import json import numpy as np import treegraph as tg import colorama from colorama import Fore import networkx as nx import utils import re import logger as lg DEBUG = True INPUT_COLOR = Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX DEBUG_COLOR = Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX OUTPUT_COLOR = Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX INFO_COLOR = Fore.BLUE HELP_COLOR = Fore.CYAN def print_debug(*args, color=DEBUG_COLOR): """ Prints debug messages if DEBUG is set to True. """ if DEBUG: for arg in args: print(color + str(arg)) class ReportInterface: def __init__( self, llm: utils.LLM, system_prompt: str, tree_graph: nx.Graph, nodes_dict: dict[str, tg.Node], api_key: str = None, ): self.llm = llm self.system_prompt = system_prompt self.tree_graph = tree_graph self.nodes_dict = nodes_dict self.api_key = api_key def build(self): utils.set_api_key(self.api_key) self.system_prompt = utils.make_message("system", self.system_prompt) self.visitable_nodes = self._get_visitable_nodes() self.report_dict = self._get_report_dict() self.active_node: tg.Node = self.nodes_dict["root"] self.unique_visited_nodes = set() # set of nodes visited self.node_journey = [] # list of nodes visited self.distance_travelled = 0 # number of edges travelled self.jumps = 0 # number of jumps self.jump_lengths = [] # list of jump lengths self.counter = 0 # number of questions asked colorama.init(autoreset=True) # to reset the color after each print statement self.help_message = f"""You are presented with a Knee MRI. You are asked to fill out a radiology report. Please only report the findings in the MRI. Please mention your findings with the corresponding anatomical structures. There are {len(self.visitable_nodes.keys())} visitable nodes in the tree. You must visit as many nodes as possible, while avoiding too many jumps.""" def _get_visitable_nodes(self): return dict( zip( [ for node in self.tree_graph.nodes if != "root" and node.has_children() is False ], [ node for node in self.tree_graph.nodes if != "root" and node.has_children() is False ], ) ) def _get_report_dict(self): return { tg.Node(, "", node.children) for node in self.visitable_nodes.values() } @utils.debug(DEBUG, print_debug) def _check_question_validity( self, question: str, ): # let's ask the question from the model and check if it's valid template_json = json.dumps( {key: node.value for key, node in self.visitable_nodes.items()}, indent=4, ) q = f"""the following is a Knee MRI report "template" in a JSON format with keys and values. You are given a "finding" phrase from a radiologist. Match as best as possible the "finding" with one of keys in the "template". {question} "available": [Is the "finding" relevant to any key in the "template"? say "yes" or "no". Make sure the "finding" is relevant to Knee MRI and knee anatomy otherwise say 'no'. Do not answer irrelevant phrases.] "node": [if the above answer is 'yes', write only the KEY of the most relevant node to the "finding". otherwise, say 'none'.] """ keys = ["available", "node"] prompt = [self.system_prompt] + [ utils.make_question(utils.JSON_TEMPLATE, question=q, keys=keys) ] response = self.llm(prompt) print_debug( prompt, response, ) available = utils.json2dict(response)["available"].strip().lower() node = utils.json2dict(response)["node"] return available, node def _update_node(self, node_name, findings): self.report_dict[node_name].value += str(findings) + "\n" response = f"Updated node '{node_name}' with finding '{findings}'" print(OUTPUT_COLOR + response) return response def save_report(self, filename: str): # convert performance metrics to json metrics = { "distance_travelled": self.distance_travelled, "jumps": self.jumps, "jump_lengths": self.jump_lengths, "unique_visited_nodes": [ for node in self.unique_visited_nodes], "node_journey": [ for node in self.node_journey], "report": { node_name: node.value for node_name, node in self.report_dict.items() }, } # save the report with open(filename, "w") as file: json.dump(metrics, file, indent=4) def prime_model(self): """ Primes the model with the system prompt. """ q = "Are you ready to begin?