""" Utilities for modeling """ def get_model_params( model_id: str, params: dict, ) -> dict: """ Set up a dictionary with model parameters named appropriately for Bedrock Parameters ---------- model_id : str Model name params : dict Inference parameters Returns ------- dict _description_ """ model_params = {} # name parameters based on the model id if model_id.startswith("amazon"): model_params = { "maxTokenCount": params["answer_length"], "stopSequences": params["stop_words"], "temperature": params["temperature"], "topP": params["top_p"], } elif model_id.startswith("anthropic"): model_params = { "max_tokens_to_sample": params["answer_length"], "stop_sequences": params["stop_words"], "temperature": params["temperature"], "top_p": params["top_p"], } elif model_id.startswith("ai21"): model_params = { "maxTokens": params["answer_length"], "stopSequences": params["stop_words"], "temperature": params["temperature"], "topP": params["top_p"], } return model_params