[ { "dataset": "cola", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 77.5, "origin_prompt": "Assess the grammatical structure of the given sentence and classify it as 'Acceptable' or 'Unacceptable':", "atk_acc": 6.5, "atk_prompt": "As sess the garmmatical structure of the conferred sentence and classify it as 'Acceptable' or 'Unacceptable':", "transfer_ori_acc": 85.39999999999999, "transfer_atk_acc": 85.39999999999999 }, { "dataset": "cola", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 79.5, "origin_prompt": "While performing grammar analysis, classify the grammar of the following sentence as 'acceptable' for correct grammar or 'unacceptable' for incorrect grammar:", "atk_acc": 9.5, "atk_prompt": "While prforming grammar analyzing, classify the grammar of the follows sentеnce as 'acceptable' for correcting gammar or 'unacceptable' for incorrect ɡrammar:", "transfer_ori_acc": 86.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 85.9 }, { "dataset": "mrpc", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 75.0, "origin_prompt": "Evaluate whether the two provided sentences convey the same meaning by answering 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", "atk_acc": 67.5, "atk_prompt": "Evaluate wհether the both provided sentences convey the same meaninɡ by answeriոg 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 86.27450980392157, "transfer_atk_acc": 87.00980392156863 }, { "dataset": "mrpc", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 75.0, "origin_prompt": "In your capacity as a semantic assessment tool, evaluate the provided sentences and classify their meanings as 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", "atk_acc": 9.0, "atk_prompt": "In your capacities as a semɑntic assessment tool, evaluate the provdied penalties and classify their meaning as 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 83.33333333333334, "transfer_atk_acc": 84.06862745098039 }, { "dataset": "qnli", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 77.0, "origin_prompt": "Consider the context and question, and indicate if the answer can be logically deduced from the context by responding with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "atk_acc": 57.0, "atk_prompt": "Considеr the context and question, and idicate if the respond can be logically ԁeduced from the context by ⲅesponding with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 93.7, "transfer_atk_acc": 93.89999999999999 }, { "dataset": "qnli", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 78.5, "origin_prompt": "As a textual inference expert, analyze if the answer to the question can be deduced from the provided context and select 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "atk_acc": 20.0, "atk_prompt": "Because a textual inference expert, analysing if the answeⲅ to the question can be deduced from the providеd contex𝚝 and choosing 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 93.30000000000001, "transfer_atk_acc": 93.10000000000001 }, { "dataset": "qqp", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 81.5, "origin_prompt": "Assess whether the following statements are identical in meaning by answering 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", "atk_acc": 44.5, "atk_prompt": "Assess whether the following statements are analogous in maning by answeⲅing 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 87.7, "transfer_atk_acc": 88.0 }, { "dataset": "qqp", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 83.0, "origin_prompt": "As an instrument for question comparison evaluation, consider the questions and determine if their meaning is the same, responding with 'equivalent' for similar questions or 'not_equivalent' for different questions.", "atk_acc": 77.5, "atk_prompt": "As an instrument for problem comparison evɑluation, consider the ques𝚝ions and determine if their meaning is the same, respond with 'equivalent' for similar questiоns or 'not_equivalent' for different questions. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 88.3, "transfer_atk_acc": 88.5 }, { "dataset": "rte", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 83.0, "origin_prompt": "Are the following two sentences entailment or not_entailment? Answer me with \"entailment\" or \"not_entailment\", just one word.", "atk_acc": 78.5, "atk_prompt": "Be the following two sentences entailment or not_entailment? Answer me with \"entailment\" or \"not_entailment\", just one word. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 94.22382671480143, "transfer_atk_acc": 94.22382671480143 }, { "dataset": "rte", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 81.0, "origin_prompt": "Working as an entailment classifier, identify whether the given pair of sentences displays entailment or not_entailment. Respond with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "atk_acc": 74.5, "atk_prompt": "Working as an entailment classifier, detecting if the given torque of sentences displays entailment or not_entailment. Answering with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "transfer_ori_acc": 94.58483754512635, "transfer_atk_acc": 93.86281588447653 }, { "dataset": "sst2", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 90.0, "origin_prompt": "Review this statement and decide whether it has a 'positive' or 'negative' sentiment:", "atk_acc": 82.5, "atk_prompt": "Review this speeches and decide if it has a 'positive' or 'negative' sentiment: ", "transfer_ori_acc": 96.55963302752293, "transfer_atk_acc": 96.10091743119266 }, { "dataset": "sst2", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 93.5, "origin_prompt": "Acting as a sentiment evaluator, identify if the given sentence is 'positive' or 