# Gradio App: Image to Story Generator This Gradio app allows you to upload an image, and it will generate a short story based on the image's content using image captioning. The generated story is then converted to audio using text-to-speech technology. You can both see the generated story and listen to it. # Demo - Launching the application ![01](https://github.com/SartajBhuvaji/Image-to-Story-Generator/assets/31826483/984ad132-14eb-4ddf-8e5a-33fe2a7c7b28) - Select an image and Upload ![02](https://github.com/SartajBhuvaji/Image-to-Story-Generator/assets/31826483/20ef38ee-562f-4cfa-9d64-3f01e85f231b) - Image ![beach (1)](https://github.com/SartajBhuvaji/Image-to-Story-Generator/assets/31826483/69a5b52b-c6dd-41cb-889b-486977ebf37c) - Download the audio story https://github.com/SartajBhuvaji/Image-to-Story-Generator/assets/31826483/1fe00f34-9716-4047-9b57-a7794524816a ## Features - Upload an image. - Generate a story based on the content of the image. - Listen to the generated story as an audio file. ## Usage 1. Clone this repository to your local machine. ```bash git clone https://github.com/SartajBhuvaji/Image-to-Story-Generator.git pip install -r requirements.txt python app.py ``` `Create a .env file and paste your HUGGINGFACE, OPEN AI API Keys (Check the dummy_env file)` `Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:7860 to access the app.` `Upload an image to the app and click "Generate Story." You will see the generated story and be able to listen to it as audio.` # Tech - HuggingFace - Image to Caption model - Chat GPT 3.5 LLM - Text-to-speech