import streamlit as st from streamlit_chat import message from PIL import Image def init_chat_history(): if 'question' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['question'] = [] if 'answer' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['answer'] = [] def update_chat_messages(): if st.session_state['answer']: for i in range(len(st.session_state['answer'])-1, -1, -1): message(st.session_state['answer'][i], key=str(i)) message(st.session_state['question'][i], is_user=True, key=str(i) + '_user') def predict(image, input): if image is None or not input: return answer = st.session_state.predictor.predict_answer_from_text(image, input) st.session_state.question.append(input) st.session_state.answer.append(answer) def show(): init_chat_history() st.title('Visual Question Answering - Chatbot') st.markdown('''

Hi, I am a Visual Chatbot, capable of answering a sequence of questions about images. Please upload image and fire away!

''', unsafe_allow_html=True) image_col, text_col = st.columns(2) with image_col: upload_pic = st.file_uploader('Choose an image...', type=[ 'jpg', 'png', 'jpeg'], accept_multiple_files=False) if upload_pic is not None: image = st.image(upload_pic, use_column_width='auto') else: st.session_state.question.clear() st.session_state.answer.clear() st.session_state.input = '' with text_col: input = st.text_input('', '', key='input') if input: predict(image, input) update_chat_messages()