import pandas as pd import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import seaborn as sns import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # State abbreviation to full name mapping state_mapping = { 'FL': 'Florida', 'CA': 'California', 'TX': 'Texas', 'GA': 'Georgia', 'NY': 'New York', 'IL': 'Illinois', 'PA': 'Pennsylvania', 'NC': 'North Carolina', 'NJ': 'New Jersey', 'MD': 'Maryland', 'VA': 'Virginia', 'OH': 'Ohio', 'MI': 'Michigan', 'SC': 'South Carolina', 'AZ': 'Arizona', 'TN': 'Tennessee', 'NV': 'Nevada', 'LA': 'Louisiana', 'AL': 'Alabama', 'MO': 'Missouri', 'MA': 'Massachusetts', 'IN': 'Indiana', 'AR': 'Arkansas', 'WA': 'Washington', 'CO': 'Colorado', 'MS': 'Mississippi', 'CT': 'Connecticut', 'MN': 'Minnesota', 'WI': 'Wisconsin', 'KY': 'Kentucky', 'UT': 'Utah', 'DE': 'Delaware', 'OR': 'Oregon', 'OK': 'Oklahoma', 'DC': 'District of Columbia', 'KS': 'Kansas', 'IA': 'Iowa', 'NM': 'New Mexico', 'NE': 'Nebraska', 'HI': 'Hawaii', 'RI': 'Rhode Island', 'ID': 'Idaho', 'WV': 'West Virginia', 'NH': 'New Hampshire', 'ME': 'Maine', 'MT': 'Montana', 'ND': 'North Dakota', 'AK': 'Alaska', 'SD': 'South Dakota', 'WY': 'Wyoming', 'VT': 'Vermont' # Removed territories and minor outlying islands not listed as states } # Function to plot top n most common categories def plot_top_n(df, column, title, n=5, palette_name=None): # Generate a color sequence from the seaborn palette color_sequence = sns.color_palette(palette_name, n_colors=n).as_hex() if palette_name else None # Get top n most common values in the specified column counts = df[column].value_counts().reset_index() counts.columns = [column, 'Count'] top_n = counts.head(n) # Create a horizontal bar plot with the seaborn color sequence and remove the legend fig =, y=column, x='Count', orientation='h', color=column, color_discrete_sequence=color_sequence) fig.update_layout(showlegend=False) return fig # 1. Plotting top 5 most common products def plot_top_5_products(df_new): # df_new = load_process_data(df) fig = plot_top_n(df_new, 'Product', 'Top 5 Most Common Products') return fig # 2. Plotting Top 5 common issues def plot_top_5_issues(df_new): # df_new = load_process_data(df) fig = plot_top_n(df_new, 'Issue', 'Top 5 Most Common Issues', palette_name='plasma') return fig # 3. Plotting top 5 issues in each product category def plot_top_5_issues_in_product(df_new): # Step 1: Group data by 'Product' and 'Issue', then count occurrences grouped_data = df_new.groupby(['Product', 'Issue']).size().reset_index(name='Count') # Calculate total issues per product for ordering total_issues_per_product = grouped_data.groupby('Product')['Count'].sum().reset_index(name='TotalIssues') # Sort products by total issues in descending order sorted_products = total_issues_per_product.sort_values('TotalIssues', ascending=False) # Step 2: Get top 5 issues for each product sorted by 'Count' in descending order top_issues_per_product = (grouped_data.groupby('Product', as_index=False) .apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(5, 'Count')) .reset_index(drop=True)) # Merge to get the order column (TotalIssues) in top_issues_per_product for sorting top_issues_per_product = top_issues_per_product.merge(sorted_products, on='Product') # Sort top_issues_per_product DataFrame based on TotalIssues column to ensure the plot respects this order top_issues_per_product = top_issues_per_product.sort_values(by=['TotalIssues', 'Count'], ascending=[False, False]) # Step 3: Create a vertical stacked bar chart fig =, x='Product', y='Count', color='Issue', labels={'Count': 'Number of Complaints'}, category_orders={'Product': sorted_products['Product'].tolist()}) # Explicitly set the order of products # Update layout to remove legend and adjust dimensions for clarity fig.update_layout(showlegend=False, width=900, height=600) return fig # 4.Companies with the Most Complaints in 2023 def plot_top_10_companies_complaints(df_new): # Filter data for the year 2023 df_2023 = df_new[df_new['Date received'].dt.year == 2023] # Group data by company name and count the number of complaints for each company company_complaint_counts = df_2023['Company'].value_counts() top_n = 10 # Ensure the companies are sorted in ascending order for correct plotting top_companies = company_complaint_counts.head(top_n).sort_values(ascending=True) # Create a