import streamlit as st from model import predictor import audiobot import chatbot import os def run(): os.environ['TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM'] = 'false' st.set_page_config( page_title='Visual Question Answering - Bot', page_icon=':robot:', layout='wide' ) st.session_state['predictor'] = predictor.Predictor() st.sidebar.title('VQA Bot') st.sidebar.write(''' VQA Bot addresses the challenge of visual question answering with the chat and voice assistance. Here, we merged Vision transformer and Language generator with the audio transformer. We pretrained and finetuned our model on Language and Audio transformer to get the desired result. Please use the radio buttons below to navigate. ''') selected_page ='', ('VQA Chatbot', 'VQA Audiobot')) if selected_page == 'VQA Chatbot': elif selected_page == 'VQA Audiobot': st.sidebar.write( 'Madhuri Sakhare: [Hugging Face](', '[Github](' ) run()