\nSay 'yes' or 'no'." keys = ["answer"] response = self.llm( [ self.system_prompt, utils.make_question(utils.JSON_TEMPLATE, question=q, keys=keys), ], ) print_debug(q, response) if utils.json2dict(response)["answer"].lower() == "yes": print(INFO_COLOR + "The model is ready.") return True else: print(INFO_COLOR + "The model is not ready.") return False def performance_summary(self): # print out the summary info print(INFO_COLOR + "Performance Summary:") print( INFO_COLOR + f"Total distance travelled: {self.distance_travelled} edge(s)" ) print(INFO_COLOR + f"Jump lengths: {self.jump_lengths}") print(INFO_COLOR + f"Jump lengths mean: {np.mean(self.jump_lengths):.1f}") print(INFO_COLOR + f"Jump lengths SD: {np.std(self.jump_lengths):.1f}") print(INFO_COLOR + f"Nodes visited in order: {self.node_journey}") print(INFO_COLOR + f"Unique nodes visited: {self.unique_visited_nodes}") print( INFO_COLOR + f"You have explored {len(self.unique_visited_nodes)/len(self.visitable_nodes):.1%} ({len(self.unique_visited_nodes)}/{len(self.visitable_nodes)}) of the tree." ) print_debug("\n") print_debug("Report Summary:".rjust(20)) for name, node in self.report_dict.items(): if node.value != "": print_debug(f"{name}: {node.value}") print(INFO_COLOR + f"total cost: ${self.llm.cost:.4f}") print(INFO_COLOR + f"total tokens used: {self.llm.token_counter}") def get_stats(self): report_string = "" for name, node in self.report_dict.items(): if node.value != "": report_string += f"{name}: <{node.value}> \n" return { "Lengths travelled": self.distance_travelled, "Number of jumps": self.jumps, "Jump lengths": self.jump_lengths, "Unique nodes visited": [ for node in self.unique_visited_nodes], "Visited Nodes": [ for node in self.node_journey], "Report": report_string, } def visualize_tree(self, **kwargs): tg.visualize_graph(tg.from_list(self.node_journey), self.tree_graph, **kwargs) def get_plot(self, **kwargs): return tg.get_graph(tg.from_list(self.node_journey), self.tree_graph, **kwargs) def process_input(self, input_text: str): res = "n/a" try: finding = input_text if finding.strip().lower() == "quit": print(INFO_COLOR + "Exiting...") return "quit" elif finding.strip().lower() == "help": return "help" available, node = self._check_question_validity(finding) if available != "yes": print( OUTPUT_COLOR + "Could not find a relevant node.\nWrite more clearly and provide more details." ) return "n/a" if node not in self.visitable_nodes.keys(): print( OUTPUT_COLOR + "Could not find a relevant node.\nWrite more clearly and provide more details." ) return "n/a" else: # modify the tree to update the node with findings res = self._update_node(node, finding) print( INFO_COLOR + f"jumping from node '{self.active_node}' to node '{node}'..." ) distance = tg.num_edges_between_nodes( self.tree_graph, self.active_node, self.nodes_dict[node] ) print(INFO_COLOR + f"distance travelled: {distance} edge(s)") self.active_node = self.nodes_dict[node] self.jumps += 1 self.jump_lengths.append(distance) self.distance_travelled += distance if != "root": self.unique_visited_nodes.add(self.active_node) self.node_journey.append(self.active_node) except Exception as ex: print_debug(ex, color=Fore.LIGHTRED_EX) return "exception" self.counter += 1 try: self.performance_summary() except Exception as ex: print_debug(ex, color=Fore.LIGHTRED_EX) return res class ReportChecklistInterface: def __init__( self, llm: utils.LLM, system_prompt: str, graph: nx.Graph, nodes_dict: dict[str, tg.Node], api_key: str = None, logger: lg.Logger = None, username: str = None, ): self.llm = llm self.system_prompt = system_prompt self.tree_graph: nx.Graph = graph self.nodes_dict = nodes_dict self.api_key = api_key self.logger = logger self.username = username def build(self): utils.set_api_key(self.api_key) self.system_prompt = utils.make_message("system", self.system_prompt) self.visitable_nodes = self._get_visitable_nodes() colorama.init(autoreset=True) # to reset the color after each print statement self.help_message = f"""You are presented with a Knee MRI. You are asked to fill out a radiology report. Please only report the findings in the MRI. Please mention your findings with the