horizontal bar chart using Plotly Express with a nicer color scale fig = x=top_companies.values, y=top_companies.index, orientation='h', color=top_companies.values, # This assigns a color based on the value color_continuous_scale=[(0.0, "green"), (0.05, "yellow"), (1.0, "red")], # This is an example of a nice color scale labels={'x': 'Number of Complaints', 'y': 'Company'} ) fig.update_layout( xaxis=dict( title='Number of Complaints', ), yaxis=dict( tickfont=dict(size=10), ), height=500, width=800, ) # To display a color bar, showing the mapping of colors to values fig.update_layout(coloraxis_showscale=False) return fig # 5. Top 10 States with the Most Complaints def plot_top_10_states_most_complaints(df_new): # Assuming df_new is your DataFrame and 'State' contains the abbreviations # Map state abbreviations to full names df_new['State Name'] = df_new['State'].map(state_mapping) # Calculate complaint counts by state state_complaint_counts = df_new['State Name'].value_counts() # Get top 10 states with the most complaint counts top_n = 10 top_states = state_complaint_counts.head(top_n) # Create a horizontal bar chart using Plotly Express with a nice color scale fig = x=top_states.values, y=top_states.index, orientation='h', color=top_states.values, # Assign color based on values color_continuous_scale='Turbo', # A nice color scale labels={'x': 'Number of Complaints', 'y': 'State'}, category_orders={'y': top_states.index.tolist()} ) fig.update_layout( yaxis=dict( tickfont=dict(size=10), ), xaxis=dict( tickangle=0, ), height=500, width=900, ) # To display a color bar, showing the mapping of colors to values fig.update_layout(coloraxis_showscale=False) return fig # 6. Top 10 States with the Least Complaints def plot_top_10_states_least_complaints(df_new): # Map state abbreviations to full names df_new['State Name'] = df_new['State'].map(state_mapping) # Calculate complaint counts by state state_complaint_counts = df_new['State Name'].value_counts() # Get top 10 states with the most complaint counts top_n = 10 top_states = state_complaint_counts.tail(top_n) # Create a horizontal bar chart using Plotly Express with a nice color scale fig = x=top_states.values, y=top_states.index, orientation='h', color=top_states.values, # Assign color based on values color_continuous_scale='Temps', # A nice color scale labels={'x': 'Number of Complaints', 'y': 'State'}, category_orders={'x': top_states.index.tolist()} ) fig.update_layout( yaxis=dict( tickfont=dict(size=10), ), xaxis=dict( tickangle=0, ), height=500, width=900, ) # To display a color bar, showing the mapping of colors to values fig.update_layout(coloraxis_showscale=False) return fig # 7. Number of Complaints by Year def complaints_by_year(df_new): monthly_complaints = df_new.copy() monthly_complaints = monthly_complaints[monthly_complaints['Date received'].dt.year != 2024] monthly_complaints['MonthYear'] = monthly_complaints['Date received'].dt.to_period('M').astype(str) monthly_complaints = monthly_complaints.groupby('MonthYear').size().reset_index(name = "NumComplaints") fig = px.line(monthly_complaints, x='MonthYear', y='NumComplaints', labels={'MonthYear': 'Year', 'NumComplaints': 'Number of Complaints'}) fig.update_layout( width=900, height=400 ) return fig # 8. Number of Complaints by State def complaints_across_states(df_new): df_2023 = df_new[df_new['Date received'].dt.year == 2023] state_complaints = df_2023.groupby('State').size().reset_index(name='Num_complaints') state_complaints['Full_state_name'] = state_complaints['State'].apply(lambda x : state_mapping[x] if x in state_mapping else x) fig = px.choropleth(state_complaints, locations='State', locationmode='USA-states', color='Num_complaints', color_continuous_scale='Inferno', scope="usa", hover_name='Full_state_name') fig.add_scattergeo( locations=state_complaints['State'], ###codes for states, locationmode='USA-states', text=state_complaints['State'], mode='text', hoverinfo='skip', textfont=dict(size = 8.5,color='white')) fig.update_layout( autosize = True, geo=dict( landcolor='rgb(217, 217, 217)', lakecolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)', bgcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)' ), paper_bgcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)', margin={"r":0,"t":50,"l":0,"b":0}, width=1000, height=400 ) return fig