import urllib.parse import streamlit as st from components.flex import st_flex from core.constants import OAUTH_CLIENT_ID from core.constants import OAUTH_STATE from core.constants import REDIRECT_URI from core.query_params import clear_query_params from core.query_params import get_code from core.query_params import get_project_timestamp from core.query_params import get_state from core.state import CurrentProject from core.state import get_user from core.state import User from utils import init_state from views.splash import render_splash from views.wizard import render_editor st.set_page_config(page_title="Croissant Editor", page_icon="🥐", layout="wide") init_state() user = get_user() if OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and not user: state = get_state() if state and state == OAUTH_STATE: code = get_code() if not code: st.stop() try: st.session_state[User] = User.connect(code) # Clear the cache to force retrieving the new user. get_user() except: raise finally: clear_query_params() else: redirect_uri = urllib.parse.quote(REDIRECT_URI, safe="") client_id = urllib.parse.quote(OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, safe="") state = urllib.parse.quote(OAUTH_STATE, safe="") scope = urllib.parse.quote("openid profile", safe="") url = f"{redirect_uri}&scope={scope}&client_id={client_id}&state={state}" st.header("Croissant Editor") st.link_button("🤗 Login with Hugging Face", url) st.stop() def _back_to_menu(): """Sends the user back to the menu.""" clear_query_params() init_state(force=True) def _logout(): """Logs the user out.""" st.cache_data.clear() st.session_state[User] = None _back_to_menu() timestamp = get_project_timestamp() button_width = 73 # This is the best value for the current content of the buttons. buttons_widths = [] if OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: buttons_widths.append(button_width) if timestamp: buttons_widths.append(button_width) widths = [200, sum(buttons_widths) + 10] # 10 being the space between elements. with st_flex( flex_direction="row", justify_content="space-between", align_items="center", widths=widths, ): st.header("Croissant Editor") if OAUTH_CLIENT_ID or timestamp: with st_flex( flex_direction="row", justify_content="space-between", widths=buttons_widths, ): if OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: st.button("Log out", on_click=_logout) if timestamp: st.button("Home", on_click=_back_to_menu) should_display_editor = bool(st.session_state.get(CurrentProject)) if should_display_editor: render_editor() else: render_splash()