'negative'. Classify:", "atk_acc": 86.0, "atk_prompt": "Atcing as a sentiemnt evalua𝚝or, detecting if the given sentence is 'positive' or 'negative'. Classify: ", "transfer_ori_acc": 96.21559633027523, "transfer_atk_acc": 95.9862385321101 }, { "dataset": "wnli", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 67.61, "origin_prompt": "Examine the pair of sentences and determine if they exhibit entailment or not_entailment. Answer with either 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "atk_acc": 52.11, "atk_prompt": "Examine the paiⲅ of sentences and determines if they exhibit entailment or not_entailment. Answer with neither 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "transfer_ori_acc": 78.87323943661971, "transfer_atk_acc": 80.28169014084507 }, { "dataset": "wnli", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 60.56, "origin_prompt": "Working as an entailment classifier, identify whether the given pair of sentences displays entailment or not_entailment. Respond with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "atk_acc": 52.11, "atk_prompt": "Working as an entailment classifier, detects whether the given pair of sentences displays entailment or not_entailment. Answering with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "transfer_ori_acc": 80.28169014084507, "transfer_atk_acc": 78.87323943661971 }, { "dataset": "mmlu", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 62.5, "origin_prompt": "Regarding the following multiple-choice question on {}, pick the correct answer from the options 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", "atk_acc": 51.0, "atk_prompt": "Regarding the hereafter multiple-choice question on {}, piϲk the corrects answers from the options 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 52.304964539007095, "transfer_atk_acc": 52.836879432624116 }, { "dataset": "mmlu", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 62.5, "origin_prompt": "With your knowledge of {}, tackle the following multiple-choice question by choosing 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", "atk_acc": 57.5, "atk_prompt": "Witհ your knowledge of {}, confront the following multipⅼe-choice question by select 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", "transfer_ori_acc": 52.12765957446809, "transfer_atk_acc": 54.25531914893617 }, { "dataset": "squad_v2", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 69.27, "origin_prompt": "Based on the given context, provide the best possible answer. If there's no answer available in the context, respond with 'unanswerable'.", "atk_acc": 49.17, "atk_prompt": "Based on the given ambient, provide the nicest achievable answer. If there's no answer avaiⅼable in the context, respond with 'unanswerable'.", "transfer_ori_acc": 89.38229949874687, "transfer_atk_acc": 89.38229949874687 }, { "dataset": "squad_v2", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 64.85, "origin_prompt": "As an expert with a deep understanding of the context, find the best answer. If the context doesn't include an answer, say 'unanswerable'.", "atk_acc": 14.05, "atk_prompt": "As an expert with a deepest understanding of the context, found the nicest respond. Though the context doesn't incⅼude an answers, telling 'unanswerable'.", "transfer_ori_acc": 89.44479949874687, "transfer_atk_acc": 89.20836682222799 }, { "dataset": "iwslt", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 0.22, "origin_prompt": "Translate the provided sentence from {} to {} while maintaining the original meaning and context:", "atk_acc": 0.19, "atk_prompt": "Translate the provied punishments from {} to {} while maintaining the original meaning and context:", "transfer_ori_acc": 0.1697518407093131, "transfer_atk_acc": 0.17468116580134835 }, { "dataset": "iwslt", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 0.22, "origin_prompt": "Taking on the role of a certified translator, perform a translation of the given sentence from {} to {}:", "atk_acc": 0.03, "atk_prompt": "Pick on the role of a certified translation, fulfilling a translation of the yielded sentence from {} to {}: ", "transfer_ori_acc": 0.1727120569025014, "transfer_atk_acc": 0.1751877743047567 }, { "dataset": "un_multi", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 0.34, "origin_prompt": "Perform a machine translation for the provided sentence, changing it from {} to {}:", "atk_acc": 0.32, "atk_prompt": "Perform a typewriters translation for the provided sentence, altered it from {} to {}:", "transfer_ori_acc": 0.3102455120610509, "transfer_atk_acc": 0.31389089309916657 }, { "dataset": "un_multi", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 0.34, "origin_prompt": "While acting as an experienced language expert, translate the following text from {} to {}:", "atk_acc": 0.32, "atk_prompt": "Whilst acting as an experienced language expert, translate the following laws from {} to {}: ", "transfer_ori_acc": 0.3133010160127483, "transfer_atk_acc": 0.31174571065315043 }, { "dataset": "math", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 6.25, "origin_prompt": "Resolve the following mathematical question associated with {}:", "atk_acc": 3.75, "atk_prompt": "Solving the following mathematical question associɑted with {}:", "transfer_ori_acc": 14.374999999999998, "transfer_atk_acc": 14.374999999999998 }, { "dataset": "math", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 5.0, "origin_prompt": "In the position of a mathematics coach, figure out the answer to this math challenge involving {}:", "atk_acc": 1.25, "atk_prompt": "In the poste of a mathematical coach, figure out the replying to this math challenge involving {}: ", "transfer_ori_acc": 10.625, "transfer_atk_acc": 14.374999999999998 } ]