[ { "dataset": "cola", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 85.9, "origin_prompt": "Determine if the grammar of the given sentence is 'Acceptable' or 'Unacceptable':", "atk_acc": 78.1, "atk_prompt": "Determinqe if the grmamar of the igven sentewnce is 'Acceptable' or 'Unacceptable':", "transfer_ori_acc": 75.5, "transfer_atk_acc": 77.0 }, { "dataset": "cola", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 86.1, "origin_prompt": "In your role as a grammar check tool, assess the following sentence and classify it as 'acceptable' if it is grammatically correct or 'unacceptable' if it is incorrect:", "atk_acc": 84.5, "atk_prompt": "In your role as a grammar check too, assess the following senttence and classify it as 'acceptable' if it is rgammatically correct or 'unacceptable' if it is incorroct:", "transfer_ori_acc": 77.5, "transfer_atk_acc": 77.0 }, { "dataset": "mrpc", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 87.25, "origin_prompt": "Can the given sentences be considered semantically identical? Please reply with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", "atk_acc": 83.58, "atk_prompt": "Can the given sentences be consiedred semantically idePntical? Plaese reply with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 76.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 75.5 }, { "dataset": "mrpc", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 88.73, "origin_prompt": "As a sentence similarity evaluator, analyze the provided sentences and indicate if their meanings are 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", "atk_acc": 81.13, "atk_prompt": "A a sentWnce sidmilarity evaluator, analyze the provAded sentences and idnicate if their meanVngs are 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 76.5, "transfer_atk_acc": 70.5 }, { "dataset": "qnli", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 94.0, "origin_prompt": "Given the question and context provided, determine if the answer can be inferred by choosing 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "atk_acc": 93.8, "atk_prompt": "Given the question and context provided, deermine if the answer can be inferred by choosing 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 69.5, "transfer_atk_acc": 72.5 }, { "dataset": "qnli", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 94.2, "origin_prompt": "As a semantic researcher, evaluate whether the provided context supports the answer to the question and choose 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "atk_acc": 93.3, "atk_prompt": "us a sAmantic researJcher, evZluate hwether the provided context suports the answer to the question and choose 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 77.5, "transfer_atk_acc": 67.5 }, { "dataset": "qqp", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 88.2, "origin_prompt": "Please indicate if the following pair of sentences share the same meaning by responding with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", "atk_acc": 87.4, "atk_prompt": "qPlease indicate if the folloing pair of senFences share the same meaning by resopnding with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 81.5, "transfer_atk_acc": 84.0 }, { "dataset": "qqp", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 88.5, "origin_prompt": "As a tool for determining question equivalence, review the questions and categorize their similarity as either 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", "atk_acc": 87.3, "atk_prompt": "As a tool for determining question equivalence, review the questions and ategorize their similvarity as eitehr 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 82.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 45.0 }, { "dataset": "rte", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 94.22, "origin_prompt": "Examine the pair of sentences and determine if they exhibit entailment or not_entailment. Answer with either 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "atk_acc": 92.06, "atk_prompt": "Examine the pir of sentencs and determine if they exxibit entailment or not_entailment. Answer with eitfer 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "transfer_ori_acc": 81.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 80.5 }, { "dataset": "rte", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 93.86, "origin_prompt": "As an instrument for entailment evaluation, consider the two sentences and determine if their relationship is 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. Respond with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "atk_acc": 92.78, "atk_prompt": "As an instrument for entailment evaluation, consider the two sentences and determine if their relationship is 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. Respodn with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "transfer_ori_acc": 81.5, "transfer_atk_acc": 80.0 }, { "dataset": "sst2", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 96.56, "origin_prompt": "Analyze the tone of this statement and respond with either 'positive' or 'negative':", "atk_acc": 95.64, "atk_prompt": "AnalyVe the tone of this statelent and resBond with etiher 'positive' or 'negative': ", "transfer_ori_acc": 90.