corresponding anatomical structures. There are {len(self.visitable_nodes.keys())} visitable nodes in the tree.""" def _get_visitable_nodes(self): return dict( zip( [ for node in self.tree_graph.nodes if != "root" and node.has_children() is False ], [ node for node in self.tree_graph.nodes if != "root" and node.has_children() is False ], ) ) @utils.debug(DEBUG, print_debug) def _check_report( self, report: str, ): # let's ask the question from the model and check if it's valid checklist_json = json.dumps( {key: node.value for key, node in self.visitable_nodes.items()}, indent=4, ) q = f"""the following is a Knee MRI "checklist" in JSON format with keys as items and values as findings: A knee MRI "report" is also provided in raw text format written by a radiologist: {checklist_json} {report} Your task is to find all the corresponding items from the "checklist" in the "report" and fill out a JSON with the same keys as the "checklist" but extract the corresponding values from the "report". If a key is not found in the "report", please set the value to "n/a", otherwise set it to the corresponding finding from the "report". You must check the "report" phrases one by one and find a corresponding key(s) for EACH phrase in the "report" from the "checklist" and fill out the "report_checked" JSON. Try to fill out as many items as possible. ALL of the items in the "checklist" must be filled out. Don't generate findings that are not present in the "report" (new findings). Be comprehensive and don't miss any findings that are present in the "report". Watch out for encompassing terms (e.g., "cruciate ligaments" means both "ACL" and "PCL"). "thought_process": [Think in steps on how you would do this task.] "report_ckecked" : [a JSON with the same keys as the "checklist" but take the values from the "report", as described above.] """ keys = ["thought_process", "report_checked"] prompt = [self.system_prompt] + [ utils.make_question(utils.JSON_TEMPLATE, question=q, keys=keys) ] response = self.llm(prompt) print_debug( prompt, response, ) if self.logger: # set name to class name self.logger( name=self.__class__.__name__, message=f"prompt: {prompt}\nresponse: {response}", ) report_checked = utils.json2dict(response) return report_checked["report_checked"] def prime_model(self): """ Primes the model with the system prompt. """ q = "Are you ready to begin?\nSay 'yes' or 'no'." keys = ["answer"] response = self.llm( [ self.system_prompt, utils.make_question(utils.JSON_TEMPLATE, question=q, keys=keys), ], ) print_debug(q, response) if utils.json2dict(response)["answer"].lower() == "yes": print(INFO_COLOR + "The model is ready.") return True else: print(INFO_COLOR + "The model is not ready.") return False def process_input(self, input_text: str): try: report = input_text if self.logger: self.logger(self.username, f"report: {report}") if report.strip().lower() == "quit": print(INFO_COLOR + "Exiting...") if self.logger: self.logger(self.username, "Exiting...") return "quit" elif report.strip().lower() == "help": if self.logger: self.logger(self.username, "Help") return "help" checked_report: dict = self._check_report(report) # make a string of the report # replace true with [checkmark emoji] and false with [cross emoji] report_string = "" CHECKMARK = "\u2705" CROSS = "\u274C" # we need a regex to convert the camelCase keys to a readable format def camel2readable(camel: str): string = re.sub("([a-z])([A-Z])", r"\1 \2", camel) # captialize every word string = " ".join([word.capitalize() for word in string.split()]) return string for key, value in checked_report.items(): if str(value).lower() == "n/a": report_string += f"{camel2readable(key)}: {CROSS}\n" else: report_string += f"{camel2readable(key)}: <{value}> {CHECKMARK}\n" portion_visited: float = report_string.count(CHECKMARK) / len( checked_report.keys() ) report_string += f"Portion of the checklist visited: {portion_visited:.1%}" if self.logger: self.logger(self.__class__.__name__, report_string) return report_string except Exception as ex: print_debug(ex, color=Fore.LIGHTRED_EX) if self.logger: self.logger(self.__class__.__name__, "Exception: " + ex) return "exception"