{ "title": "Mama Tattletail 300 epoch (RMVPE) (RVCV2) (Geneva Hodgson)", "author": { "name": "fredflinstoned", "discordUserId": "1023278814752677918" }, "md5": "eb2c180992edf643369703fcd4ce3aca", "uploadedAt": "2023-09-02T17:00:51.336Z", "weightsLink": "https://www.weights.gg/models/clmcbk1hy00uaws2fa33nyg63", "id": "clmcbk1hy00uaws2fa33nyg63", "type": "v2", "tags": [ "TTS / Realtime", "Fictional Character", "RVC v2" ], "description": "credit to my friend <@780760410944307200> for training this model for me,\nthe Tattletail family is complete.\nforgor the link lmao https://huggingface.co/C0ttontheBunny/MamaTattletail/resolve/main/MamaTattletail.zip", "samples": [], "files": [ { "name": "added_IVF46_Flat_nprobe_1_Mama_v2.index", "size": 5704299, "md5": "207aadacb25f6dcbc1758708d7e04d26" }, { "name": "trained_IVF46_Flat_nprobe_1_Mama_v2.index", "size": 141451, "md5": "dfc91ed131f61142f839d1862e19836a" }, { "name": "model.pth", "size": 57552078, "md5": "eb2c180992edf643369703fcd4ce3aca" } ], "torchMetadata": { "config": { "spec_channels": 1025, "segment_size": 32, "inter_channels": 192, "hidden_channels": 192, "filter_channels": 768, "n_heads": 2, "n_layers": 6, "kernel_size": 3, "p_dropout": 0, "resblock": "1", "resblock_kernel_sizes": [ 3, 7, 11 ], "resblock_dilation_sizes": [ [ 1, 3, 5 ], [ 1, 3, 5 ], [ 1, 3, 5 ] ], "upsample_rates": [ 12, 10, 2, 2 ], "upsample_initial_channel": 512, "upsample_kernel_sizes": [ 24, 20, 4, 4 ], "emb_channels": null, "spk_embed_dim": 109, "gin_channels": 256, "sr": 48000 }, "f0": 1, "version": "v2", "extra_info": { "config": [ 1025, 32, 192, 192, 768, 2, 6, 3, 0, "1", [ 3, 7, 11 ], [ [ 1, 3, 5 ], [ 1, 3, 5 ], [ 1, 3, 5 ] ], [ 12, 10, 2, 2 ], 512, [ 24, 20, 4, 4 ], 109, 256, 48000 ], "info": "150epoch", "sr": "48k", "f0": 1, "version": "v2" } }, "url": "https://huggingface.co/C0ttontheBunny/MamaTattletail/resolve/main/MamaTattletail.zip", "originalFileList": [ "Mama(Tattletail)/Mama.pth", "Mama(Tattletail)/added_IVF46_Flat_nprobe_1_Mama_v2.index", "Mama(Tattletail)/trained_IVF46_Flat_nprobe_1_Mama_v2.index" ] }