(['**Dataset**','**EDA**', '**Data Viz**']) with tab1:"You select Dataset page at the {date}", icon="💂") col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) if col1.button(':orange[**highlight >10/20**]'): st.dataframe(, color="#fffd75", left=LOW, right=HIGH, subset=SEQUENCE), use_container_width=True) RESET = False if col2.button(':orange[**highlight max**]'): st.dataframe("green", subset=SEQUENCE), use_container_width=True) RESET = False if col3.button(':orange[**highlight min**]'): st.dataframe("red", subset=SEQUENCE), use_container_width=True) RESET = False if RESET: st.dataframe(data, use_container_width=True) if col4.button(':black[**reset**]'): st.dataframe(data, use_container_width=True) with st.expander("👁 Read more"): st.markdown(""" This dataset is an :red[ICT Mark's] data come from the evaluation of the Tebap students. The attributes are defined as follows: > 1. :orange[$seq_{i, i = (1,2,3,4,5,6)}$]: are the 6 sequences that Tebap student's had undergone during school year 2018-2019. > 2. :orange[age]: the age of the students. > 3. :orange[gender]: the gender of the students (M or F). > 4. :orange[form]: the class of students. > 5. :orange[average_marks]: the annual ICT mark's of each student. """) with tab2 :"You select EDA page at the {date}", icon="💂") st.header('Exploratory Data Analysis') eda() with tab3:"You select Data Viz page at the {date}", icon="💂") st.header('Visualization') visualization()