[ { "dataset": "cola", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 77.9, "origin_prompt": "Examine the given sentence and decide if it is grammatically sound. Answer with either 'Acceptable' or 'Unacceptable':", "atk_acc": 31.1, "atk_prompt": "Exapine the gievn sentene and dVecide if it is grammktically sound. Answer with either 'Acceptable' or 'Unacceptable':", "transfer_ori_acc": 50.0, "transfer_atk_acc": 54.1 }, { "dataset": "cola", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 76.3, "origin_prompt": "As an instrument for grammar evaluation, consider the sentence and determine if its grammar is correct, responding with 'acceptable' for correct grammar or 'unacceptable' for incorrect grammar:", "atk_acc": 36.5, "atk_prompt": "sA an instrument for grammar evaluatiJn, cnsider the setnence and deterbmine if its grmamar is crorect, reYponding with 'acceptable' for corect gramOar or 'unacceptable' for incorGect rgammar:", "transfer_ori_acc": 36.199999999999996, "transfer_atk_acc": 36.8 }, { "dataset": "mrpc", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 82.35, "origin_prompt": "Compare the following sentences and determine if they share the same semantic meaning by responding with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", "atk_acc": 76.96, "atk_prompt": "Compar the folhowing sentences and deWermine if they share the same semantic emaning by respondig with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 67.40196078431373, "transfer_atk_acc": 57.107843137254896 }, { "dataset": "mrpc", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 82.6, "origin_prompt": "In your capacity as a semantic comparison tool, examine the given sentences and decide if their meanings are identical, responding with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", "atk_acc": 62.25, "atk_prompt": "In your capacity as a seantic coGparison tolo, exaine the given esentences and decide if their meanings are identiacl, resYonding with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 64.2156862745098, "transfer_atk_acc": 14.950980392156863 }, { "dataset": "qnli", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 89.8, "origin_prompt": "Evaluate whether the given context supports the answer to the question by responding with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "atk_acc": 38.6, "atk_prompt": "Evlauate whyther the giGven cotext supporzs the answeQ to the quePtion by rseponding with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 26.5, "transfer_atk_acc": 17.2 }, { "dataset": "qnli", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 89.4, "origin_prompt": "As a semantic interpreter, assess whether the provided context supports the answer to the given question and answer with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'.", "atk_acc": 2.1, "atk_prompt": "sA a esmantic interpreter, aBssess whehter the proviedd contexYt spuports the answher to the gEven questin and answOr with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 8.7, "transfer_atk_acc": 8.6 }, { "dataset": "qqp", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 87.8, "origin_prompt": "Can these two statements be considered equal in meaning? Answer with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", "atk_acc": 59.8, "atk_prompt": "Can these tow statYements be cnosidered qeual in maening? AnsweI with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 22.900000000000002, "transfer_atk_acc": 17.2 }, { "dataset": "qqp", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 86.9, "origin_prompt": "Functioning as a question similarity evaluation tool, analyze the given questions and decide if they share the same meaning, responding with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'.", "atk_acc": 81.4, "atk_prompt": "Functioning as a question smiilarity eavluation toXl, analyze the givYen questions and decidae if they share the same meajning, responding with 'equivalent' or 'not_equivalent'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 14.6, "transfer_atk_acc": 10.4 }, { "dataset": "rte", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 86.64, "origin_prompt": "Are the following two sentences entailment or not_entailment? Answer me with \"entailment\" or \"not_entailment\", just one word.", "atk_acc": 81.95, "atk_prompt": "Aer the following two Ysentences entailment or not_entailment? nswer me with \"entailment\" or \"not_entailment\", just one word. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 27.075812274368232, "transfer_atk_acc": 14.079422382671481 }, { "dataset": "rte", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 84.84, "origin_prompt": "While performing entailment analysis, classify the relationship between the provided sentences as 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "atk_acc": 82.67, "atk_prompt": "While performing entailment analysis, cassify the reiationship between the proviLded sentences as 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "transfer_ori_acc": 23.104693140794225, "transfer_atk_acc": 18.4115523465704 }, { "dataset": "sst2", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 94.84, "origin_prompt": "Analyze the tone of this statement and respond with either 'positive' or 'negative':", "atk_acc": 94.04, "atk_prompt": "Analze the tone of this sattement and respond with either 'positive' or 'negative': ", "transfer_ori_acc": 47.935779816513765, "transfer_atk_acc": 47.706422018348626 }, { "dataset": "sst2", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 95.3, "origin_prompt": "Serving as a sentiment evaluation model, determine if the given statement is 'positive' or 'negative'. Classify:", "atk_acc": 64.91, "atk_prompt": "Servign as a sentimBnt envaluation model, Qetermine if the Iiven statemen is 'positive' or 'negative'. Classhfy: ", "transfer_ori_acc": 26.261467889908257, "transfer_atk_acc": 48.96788990825688 }, { "dataset": "wnli", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 66.2, "origin_prompt": "Are the following two sentences entailment or not_entailment? Answer me with \"entailment\" or \"not_entailment\", just one word.", "atk_acc": 60.56, "atk_prompt": "Are the follHwing Ntwo sentences entailment or not_entailment? Answer me with \"entailment\" or \"not_entailment\", just one wor. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 25.352112676056336, "transfer_atk_acc": 23.943661971830984 }, { "dataset": "wnli", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 66.2, "origin_prompt": "As an entailment identification system, examine the connection between the following sentences and respond with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "atk_acc": 57.75, "atk_prompt": "As an entailment identfiication zystem, examine the connection between the flolowing sentences and respond with 'entailment' or 'not_entailment':", "transfer_ori_acc": 43.66197183098591, "transfer_atk_acc": 38.028169014084504 }, { "dataset": "mmlu", "type": "task", "origin_acc": 45.74, "origin_prompt": "For each multiple-choice question about {}, identify the correct answer by selecting 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", "atk_acc": 42.2, "atk_prompt": "For each multiple-chotce question about {}, dentify the caorrect answedr by selccting 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'. ", "transfer_ori_acc": 22.69503546099291, "transfer_atk_acc": 19.326241134751772 }, { "dataset": "mmlu", "type": "role", "origin_acc": 44.86, "origin_prompt": "Utilizing your expertise in {}, answer the following multiple-choice question by picking 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", "atk_acc": 41.13, "atk_prompt": "Utilizing your expertise in {}, ansKer the following multiprle-choice question by ipcking 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'.", "transfer_ori_acc": 20.74468085106383, "transfer_atk_acc": 23.93617021276596 } ]