import joblib import streamlit as st import json import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # load all the models and vectorizer (global vocabulary) # Seq_model = load_model("LSTM.h5") # Sequential SVM_model = joblib.load("SVM_Linear_Kernel.joblib") # SVM logistic_model = joblib.load("Logistic_Model.joblib") # Logistic vectorizer = joblib.load("vectorizer.joblib") # global vocabulary (used for Logistic, SVC) # tokenizer = joblib.load("tokenizer.joblib") # used for LSTM # Decode label function # {'business': 0, 'entertainment': 1, 'health': 2, 'politics': 3, 'sport': 4} def decodedLabel(input_number): print('receive label encoded', input_number) categories = { 0: 'Business', 1: 'Entertainment', 2: 'Health', 3: 'Politics', 4: 'Sport' } result = categories.get(input_number) # Ex: Health print('decoded result', result) return result # Web Crawler function def crawURL(url): # Fetch the URL content response = requests.get(url) # Parse the sitemap HTML soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') # Find all anchor tags that are children of span tags with class 'sitemap-link' urls = [span.a['href'] for span in soup.find_all('span', class_='sitemap-link') if span.a] # Crawl pages and extract data try: print(f"Crawling page: {url}") # Fetch page content page_response = requests.get(url) page_content = page_response.content # Parse page content with BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(page_content, 'html.parser') # Extract data you need from the page author = soup.find("meta", {"name": "author"}).attrs['content'].strip() date_published = soup.find("meta", {"property": "article:published_time"}).attrs['content'].strip() article_section = soup.find("meta", {"name": "meta-section"}).attrs['content'] url = soup.find("meta", {"property": "og:url"}).attrs['content'] headline = soup.find("h1", {"data-editable": "headlineText"}).text.strip() description = soup.find("meta", {"name": "description"}).attrs['content'].strip() keywords = soup.find("meta", {"name": "keywords"}).attrs['content'].strip() text = soup.find(itemprop="articleBody") # Find all

tags with class "paragraph inline-placeholder" paragraphs = text.find_all('p', class_="paragraph inline-placeholder") # Initialize an empty list to store the text content of each paragraph paragraph_texts = [] # Iterate over each

tag and extract its text content for paragraph in paragraphs: paragraph_texts.append(paragraph.text.strip()) # Join the text content of all paragraphs into a single string full_text = ''.join(paragraph_texts) return full_text except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to crawl page: {url}, Error: {str(e)}") return null # Predict for text category using Models def process_api(text): # Vectorize the text data processed_text = vectorizer.transform([text]) # sequence = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([text]) # padded_sequence = pad_sequences(sequence, maxlen=1000, padding='post') # Get the predicted result from models Logistic_Predicted = logistic_model.predict(processed_text).tolist() # Logistic Model SVM_Predicted = SVM_model.predict(processed_text).tolist() # SVC Model # Seq_Predicted = Seq_model.predict(padded_sequence) # predicted_label_index = np.argmax(Seq_Predicted) # ----------- Debug Logs ----------- logistic_debug = decodedLabel(int(Logistic_Predicted[0])) svc_debug = decodedLabel(int(SVM_Predicted[0])) print('Logistic', int(Logistic_Predicted[0]), logistic_debug) print('SVM', int(SVM_Predicted[0]), svc_debug) return { 'Logistic_Predicted':decodedLabel(int(Logistic_Predicted[0])), 'SVM_Predicted': decodedLabel(int(SVM_Predicted[0])), 'Article_Content': text } # Using Model to handle and return Category Route def categorize(url): try: article_content = crawURL(url) result = process_api(article_content) return result except Exception as error: if hasattr(error, 'message'): return {"error_message": error.message} else: return {"error_message": error} # Main App st.header('Classification Project') st.subheader ( ''' Unsure what category a CNN article belongs to? Our clever tool can help! Paste the URL below and press Enter. We'll sort it into one of our 5 categories in a flash! ⚡️ ''' ) # Define category information (modify content and bullet points as needed) categories = { "Business": [ "Analyze market trends and investment opportunities.", "Gain insights into company performance and industry news.", "Stay informed about economic developments and regulations." ], "Health": [ "Discover healthy recipes and exercise tips.", "Learn about the latest medical research and advancements.", "Find resources for managing chronic conditions and improving well-being." ], "Sport": [ "Follow your favorite sports teams and athletes.", "Explore news and analysis from various sports categories.", "Stay updated on upcoming games and competitions." ], "Politics": [ "Get informed about current political events and policies.", "Understand different perspectives on political issues.", "Engage in discussions and debates about politics." ], "Entertainment": [ "Find recommendations for movies, TV shows, and music.", "Explore reviews and insights from entertainment critics.", "Stay updated on celebrity news and cultural trends." ] } # Create expanders contain list of category can be classified for category, content in categories.items(): with st.expander(category, expanded=True): # Display content as bullet points for item in content: st.write(f"- {item}") # Explain to user why this project is only worked for CNN domain with st.expander("Tips", expanded=True): st.write( ''' This project works best with CNN articles right now. Our web crawler is like a special tool for CNN's website. It can't quite understand other websites because they're built differently ''' ) url = st.text_input("Find your favorite CNN story! Paste the URL here.", placeholder='Ex:') st.divider() # 👈 Draws a horizontal rule if url: result = categorize(url) article_content = result.get('Article_Content') st.text_area("Article Content", value=article_content, height=400) # render the article content as textarea element st.divider() # 👈 Draws a horizontal rule st.json({ "Logistic": result.get("Logistic_Predicted"), "SVC": result.get("SVM_Predicted") }) st.divider() # 👈 Draws a horizontal rule # Category labels and corresponding counts categories = ["Sport", "Health", "Entertainment", "Politics", "Business"] counts = [5638, 4547, 2658, 2461, 1362] # Optional: Add a chart title st.title("Training Data Category Distribution") # Optional: Display additional information st.write("Here's a breakdown of the number of articles in each category:") for category, count in zip(categories, counts): st.write(f"- {category}: {count}") # Create the bar chart st.bar_chart(data=dict(zip(categories, counts)))