""" 版本管理、兼容推理及模型加载实现。 版本说明: 1. 版本号与github的release版本号对应,使用哪个release版本训练的模型即对应其版本号 2. 请在模型的config.json中显示声明版本号,添加一个字段"version" : "你的版本号" 特殊版本说明: 1.1.1-fix: 1.1.1版本训练的模型,但是在推理时使用dev的日语修复 2.2:当前版本 """ import torch import commons from text import cleaned_text_to_sequence, get_bert # from clap_wrapper import get_clap_audio_feature, get_clap_text_feature from text.cleaner import clean_text import utils import numpy as np from models import SynthesizerTrn from text.symbols import symbols from oldVersion.V210.models import SynthesizerTrn as V210SynthesizerTrn from oldVersion.V210.text import symbols as V210symbols from oldVersion.V200.models import SynthesizerTrn as V200SynthesizerTrn from oldVersion.V200.text import symbols as V200symbols from oldVersion.V111.models import SynthesizerTrn as V111SynthesizerTrn from oldVersion.V111.text import symbols as V111symbols from oldVersion.V110.models import SynthesizerTrn as V110SynthesizerTrn from oldVersion.V110.text import symbols as V110symbols from oldVersion.V101.models import SynthesizerTrn as V101SynthesizerTrn from oldVersion.V101.text import symbols as V101symbols from oldVersion import V111, V110, V101, V200, V210 # 当前版本信息 latest_version = "2.3" # 版本兼容 SynthesizerTrnMap = { "2.1": V210SynthesizerTrn, "2.0.2-fix": V200SynthesizerTrn, "2.0.1": V200SynthesizerTrn, "2.0": V200SynthesizerTrn, "1.1.1-fix": V111SynthesizerTrn, "1.1.1": V111SynthesizerTrn, "1.1": V110SynthesizerTrn, "1.1.0": V110SynthesizerTrn, "1.0.1": V101SynthesizerTrn, "1.0": V101SynthesizerTrn, "1.0.0": V101SynthesizerTrn, } symbolsMap = { "2.1": V210symbols, "2.0.2-fix": V200symbols, "2.0.1": V200symbols, "2.0": V200symbols, "1.1.1-fix": V111symbols, "1.1.1": V111symbols, "1.1": V110symbols, "1.1.0": V110symbols, "1.0.1": V101symbols, "1.0": V101symbols, "1.0.0": V101symbols, } # def get_emo_(reference_audio, emotion, sid): # emo = ( # torch.from_numpy(get_emo(reference_audio)) # if reference_audio and emotion == -1 # else torch.FloatTensor( # np.load(f"emo_clustering/{sid}/cluster_center_{emotion}.npy") # ) # ) # return emo def get_net_g(model_path: str, version: str, device: str, hps): if version != latest_version: net_g = SynthesizerTrnMap[version]( len(symbolsMap[version]), hps.data.filter_length // 2 + 1, hps.train.segment_size // hps.data.hop_length, n_speakers=hps.data.n_speakers, **hps.model, ).to(device) else: # 当前版本模型 net_g net_g = SynthesizerTrn( len(symbols), hps.data.filter_length // 2 + 1, hps.train.segment_size // hps.data.hop_length, n_speakers=hps.data.n_speakers, **hps.model, ).to(device) _ = net_g.eval() _ = utils.load_checkpoint(model_path, net_g, None, skip_optimizer=True) return net_g def get_text(text, language_str, hps, device, style_text=None, style_weight=0.7): style_text = None if style_text == "" else style_text # 在此处实现当前版本的get_text norm_text, phone, tone, word2ph = clean_text(text, language_str) phone, tone, language = cleaned_text_to_sequence(phone, tone, language_str) if hps.data.add_blank: phone = commons.intersperse(phone, 0) tone = commons.intersperse(tone, 0) language = commons.intersperse(language, 0) for i in range(len(word2ph)): word2ph[i] = word2ph[i] * 2 word2ph[0] += 1 bert_ori = get_bert( norm_text, word2ph, language_str, device, style_text, style_weight ) del word2ph assert bert_ori.shape[-1] == len(phone), phone if language_str == "ZH": bert = bert_ori ja_bert = torch.randn(1024, len(phone)) en_bert = torch.randn(1024, len(phone)) elif language_str == "JP": bert = torch.randn(1024, len(phone)) ja_bert = bert_ori en_bert = torch.randn(1024, len(phone)) elif language_str == "EN": bert = torch.randn(1024, len(phone)) ja_bert = torch.randn(1024, len(phone)) en_bert = bert_ori else: raise ValueError("language_str should be ZH, JP or EN") assert bert.shape[-1] == len( phone ), f"Bert seq len {bert.shape[-1]} != {len(phone)}" phone = torch.LongTensor(phone) tone = torch.LongTensor(tone) language = torch.LongTensor(language) return