MiniLM_HC3_Semantic_Ranking / answers_texts.txt
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I 'll try . Every year , all independent adults ( not children , young adults who are still claimed as dependents by their parents , wards of the state , etc ) must file their taxes . Based on how much they have earned and spent that year , and how they earned it , as well as their possessions , they generally owe a certain amount to both their state and the federal government . There are all sorts of taxes , including income tax ( tax on what you make ) , luxury tax ( tax on ' luxury ' items such as a Mercedez ) , and property tax ( tax on any land and buildings you own ) . Its the IRS ' job to make sure that you 're paying what you are obligated by law to pay . Smaller discrepancies are sometimes overlooked or ignored , but larger discrepancies require an audit . An audit is basically when the IRS reviews your earnings , possessions , and expenditures to make sure that you have been paying your taxes in the correct amounts . Now , obviously they do n't have the resources or the ability to review every single purchase you have made ( especially if it was made in cash , but I 'll get to that in a second ) , but they can get access to things like mortgage statements , your credit report , bank records , and get a pretty good picture of how you 're living . As an example , lets say they come across someone who , according to records , lives in a $ 800,000 home and owns 3 luxury cars , but according to records he only made $ 20,000 last year working at a fast food restaurant , and he only paid $ 400 in taxes last year . Obviously something is amiss here , because anyone with that much material wealth must be making more than $ 20,000 a year . So they 'll audit him and figure out exactly what he is worth , and figure out exactly what he owes to the state and federal governments . They 'll do this by subpoenaing his bank , mortgage company , car loan company , landlord , whatever they can find . This is a big reason why cash is still desirable to use versus credit cards / checks . If you are paid in cash and you spend that cash without ever letting it touch a bank , the government has absolutely no way to know about it , unless you do something stupid like pay for a Porsche in cash when you legally only make $ 20,000 a year . Basically , drug dealers . edit : I could have been more clear on one point . As a couple of people have pointed out , the IRS does n't randomly go around looking for rich people who report less income than seems realistic ; audits are generally triggered by faked or sketchy tax returns , and once the audit is triggered they will then sometimes move on to assessing what you owe in taxes by assessing your wealth and earnings .
> Why does wifi not cause cancer ? For the same reason that the light bulbs in your house do n't cause cancer . When it comes to light ( wifi uses microwaves , which is a frequency of light outside of the visible spectrum ) , cancer is caused when the photons are energetic enough to knock electrons completely away from their atoms , turning the atoms into ions ( this is called " ionizing radiation " ) . Microwaves are non - ionizing . They do n't have enough energy to strip the electrons away from atoms the same way that ultraviolet light , x - rays , and gamma rays do .
> If I licked what my dog licks I 'd die . actually , no you would not . You could actually pick up a pile of dog poo and eat it , and be more or less OK ( aside from a s#!t taste in your mouth ) - you may get worms , but that would only happen if your dog had worms already . Nothing special going on with your dogs immune system . The germs found in poo usually are not the type of germs that cause disease .
Normally when people play multiplayer video games , they are all sitting in their own houses on playing with each other wirelessly . A LAN party is when those people get together , to do the same thing , but under one roof .
Your genes are basically a recipe for making you , and are created by combining the recipes for making your parents into a new receipe . When two recipes are close , like German chocolate cake and red velvet cake , when you combine them together , you are skill likely to get some kind of cake , even if it is an unusual one no one has seen before . But if the recipes are too different , like German chocolate cake and chicken cacciatore , all you will get is some inedible mess . Your genes work the same way , you can only make a new creature if the recipes for the parents are very similar .