import argparse import envs import deciders import distillers from matplotlib import animation import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import prompts as task_prompts import os import datetime import time from collections import deque from envs.translator import InitSummarizer, CurrSummarizer, FutureSummarizer, Translator import gym import json import pandas as pd import random import numpy as np import datetime from loguru import logger from gym.spaces import Discrete def set_seed(seed): random.seed(seed) def save_frames_as_gif(frames, path="./", filename="gym_animation.gif"): # Mess with this to change frame size plt.figure(figsize=(frames[0].shape[1] / 72.0, frames[0].shape[0] / 72.0), dpi=72) patch = plt.imshow(frames[0]) plt.axis("off") def animate(i): patch.set_data(frames[i]) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(plt.gcf(), animate, frames=len(frames), interval=50) # Ensure the folder exists, if it does not exist, create it os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) print(f"file name: {filename}") print(f"path name: {path}") + filename, writer="imagemagick", fps=60) def evaluate_translator(translator, environment, decider, max_episode_len, logfile, args): utilities = [] df = pd.read_csv('record_reflexion.csv', sep=',') filtered_df = df[(df['env'] == args.env_name) & (df['decider'] == 'expert') & (df['level'] == 1)] expert_score = filtered_df['avg_score'].item() seeds = [i for i in range(1000)] # prompt_file = "prompt.txt" # f = open(prompt_file,"w+") num_trails = args.num_trails if not "Blackjack" in args.env_name: curriculums = 1 else: curriculums = 20 for curriculum in range(curriculums): for trail in range(num_trails): if "Blackjack" in args.env_name: seed = seeds[curriculum*curriculums + num_trails - trail - 1] else: seed = args.seed utility = _run(translator, environment, decider, max_episode_len, logfile, args, trail, seed) utilities.append(utility) # TODO: set env sucess utility threshold if trail < num_trails -1: if args.decider in ['reflexion']: if utility < expert_score: decider.update_mem() else: decider.update_mem() decider.clear_mem() return utilities def _run(translator, environment, decider, max_episode_len, logfile, args, trail, seed): # Reset the environment if not "Blackjack" in args.env_name: set_seed(args.seed) seed = args.seed # Reset the environment state_description, env_info = environment.reset(seed=args.seed) else: set_seed(seed) # Reset the environment state_description, env_info = environment.reset(seed=seed) game_description = environment.get_game_description() goal_description = environment.get_goal_description() action_description = environment.get_action_description() # Initialize the statistics frames = [] utility = 0 current_total_tokens = 0 current_total_cost = 0 start_time = # Run the game for a maximum number of steps for round in range(max_episode_len): # Keep asking ChatGPT for an action until it provides a valid one error_flag = True retry_num = 1 for error_i in range(retry_num): try: action, prompt, response, tokens, cost = decider.act( state_description, action_description, env_info, game_description, goal_description, logfile ) state_description, reward, termination, truncation, env_info = environment.step_llm( action ) if "Cliff" in args.env_name or "Frozen" in args.env_name: decider.env_history.add('reward', env_info['potential_state'] + environment.reward_desc_dict[reward]) else: decider.env_history.add('reward', f"The player get rewards {reward}.") utility += reward # Update the statistics current_total_tokens += tokens current_total_cost += cost error_flag = False break except Exception as e: print(e) if error_i < retry_num-1: if "Cliff" in args.env_name or "Frozen" in args.env_name: decider.env_history.remove_invalid_state() decider.env_history.remove_invalid_state() if logger: logger.debug(f"Error: {e}, Retry! ({error_i+1}/{retry_num})") continue if error_flag: action = decider.default_action state_description, reward, termination, truncation, env_info = environment.step_llm( action ) decider.env_history.add('action', decider.default_action) if "Cliff" in args.env_name or "Frozen" in args.env_name: # decider.env_history.add('reward', reward) decider.env_history.add('reward', env_info['potential_state'] + environment.reward_desc_dict[reward]) utility += reward"Seed: {seed}")'The optimal action is: {decider.default_action}.')"Now it is round {round}.") else: current_total_tokens += tokens current_total_cost += cost"Seed: {seed}")"current_total_tokens: {current_total_tokens}")"current_total_cost: {current_total_cost}")"Now it is round {round}.") # frames.append(environment.render()) if termination or truncation: if logger:"Terminated!") break time.sleep(1) decider.env_history.add('terminate_state', environment.get_terminate_state(round+1, max_episode_len)) decider.env_history.add("cummulative_reward", str(utility)) # Record the final reward if logger:"Cummulative reward: {utility}.") end_time = time_diff = end_time - start_time"Time consumer: {time_diff.total_seconds()} s") return utility if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Evaluate a translator in a gym environment with a ChatGPT model." ) parser.add_argument( "--init_summarizer", type=str, required=True, help="The name of the init summarizer to use.", ) parser.add_argument( "--curr_summarizer", type=str, required=True, help="The name of the curr summarizer to use.", ) parser.add_argument( "--future_summarizer", type=str, help="The name of the future summarizer to use.", ) parser.add_argument( "--env", type=str, default="base_env", help="The name of the gym environment to use.", ) parser.add_argument( "--env_name", type=str, default="CartPole-v0", help="The name of the gym environment to use.", ) parser.add_argument( "--decider", type=str, default="spp_actor", help="The actor used to select action", ) parser.add_argument( "--gpt_version", type=str, default="gpt-3.5-turbo", help="The version of GPT to use" ) parser.add_argument( "--render", type=str, default="rgb_array", help="The render mode" ) parser.add_argument( "--max_episode_len", type=int, default=200, help="The maximum number of steps in an episode", ) parser.add_argument( "--max_query_tokens", type=int, default=5000, help="The maximum number of tokens when querying", ) parser.add_argument( "--max_tokens", type=int, default=2000, help="The maximum number of tokens when responding", ) parser.add_argument( "--distiller", type=str, default="traj_distiller", help="The distiller used to generate a few shot examples from traj", ) parser.add_argument( "--prompt_path", type=str, default="envs/classic_control/few_shot_examples/cartpole", help="The path of prompts", ) parser.add_argument( "--prompt_level", type=int, default=1, help="The level of prompts", ) parser.add_argument( "--num_trails", type=int, default=5, help="The number of trials", ) parser.add_argument( "--use_short_mem", type=int, default=1, help="Whether use short mem", ) parser.add_argument( "--seed", type=int, default=100, help="set seed", ) parser.add_argument( "--short_mem_num", type=int, default=10, help="Set numbers of short memories used in actor, if use_short_mem = 1" ) parser.add_argument( "--is_only_local_obs", type=int, default=1, help="Whether only taking local observations, if is_only_local_obs = 1, only using local obs" ) parser.add_argument( "--api_type", type=str, default="openai", choices=["azure", "openai"], help="choose api type, now support azure and openai" ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.api_type != "azure" and args.api_type != "openai": raise ValueError(f"The {args.api_type} is not supported, please use 'azure' or 'openai' !") # Please note when using "azure", the model name is gpt-35-turbo while using "openai", the model name is "gpt-3.5-turbo" if args.api_type == "azure": if args.gpt_version == "gpt-3.5-turbo": args.gpt_version = 'gpt-35-turbo' elif args.api_type == "openai": if args.gpt_version == "gpt-35-turbo": args.gpt_version = 'gpt-3.5-turbo' # Get the specified translator, environment, and ChatGPT model env_class = envs.REGISTRY[args.env] init_summarizer = InitSummarizer(envs.REGISTRY[args.init_summarizer], args) curr_summarizer = CurrSummarizer(envs.REGISTRY[args.curr_summarizer]) if args.future_summarizer: future_summarizer = FutureSummarizer( envs.REGISTRY[args.future_summarizer], envs.REGISTRY["cart_policies"], future_horizon=args.future_horizon, ) else: future_summarizer = None decider_class = deciders.REGISTRY[args.decider] distiller_class = distillers.REGISTRY[args.distiller] sampling_env = envs.REGISTRY["sampling_wrapper"](gym.make(args.env_name)) if args.prompt_level == 5: prompts_class = task_prompts.REGISTRY[(args.env_name,args.decider)]() else: prompts_class = task_prompts.REGISTRY[(args.decider)]() translator = Translator( init_summarizer, curr_summarizer, future_summarizer, env=sampling_env ) environment = env_class( gym.make(args.env_name, render_mode=args.render), translator ) logfile = ( f"llm.log/output-{args.env_name}-{args.decider}-{args.gpt_version}-l{args.prompt_level}" f"-{}.log" ) logfile_reflexion = ( f"llm.log/memory-{args.env_name}-{args.decider}-{args.gpt_version}-l{args.prompt_level}" f"-{}.log" ) my_distiller = distiller_class(logfile=logfile_reflexion,args=args) args.game_description = environment.game_description args.goal_description = environment.goal_description args.action_description = environment.action_description args.action_desc_dict = environment.action_desc_dict args.reward_desc_dict = environment.reward_desc_dict logger.add(logfile, colorize=True, enqueue=True, filter=lambda x: '[Reflexion Memory]' not in x['message']) decider = decider_class(environment.env.action_space, args, prompts_class, my_distiller, temperature=0.0, logger=logger, max_tokens=args.max_tokens) # Evaluate the translator evaluate_translator(translator, environment, decider, args.max_episode_len, logfile, args)