import fastapi as api from typing import Annotated from import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2AuthorizationCodeBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm from model.document import Document, PlainTextDocument, JsonDocument import sys from model.user import User from fastapi import FastAPI, File, UploadFile from di import initialize_di_for_app import gradio as gr import os import json SETTINGS, STORAGE, EMBEDDING, INDEX = initialize_di_for_app() user_json_str = STORAGE.load('user.json') USER = User.parse_raw(user_json_str) oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="/api/v1/auth/token") app = api.FastAPI() app.openapi_version = "3.0.0" users = [USER] async def get_current_user(token: str = api.Depends(oauth2_scheme)): ''' Get current user ''' for user in users: if user.user_name == token: return user raise api.HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Invalid authentication credentials")"/api/v1/auth/token") async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, api.Depends()]): ''' Login to get a token ''' return {"access_token": form_data.username}"/api/v1/uploadfile/", include_in_schema=False) def create_upload_file(file: UploadFile = api.File(...)) -> Document: ''' Upload a file ''' fileUrl = f'{USER.user_name}-{file.filename}', # create plainTextDocument if the file is a text file if file.filename.endswith('.txt'): return PlainTextDocument( name=file.filename, status='uploading', url=fileUrl, embedding=EMBEDDING, storage=STORAGE, ) else: raise api.HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="File type not supported") ### /api/v1/.well-known #### Get /openapi.json # Get the openapi json file @app.get("/api/v1/.well-known/openapi.json") async def get_openapi(): ''' otherwise return 401 ''' # get a list of document names + description document_list = [[, doc.description] for doc in USER.documents] # get openapi json from api openapi = app.openapi().copy() openapi['info']['title'] = 'DocumentSearch' description = f'''Search documents with a query. ## Documents {document_list} ''' openapi['info']['description'] = description # update description in /api/v1/search openapi['paths']['/api/v1/search']['get']['description'] += f''' Available documents: {document_list} ''' # filter out unnecessary endpoints openapi['paths'] = { '/api/v1/search': openapi['paths']['/api/v1/search'], } # remove components openapi['components'] = {} # return the openapi json return openapi ### /api/v1/document #### Get /list # Get the list of documents @app.get("/api/v1/document/list") # async def get_document_list(user: Annotated[User, api.Depends(get_current_user)]) -> list[Document]: async def get_document_list() -> list[Document]: ''' Get the list of documents ''' return USER.documents #### Post /upload # Upload a document"/api/v1/document/upload") # def upload_document(user: Annotated[User, api.Depends(get_current_user)], document: Annotated[Document, api.Depends(create_upload_file)]): def upload_document(document: Annotated[Document, api.Depends(create_upload_file)]): ''' Upload a document ''' document.status = 'processing' INDEX.load_or_update_document(user, document, progress) document.status = 'done' USER.documents.append(document) #### Get /delete # Delete a document @app.get("/api/v1/document/delete") # async def delete_document(user: Annotated[User, api.Depends(get_current_user)], document_name: str): async def delete_document(document_name: str): ''' Delete a document ''' for doc in USER.documents: if == document_name: STORAGE.delete(doc.url) INDEX.remove_document(USER, doc) USER.documents.remove(doc) return raise api.HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Document not found") # Query the index @app.get("/api/v1/search", operation_id=None,) def search( # user: Annotated[User, api.Depends(get_current_user)], query: str, document_name: str = None, top_k: int = 10, threshold: float = 0.5): ''' Search documents with a query. It will return [top_k] results with a score higher than [threshold]. query: the query string, required document_name: the document name, optional. You can provide this parameter to search in a specific document. top_k: the number of results to return, optional. Default to 10. threshold: the threshold of the results, optional. Default to 0.5. ''' if document_name: for doc in USER.documents: if == document_name: return INDEX.query_document(USER, doc, query, top_k, threshold) raise api.HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Document not found") else: return INDEX.query_index(USER, query, top_k, threshold) def receive_signal(signalNumber, frame): print('Received:', signalNumber) sys.exit() @app.on_event("startup") async def startup_event(): import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, receive_signal) # startup tasks @app.on_event("shutdown") def exit_event(): # save USER'user.json', USER.model_dump_json()) print('exit') user = USER def gradio_upload_document(file: File): file_temp_path = # load file file_name = os.path.basename(file_temp_path) fileUrl = f'{USER.user_name}-{file_name}' with open(file_temp_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:, # create plainTextDocument if the file is a text file doc = None if file_name.endswith('.txt'): doc = PlainTextDocument( name=file_name, status='uploading', url=fileUrl, embedding=EMBEDDING, storage=STORAGE, ) elif file_name.endswith('.json'): doc = JsonDocument( name=file_name, status='uploading', url=fileUrl, embedding=EMBEDDING, storage=STORAGE, ) else: raise api.HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="File type not supported") doc.status = 'processing' INDEX.load_or_update_document(user, doc) doc.status = 'done' USER.documents.append(doc) return f'uploaded {file_name}' def gradio_query(query: str, document_name: str = None, top_k: int = 10, threshold: float = 0.5): res_or_exception = search(query, document_name, top_k, threshold) if isinstance(res_or_exception, api.HTTPException): raise res_or_exception # convert to json string records = [record.model_dump(mode='json') for record in res_or_exception] return json.dumps(records, indent=4) with gr.Blocks() as ui: gr.Markdown("#llm-memory") with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown( """ ## LLM Memory """) with gr.Row(): user_name = gr.Label(label="User name", value=USER.user_name) # url to .well-known/openapi.json gr.Label(label=".wellknown/openapi.json", value=f"/api/v1/.well-known/openapi.json") # with gr.Tab("avaiable documents"): # available_documents = gr.Label(label="avaiable documents", value="avaiable documents") # refresh_btn = gr.Button(label="refresh", type="button") # '\r\n'.join([ for doc in USER.documents]), None, available_documents) # documents = USER.documents # for document in documents: # gr.Label(, # with gr.Tab("upload document"): # with gr.Tab("upload .txt document"): # file = gr.File(label="upload document", type="file", file_types=[".txt"]) # output = gr.Label(label="output", value="output") # upload_btn = gr.Button("upload document", type="button") #, file, output) # with gr.Tab("upload .json document"): # gr.Markdown( # """ # The json document should be a list of objects, each object should have a `content` field. If you want to add more fields, you can add them in the `meta_data` field. # For example: # ```json # [ # { # "content": "hello world", # "meta_data": { # "title": "hello world", # "author": "llm-memory" # } # }, # { # "content": "hello world" # "meta_data": { # "title": "hello world", # "author": "llm-memory" # } # } # ] # ``` # ## Note # - The `meta_data` should be a dict which both keys and values are strings. # """) # file = gr.File(label="upload document", type="file", file_types=[".json"]) # output = gr.Label(label="output", value="output") # upload_btn = gr.Button("upload document", type="button") #, file, output) with gr.Tab("search"): query = gr.Textbox(label="search", placeholder="Query") document = gr.Dropdown(label="document", choices=[None] + [ for doc in USER.documents], placeholder="document, optional") top_k = gr.Number(label="top_k", placeholder="top_k, optional", value=10) threshold = gr.Number(label="threshold", placeholder="threshold, optional", value=0.5) output = gr.Code(label="output", language="json", value="output") query_btn = gr.Button("Query"), [query, document, top_k, threshold], output, api_name="search") gradio_app = gr.routes.App.create_app(ui) app.mount("/", gradio_app) ui.launch()