import os import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import time from getmac import get_mac_address as gma from requests import get import platform, uuid, psutil import json # Security #passlib,hashlib,bcrypt,scrypt import hashlib # Set direction as current folder sourceFileDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) os.chdir(sourceFileDir) def make_hashes(password): return hashlib.sha256(str.encode(password)).hexdigest() def check_hashes(password, hashed_text): if make_hashes(password) == hashed_text: return hashed_text return False # DB Management import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect('data.db') c = conn.cursor() # DB Functions def create_user_table(): c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users(user_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\ username TEXT NOT NULL, password TEXT NOT NULL)') def add_user_data(username, password): c.execute('INSERT INTO users(username, password) VALUES (?,?)',(username,password)) conn.commit() def login_user(username, password): c.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username =? AND password = ?',(username,password)) data = c.fetchall() return data def view_all_users(): c.execute('SELECT * FROM users') data = c.fetchall() return data def create_login_table(): # c.execute('DROP TABLE login') c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS login(login_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, username TEXT NOT NULL,\ login_time TEXT NOT NULL, login_duration TEXT NOT NULL,\ device_name TEXT, device_uuid TEXT, mac_address TEXT, device_vendor TEXT, device_version TEXT, device_model TEXT, device_ram TEXT,\ ip_v6 TEXT, ip_v4 TEXT, ip_country TEXT, ip_region TEXT, ip_city TEXT, ip_lat TEXT, ip_lon TEXT, ip_timezone TEXT, isp_name TEXT, isp_org TEXT, isp_as TEXT)') def add_login_data(username, login_time, login_duration,\ device_name, device_uuid, mac_address, device_vendor, device_version, device_model, device_ram,\ ip_v6, ip_v4, ip_country, ip_region, ip_city, ip_lat, ip_lon, ip_timezone, isp_name, isp_org, isp_as): # c.execute('INSERT INTO login(username, login_time, login_duration,\ # device_name, device_uuid, mac_address, device_vendor, device_version, device_model, device_ram\ # ip_address, isp, lat, long, district, city) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, "1b1520d5-3dd0-4101-bda8-a0e22fc23ac2", ?, ?, "2001:ee0:4f84:6a70:652e:732d:859a:76e9", "Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group", 10.736807957581838, 106.66109367487196, "1", "Ho Chi Minh")',\ # (username, login_time, login_duration, device_name, mac_address, device_vendor)) c.execute('INSERT INTO login(username, login_time, login_duration,\ device_name, device_uuid, mac_address, device_vendor, device_version, device_model, device_ram,\ ip_v6, ip_v4, ip_country, ip_region, ip_city, ip_lat, ip_lon, ip_timezone, isp_name, isp_org, isp_as)\ VALUES (?, ?, ?, \ ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, \ ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',\ (username, login_time, login_duration,\ device_name, device_uuid, mac_address, device_vendor, device_version, device_model, device_ram,\ ip_v6, ip_v4, ip_country, ip_region, ip_city, ip_lat, ip_lon, ip_timezone, isp_name, isp_org, isp_as)) conn.commit() # Export data to CSV def export_csv(): # Export table login db_df = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM login', conn) db_df.to_csv('login.csv', index=False) # Export table users db_df = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM users', conn) db_df.to_csv('users.csv', index=False) def get_from_api(url, value=""): # Use get method to fetch details from URL API response = get(url + value) if response.status_code != 200: raise Exception("[!] Invalid request!") return response.content.decode() def get_ip_info(ip_v4): # Get information from the ipv4 isp = get_from_api("", ip_v4) # Convert dictionary string to dictionary isp = json.loads(isp) # Get information from the dictionary ip_country = isp["country"] ip_region = isp["regionName"] ip_city = isp["city"] ip_lat = isp["lat"] ip_lon = isp["lon"] ip_timezone = isp["timezone"] isp_name = isp["isp"] isp_org = isp["org"] isp_as = isp["as"] return ip_country, ip_region, ip_city, ip_lat, ip_lon, ip_timezone, isp_name, isp_org, isp_as def main(): """Banking Advanced Authentication Module""" menu = ["Home", "SignUp", "User Login", "Testing Tool"] choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Menu",menu) if choice == "Home": st.subheader("Banking Advanced Authentication Module") elif choice == "SignUp": st.subheader("Create New Account") new_user = st.text_input("Username") new_password = st.text_input("Password",type='password') if st.button("Signup"): create_user_table() add_user_data(new_user,make_hashes(new_password)) st.success("You have successfully created a valid Account")"Go to Login Menu to login") elif choice == "User Login": col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.image("img/blank.png") with col2: st.image("img/blank.png") with col3: st.image("img/Standard_Chartered.png") with st.container(): st.subheader("Login") time_start = time.time() username = st.text_input("Username") password = st.text_input("Password",type='password') login = st.button("Login") if login: login_time = time.time() hashed_pswd = make_hashes(password) result = login_user(username,check_hashes(password,hashed_pswd)) if result: login_duration = login_time - time_start # Collect device information device_name = platform.node() device_uuid = uuid.getnode() mac_address = gma() device_vendor = get_from_api("", mac_address) device_version = platform.version() device_model = platform.platform() device_ram = str(round(psutil.virtual_memory().total / (1024.0 **3)))+" GB" # Collect IP information ip_v6 = get_from_api('') ip_v4 = get_from_api('') ip_country, ip_region, ip_city, ip_lat, ip_lon, ip_timezone, isp_name, isp_org, isp_as = get_ip_info(ip_v4) create_login_table() verification = False ############## Here is to put IF ELSE & Face verification logic to determine if it is the real user ********** ## ## ## ## => verification = True verification = True if verification: add_login_data(username, login_time, login_duration,\ device_name, device_uuid, mac_address, device_vendor, device_version, device_model, device_ram,\ ip_v6, ip_v4, ip_country, ip_region, ip_city, ip_lat, ip_lon, ip_timezone, isp_name, isp_org, isp_as) # To export database to csv file (can be commented out if not needed) # export_csv() st.success("Logged In as {}".format(username)) task = st.selectbox("Task",["Add Post","Analytics","Profiles"]) if task == "Add Post": st.subheader("Add Your Post") elif task == "Analytics": st.subheader("Analytics") elif task == "Profiles": st.subheader("User Profiles") user_result = view_all_users() clean_db = pd.DataFrame(user_result,columns=["Username","Password"]) st.dataframe(clean_db) else: st.warning("Not the real user => Fail to login.") else: st.warning("Incorrect Username/Password") else: st.subheader("Testing tool") if __name__ == '__main__': main()