[ { "dataset": "cola", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 69.0, "origin_prompt": "Assess the following sentence and determine if it is grammatically correct. Respond with 'Acceptable' or 'Unacceptable':", "atk_acc": 14.0, "atk_prompt": "Assess the next sentence and decide if it is grammatically correct. Accommodate with 'Acceptable' or 'Unacceptable':", "transfer_ori_acc": 76.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 73.5 }, { "dataset": "cola", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 54.9, "origin_prompt": "As a tool for determining grammatical correctness, review the sentence and categorize its grammar as either 'acceptable' or 'unacceptable':", "atk_acc": 0.0, "atk_prompt": "Oj a toolbox for defines pronouns correcting, revisions the penalties and sorting its dictionary as either 'acceptable' or 'unacceptable':", "transfer_ori_acc": 78.5, "transfer_atk_acc": 19.5 }, { "dataset": "mrpc", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 67.16, "origin_prompt": "Are the meanings of the following pair of sentences the same? Answer with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", "atk_acc": 0.49, "atk_prompt": "Are the meanings of the following couple of sentences the same? Cope with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 73.5, "transfer_atk_acc": 74.0 }, { "dataset": "mrpc", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 39.46, "origin_prompt": "In the role of a textual comparison specialist, examine the given sentences and decide if they share the same meaning, responding with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", "atk_acc": 0.0, "atk_prompt": "About the role of a textual comparison specialist, examine the given judgements and decide if they exchanging the same meaning, responses with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 74.5, "transfer_atk_acc": 77.0 }, { "dataset": "qnli", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 30.5, "origin_prompt": "Review the given context and question, and decide if the context contains enough information to support the answer by selecting 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "atk_acc": 0.0, "atk_prompt": "Reconsidered the given context and question, and ascertain if the context comprises enough information to favour the answer by choices 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 63.5, "transfer_atk_acc": 72.5 }, { "dataset": "qnli", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 35.3, "origin_prompt": "As a language expert, assess if the given context entails the answer to the question and respond with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "atk_acc": 0.6, "atk_prompt": "As a language expert, weighed if the delivered framework translates the answer to the question and respondent with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 72.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 54.0 }, { "dataset": "qqp", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 23.9, "origin_prompt": "Can these two statements be considered equal in meaning? Answer with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", "atk_acc": 0.0, "atk_prompt": "Kan these two languages happen revisited equitable in signify? Meet with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 81.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 50.0 }, { "dataset": "qqp", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 16.9, "origin_prompt": "In the role of a question similarity analyzer, examine the meaning of the provided questions and decide if they are equivalent, answering with 'equivalent' for equivalent questions or 'not_equivalent' for different questions.", "atk_acc": 0.1, "atk_prompt": "Onto the role of a question similarity analyzer, consider the significance of the envisaged matters and identify if they are equivalent, answering with 'equivalent' for equivalent questions or 'not_equivalent' for many matters. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 82.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 81.5 }, { "dataset": "rte", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 47.65, "origin_prompt": "Please classify the relationship between the provided sentences as 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "atk_acc": 0.72, "atk_prompt": "Invite classed the coitus between the foreseen priors as 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "transfer_ori_acc": 80.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 76.5 }, { "dataset": "rte", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 48.01, "origin_prompt": "As an entailment identification system, examine the connection between the following sentences and respond with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "atk_acc": 0.0, "atk_prompt": "Because an entailment characterization regimes, considering the login between the following sentence and meet with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "transfer_ori_acc": 75.5, "transfer_atk_acc": 81.5 }, { "dataset": "sst2", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 53.9, "origin_prompt": "Please identify the emotional tone of this passage: 'positive' or 'negative'?", "atk_acc": 5.85, "atk_prompt": "Invited specify the affective tone of this pass: 'positive' or 'negative'? ", "transfer_ori_acc": 90.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 93.0 }, { "dataset": "sst2", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 42.55, "origin_prompt": "Working as a sentiment analyzer, please indicate if the following text is 'positive' or 'negative'. Classify:", "atk_acc": 3.21, "atk_prompt": "Working as a sentiment analyzer, please indicate if the following text is 'positive' or 'negative'. Ranked: ", "transfer_ori_acc": 92.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 95.0 }, { "dataset": "wnli", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 43.66, "origin_prompt": "Determine if the given pair of sentences displays entailment or not_entailment. Respond with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "atk_acc": 1.41, "atk_prompt": "Define if the given pair of priors exhibits entailment or not_entailment. Answers with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "transfer_ori_acc": 61.97183098591549, "transfer_atk_acc": 54.929577464788736 }, { "dataset": "wnli", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 43.66, "origin_prompt": "In your role as an entailment analysis tool, assess the relationship between the given sentences and classify it as 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "atk_acc": 0.0, "atk_prompt": "Onto your role as an entailment analysing tool, appraisals the relationship between the given condemnation and classed it as 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "transfer_ori_acc": 52.112676056338024, "transfer_atk_acc": 49.29577464788733 }, { "dataset": "mmlu", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 27.07, "origin_prompt": "For each multiple-choice question about {}, identify the correct answer by selecting 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", "atk_acc": 12.72, "atk_prompt": "Among all multiple-choice subject about {}, find the accurate answer by chooses 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 61.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 62.0 }, { "dataset": "mmlu", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 24.85, "origin_prompt": "As an expert in {}, respond to the following multiple-choice question by selecting 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", "atk_acc": 13.89, "atk_prompt": "As an expert in {}, answering to the following multiple-choice things by picking 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", "transfer_ori_acc": 61.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 62.0 } ]