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 90.0 }, { "dataset": "sst2", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 96.33, "origin_prompt": "As a sentiment classifier, determine whether the following text is 'positive' or 'negative'. Please classify:", "atk_acc": 95.76, "atk_prompt": "s a sentiment classifier, determine whether the following text is 'positive' or 'negative'. Please claSsify: ", "transfer_ori_acc": 90.5, "transfer_atk_acc": 90.5 }, { "dataset": "wnli", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 80.28, "origin_prompt": "Assess the connection between the following sentences and classify it as 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "atk_acc": 76.06, "atk_prompt": "Nssess the connection between the fnollowing sentences and classify it as 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "transfer_ori_acc": 52.112676056338024, "transfer_atk_acc": 49.29577464788733 }, { "dataset": "wnli", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 80.28, "origin_prompt": "Functioning as an entailment evaluation tool, analyze the provided sentences and decide if their relationship is 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "atk_acc": 76.06, "atk_prompt": "Functioning as an entailment ealuation tCol, aSalyze the provided sentences and decide if their relationship is 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "transfer_ori_acc": 49.29577464788733, "transfer_atk_acc": 57.74647887323944 }, { "dataset": "mmlu", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 52.84, "origin_prompt": "Please respond to the multiple-choice question about {} by selecting the appropriate answer: 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", "atk_acc": 51.95, "atk_prompt": "Pqlease respond to the multiple-choice question about {} by Aelecting the appropriate answer: 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 62.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 61.5 }, { "dataset": "mmlu", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 53.19, "origin_prompt": "As an expert in {}, respond to the following multiple-choice question by selecting 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", "atk_acc": 51.77, "atk_prompt": "As an exert in {}, respond to the following multiple-choice question by selecting 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", "transfer_ori_acc": 62.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 60.5 }, { "dataset": "squad_v2", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 90.05, "origin_prompt": "Please derive the most fitting answer from the context. If there isn't an answer in the context, respond with 'unanswerable'.", "atk_acc": 89.05, "atk_prompt": "Plase derive the most fitting answer from the contetx. If there isn't an answer in the conteSt, respond with 'unanswerable'.", "transfer_ori_acc": 68.45027050840893, "transfer_atk_acc": 68.72156340633228 }, { "dataset": "squad_v2", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 90.05, "origin_prompt": "As a well-informed specialist familiar with the context, provide an answer to the question. If the context doesn't contain an answer, reply with 'unanswerable'.", "atk_acc": 87.88, "atk_prompt": "Ads a wekl-informed specialist familiar with the context, provide an answer to the question. If the ocntext doesn't contain an answer, relpy with 'unanswerable'.", "transfer_ori_acc": 58.80837525432835, "transfer_atk_acc": 35.520137638475404 }, { "dataset": "iwslt", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 0.17, "origin_prompt": "Convert the following sentence from its original {} language to the target language {}:", "atk_acc": 0.16, "atk_prompt": "CUonvert the following sentence from its origlinal {} lagnuage to the tarSet language {}:", "transfer_ori_acc": 0.22288570596343285, "transfer_atk_acc": 0.2203175967642056 }, { "dataset": "iwslt", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 0.18, "origin_prompt": "Assuming the role of an expert language translator, translate the given text from {} to {}:", "atk_acc": 0.16, "atk_prompt": "ssuming the role of an expert langQuage transljator, translate the gdven tet from {} to {}: ", "transfer_ori_acc": 0.22369635127470414, "transfer_atk_acc": 0.223831916423337 }, { "dataset": "un_multi", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 0.32, "origin_prompt": "Please perform a translation of the given sentence, converting it from {} to {}:", "atk_acc": 0.31, "atk_prompt": "Palease perfor a translation of the given sentence, converting it from {} to {}:", "transfer_ori_acc": 0.3308107163812367, "transfer_atk_acc": 0.3313962450765871 }, { "dataset": "un_multi", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 0.32, "origin_prompt": "Assuming the responsibilities of a professional translator, translate the subsequent text passage from {} to {}:", "atk_acc": 0.26, "atk_prompt": "tssuming the responsibilities of a professional transator, translate the subsequent teIxt passVge from {} to {}: ", "transfer_ori_acc": 0.33441309859066953, "transfer_atk_acc": 0.33781121506041034 }, { "dataset": "math", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 14.37, "origin_prompt": "Determine the solution to this mathematical problem related to {}:", "atk_acc": 13.12, "atk_prompt": "Determine the solution to this matuhematical problem related to {}:", "transfer_ori_acc": 5.625, "transfer_atk_acc": 5.0 }, { "dataset": "math", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 15.0, "origin_prompt": "As a mathematics instructor, calculate the answer to the following problem related to {}:", "atk_acc": 12.5, "atk_prompt": "As a matShematics instrkuctor, calculate the answer to the following problem related to {}: ", "transfer_ori_acc": 5.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 5.0 } ]