--- title: Haystack Search Pipeline with Streamlit emoji: 👑 colorFrom: indigo colorTo: indigo sdk: streamlit sdk_version: 1.23.0 app_file: app.py pinned: false --- # Template Streamlit App for Haystack Search Pipelines This template [Streamlit](https://docs.streamlit.io/) app set up for simple [Haystack search applications](https://docs.haystack.deepset.ai/docs/semantic_search). The template is ready to do QA with **Retrievel Augmented Generation**, or **Ectractive QA** See the ['How to use this template'](#how-to-use-this-template) instructions below to create a simple UI for your own Haystack search pipelines. Below you will also find instructions on how you could [push this to Hugging Face Spaces 🤗](#pushing-to-hugging-face-spaces-). ## Installation and Running To run the bare application which does _nothing_: 1. Install requirements: `pip install -r requirements.txt` 2. Run the streamlit app: `streamlit run app.py` This will start up the app on `localhost:8501` where you will find a simple search bar. Before you start editing, you'll notice that the app will only show you instructions on what to edit. ### Optional Configurations You can set optional cofigurations to set the: - `--task` you want to start the app with: `rag` or `extractive` (default: rag) - `--store` you want to use: `inmemory`, `opensearch`, `weaviate` or `milvus` (default: inmemory) - `--name` you want to have for the app. (default: 'My Search App') E.g.: ```bash streamlit run app.py -- --store opensearch --task extractive --name 'My Opensearch Documentation Search' ``` In a `.env` file, include all the config settings that you would like to use based on: - The DocumentStore of your choice - The Extractive/Generative model of your choice While the `/utils/config.py` will create default values for some configurations, others have to be set in the `.env` such as the `OPENAI_KEY` Example `.env` ``` OPENAI_KEY=YOUR_KEY EMBEDDING_MODEL=sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L12-v2 GENERATIVE_MODEL=text-davinci-003 ``` ## How to use this template 1. Create a new repository from this template or simply open it in a codespace to start playing around 💙 2. Make sure your `requirements.txt` file includes the Haystack and Streamlit versions you would like to use. 3. Change the code in `utils/haystack.py` if you would like a different pipeline. 4. Create a `.env`file with all of your configuration settings. 5. Make any UI edits you'd like to and [share with the Haystack community](https://haystack.deepeset.ai/community) 6. Run the app as show in [installation and running](#installation-and-running) ### Repo structure - `./utils`: This is where we have 3 files: - `config.py`: This file extracts all of the configuration settings from a `.env` file. For some config settings, it uses default values. An example of this is in [this demo project](https://github.com/TuanaCelik/should-i-follow/blob/main/utils/config.py). - `haystack.py`: Here you will find some functions already set up for you to start creating your Haystack search pipeline. It includes 2 main functions called `start_haystack()` which is what we use to create a pipeline and cache it, and `query()` which is the function called by `app.py` once a user query is received. - `ui.py`: Use this file for any UI and initial value setups. - `app.py`: This is the main Streamlit application file that we will run. In its current state it has a simple search bar, a 'Run' button, and a response that you can highlight answers with. ### What to edit? There are default pipelines both in `start_haystack_extractive()` and `start_haystack_rag()` - Change the pipelines to use the embedding models, extractive or generative models as you need. - If using the `rag` task, change the `default_prompt_template` to use one of our available ones on [PromptHub](https://prompthub.deepset.ai) or create your own `PromptTemplate` ## Pushing to Hugging Face Spaces 🤗 Below is an example GitHub action that will let you push your Streamlit app straight to the Hugging Face Hub as a Space. A few things to pay attention to: 1. Create a New Space on Hugging Face with the Streamlit SDK. 2. Create a Hugging Face token on your HF account. 3. Create a secret on your GitHub repo called `HF_TOKEN` and put your Hugging Face token here. 4. If you're using DocumentStores or APIs that require some keys/tokens, make sure these are provided as a secret for your HF Space too! 5. This readme is set up to tell HF spaces that it's using streamlit and that the app is running on `app.py`, make any changes to the frontmatter of this readme to display the title, emoji etc you desire. 6. Create a file in `.github/workflows/hf_sync.yml`. Here's an example that you can change with your own information, and an [example workflow](https://github.com/TuanaCelik/should-i-follow/blob/main/.github/workflows/hf_sync.yml) working for the [Should I Follow demo](https://huggingface.co/spaces/deepset/should-i-follow) ```yaml name: Sync to Hugging Face hub on: push: branches: [main] # to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab workflow_dispatch: jobs: sync-to-hub: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 lfs: true - name: Push to hub env: HF_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.HF_TOKEN }} run: git push --force https://{YOUR_HF_USERNAME}:$HF_TOKEN@{YOUR_HF_SPACE_REPO} main ```