bert, ja_bert, en_bert, phone, tone, language def infer( text, emotion, sdp_ratio, noise_scale, noise_scale_w, length_scale, sid, language, hps, net_g, device, reference_audio=None, skip_start=False, skip_end=False, style_text=None, style_weight=0.7, ): bert, ja_bert, en_bert, phones, tones, lang_ids = get_text( text, language, hps, device, style_text=style_text, style_weight=style_weight, ) if skip_start: phones = phones[3:] tones = tones[3:] lang_ids = lang_ids[3:] bert = bert[:, 3:] ja_bert = ja_bert[:, 3:] en_bert = en_bert[:, 3:] if skip_end: phones = phones[:-2] tones = tones[:-2] lang_ids = lang_ids[:-2] bert = bert[:, :-2] ja_bert = ja_bert[:, :-2] en_bert = en_bert[:, :-2] with torch.no_grad(): x_tst = phones.to(device).unsqueeze(0) tones = tones.to(device).unsqueeze(0) lang_ids = lang_ids.to(device).unsqueeze(0) bert = bert.to(device).unsqueeze(0) ja_bert = ja_bert.to(device).unsqueeze(0) en_bert = en_bert.to(device).unsqueeze(0) x_tst_lengths = torch.LongTensor([phones.size(0)]).to(device) # emo = emo.to(device).unsqueeze(0) del phones speakers = torch.LongTensor([hps.data.spk2id[sid]]).to(device) audio = ( net_g.infer( x_tst, x_tst_lengths, speakers, tones, lang_ids, bert, ja_bert, en_bert, sdp_ratio=sdp_ratio, noise_scale=noise_scale, noise_scale_w=noise_scale_w, length_scale=length_scale, )[0][0, 0] .data.cpu() .float() .numpy() ) del ( x_tst, tones, lang_ids, bert, x_tst_lengths, speakers, ja_bert, en_bert, ) # , emo if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() return audio def infer_multilang( text, sdp_ratio, noise_scale, noise_scale_w, length_scale, sid, language, hps, net_g, device, reference_audio=None, emotion=None, skip_start=False, skip_end=False, ): bert, ja_bert, en_bert, phones, tones, lang_ids = [], [], [], [], [], [] # emo = get_emo_(reference_audio, emotion, sid) # if isinstance(reference_audio, np.ndarray): # emo = get_clap_audio_feature(reference_audio, device) # else: # emo = get_clap_text_feature(emotion, device) # emo = torch.squeeze(emo, dim=1) for idx, (txt, lang) in enumerate(zip(text, language)): _skip_start = (idx != 0) or (skip_start and idx == 0) _skip_end = (idx != len(language) - 1) or skip_end ( temp_bert, temp_ja_bert, temp_en_bert, temp_phones, temp_tones, temp_lang_ids, ) = get_text(txt, lang, hps, device) if _skip_start: temp_bert = temp_bert[:, 3:] temp_ja_bert = temp_ja_bert[:, 3:] temp_en_bert = temp_en_bert[:, 3:] temp_phones = temp_phones[3:] temp_tones = temp_tones[3:] temp_lang_ids = temp_lang_ids[3:] if _skip_end: temp_bert = temp_bert[:, :-2] temp_ja_bert = temp_ja_bert[:, :-2] temp_en_bert = temp_en_bert[:, :-2] temp_phones = temp_phones[:-2] temp_tones = temp_tones[:-2] temp_lang_ids = temp_lang_ids[:-2] bert.append(temp_bert) ja_bert.append(temp_ja_bert) en_bert.append(temp_en_bert) phones.append(temp_phones) tones.append(temp_tones) lang_ids.append(temp_lang_ids) bert = torch.concatenate(bert, dim=1) ja_bert = torch.concatenate(ja_bert, dim=1) en_bert = torch.concatenate(en_bert, dim=1) phones = torch.concatenate(phones, dim=0) tones = torch.concatenate(tones, dim=0) lang_ids = torch.concatenate(lang_ids, dim=0) with torch.no_grad(): x_tst = phones.to(device).unsqueeze(0) tones = tones.to(device).unsqueeze(0) lang_ids = lang_ids.to(device).unsqueeze(0) bert = bert.to(device).unsqueeze(0) ja_bert = ja_bert.to(device).unsqueeze(0) en_bert = en_bert.to(device).unsqueeze(0) # emo = emo.to(device).unsqueeze(0) x_tst_lengths = torch.LongTensor([phones.size(0)]).to(device) del phones speakers = torch.LongTensor([hps.data.spk2id[sid]]).to(device) audio = ( net_g.infer( x_tst, x_tst_lengths, speakers, tones, lang_ids, bert, ja_bert, en_bert, sdp_ratio=sdp_ratio, noise_scale=noise_scale, noise_scale_w=noise_scale_w, length_scale=length_scale, )[0][0, 0] .data.cpu() .float() .numpy() ) del ( x_tst, tones, lang_ids, bert, x_tst_lengths, speakers, ja_bert, en_bert, ) # , emo if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() return audio