from turtle import width import streamlit as st from PIL import Image from bokeh.models.widgets import Button from bokeh.models import CustomJS from st_clickable_images import clickable_images from streamlit_bokeh_events import streamlit_bokeh_events from bokeh.models.widgets.buttons import Button import time from os.path import * from os import listdir import base64 def update_gallery_images(): if 'gallery' not in st.session_state: = [] st.session_state.gallery_images = [] image_path = join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), 'images') for f in listdir(image_path): if f.startswith('image'): with open(join(image_path, f), "rb") as image: encoded = base64.b64encode( f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{encoded}") st.session_state.gallery_images.append(join(image_path, f)) def upload_image_callback(): st.session_state.uploaded_image = st.session_state.uploader st.session_state.input = '' def show(): st.session_state.audio_answer = '' st.title('Welcome to Visual Question Answering - Audiobot') st.markdown('''

Hi, I am a Visual Audiobot, capable of answering a sequence of questions about images. Please upload image and fire away!

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) update_gallery_images() if 'gallery' in st.session_state: clicked = clickable_images(, titles=[f"Image #{str(i)}" for i in range(2)], div_style={"display": "flex", "justify-content": "center", "flex-wrap": "wrap"}, img_style={"margin": "5px", "height": "100px"}, ) if 'clicked' not in st.session_state or st.session_state.clicked != clicked: st.session_state.uploaded_image = st.session_state.gallery_images[clicked] st.session_state.clicked = clicked st.session_state.input = '' weights = [5, 2] image_col, audio_col = st.columns(weights) with image_col: st.file_uploader('Select an image...', type=[ 'jpg', 'jpeg'], accept_multiple_files=False, on_change=upload_image_callback, key='uploader') if st.session_state.uploaded_image is not None: st.session_state.image = st.image(st.session_state.uploaded_image, use_column_width='always') else: st.session_state.image = None st.session_state.input = '' st.session_state.audio_answer = '' with audio_col: welcome_text = 'Hello and Welcome. I have been trained as visual question answering model. You are welcome to look at any image and ask me any questions about it. I will do my best to provide the most accurate information possible based on my expertise. Select an image of interest by pressing the browse files button. Now use the Ask question button to ask a question. Please feel free to ask me any questions about this image. Now. to get my answer. press the Get answer button.' welcome_button = Button(label='About Me', width=100) welcome_button.js_on_event('button_click', CustomJS(code=f''' var u = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); u.text = '{welcome_text}'; u.lang = 'en-US'; speechSynthesis.speak(u); ''')) st.bokeh_chart(welcome_button) # Speech recognition based in streamlit based on # stt_button = Button(label='Ask Question', width=100) stt_button.js_on_event('button_click', CustomJS(code=""" var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition(); recognition.continuous = false; recognition.interimResults = false; recognition.onresult = function (e) { var value = ''; for (var i = e.resultIndex; i < e.results.length; ++i) { if (e.results[i].isFinal) { value += e.results[i][0].transcript; } } if ( value != '' ) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('GET_TEXT', {detail: value})); } } recognition.start(); """)) result = streamlit_bokeh_events( stt_button, events='GET_TEXT', key='stt_listen', refresh_on_update=False, override_height=40, debounce_time=0) if result: if 'GET_TEXT' in result: if 'question' not in st.session_state or st.session_state.question != result.get('GET_TEXT'): st.session_state['question'] = result.get('GET_TEXT') with st.spinner('Preparing answer...'): while 'predictor' not in st.session_state: time.sleep(2) st.session_state.audio_answer = st.session_state.predictor.predict_answer_from_text( st.session_state.image, result.get('GET_TEXT')) tts_button = Button(label='Get Answer', width=100) tts_button.js_on_event('button_click', CustomJS(code=f""" var u = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); u.text = '{st.session_state.audio_answer}'; u.lang = 'en-US'; speechSynthesis.speak(u); """)) st.bokeh_chart(tts_button)