import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning) # nopep8 warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) # nopep8 import os import math from tqdm import tqdm import torch from PIL import Image, ImageFilter from scipy.ndimage import binary_dilation import numpy as np from captioner import init as init_captioner, derive_caption from upscaler import init as init_upscaler from segmenter import init as init_segmenter, segment from depth_estimator import init as init_depth_estimator, get_depth_map from pipeline import init as init_pipeline, run_pipeline from image_utils import ensure_resolution, crop_centered developer_mode = os.getenv('DEV_MODE', False) init_captioner() init_upscaler() init_segmenter() init_depth_estimator() init_pipeline() torch.cuda.empty_cache() POSITIVE_PROMPT_SUFFIX = "commercial product photography, 24mm lens f/8" NEGATIVE_PROMPT_SUFFIX = "cartoon, drawing, anime, semi-realistic, illustration, painting, art, text, greyscale, (black and white), lens flare, watermark, cropped, out of frame, worst quality, low quality, jpeg artifacts, ugly, duplicate, morbid, mutilated, extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, mutation, deformed, dehydrated, bad anatomy, bad proportions, extra limbs, cloned face, disfigured, gross proportions, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck, floating, levitating" MEGAPIXELS = 1.0 def replace_background( original, positive_prompt, negative_prompt, options, ): pbar = tqdm(total=7) print("Original size:", original.size) print("Captioning...") caption = derive_caption(original) pbar.update(1) print("Caption:", caption) torch.cuda.empty_cache() print(f"Ensuring resolution ({MEGAPIXELS}MP)...") resized = ensure_resolution(original, megapixels=MEGAPIXELS) pbar.update(1) print("Resized size:", resized.size) torch.cuda.empty_cache() print("Segmenting...") [cropped, crop_mask] = segment(resized) pbar.update(1) torch.cuda.empty_cache() print("Depth mapping...") depth_map = get_depth_map(resized) pbar.update(1) torch.cuda.empty_cache() print("Feathering the depth map...") # Convert crop mask to grayscale and to numpy array crop_mask_np = np.array(crop_mask.convert('L')) # Convert to binary and dilate (grow) the edges # adjust threshold as needed crop_mask_binary = crop_mask_np > options.get( 'depth_map_feather_threshold') # adjust iterations as needed dilated_mask = binary_dilation( crop_mask_binary, iterations=options.get('depth_map_dilation_iterations')) # Convert back to PIL Image dilated_mask = Image.fromarray((dilated_mask * 255).astype(np.uint8)) # Apply Gaussian blur and normalize dilated_mask_blurred = dilated_mask.filter( ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=options.get('depth_map_blur_radius'))) dilated_mask_blurred_np = np.array(dilated_mask_blurred) / 255.0 # Normalize depth map, apply blurred, dilated mask, and scale back depth_map_np = np.array(depth_map.convert('L')) / 255.0 masked_depth_map_np = depth_map_np * dilated_mask_blurred_np masked_depth_map_np = (masked_depth_map_np * 255).astype(np.uint8) # Convert back to PIL Image masked_depth_map = Image.fromarray(masked_depth_map_np).convert('RGB') pbar.update(1) final_positive_prompt = f"{caption}, {positive_prompt}, {POSITIVE_PROMPT_SUFFIX}" final_negative_prompt = f"{negative_prompt}, {NEGATIVE_PROMPT_SUFFIX}" print("Final positive prompt:", final_positive_prompt) print("Final negative prompt:", final_negative_prompt) print("Generating...") generated_images = run_pipeline( positive_prompt=final_positive_prompt, negative_prompt=final_negative_prompt, image=[masked_depth_map], seed=options.get('seed') ) pbar.update(1) torch.cuda.empty_cache() print("Compositing...") composited_images = [ Image.alpha_composite( generated_image.convert('RGBA'), crop_centered(cropped, generated_image.size) ) for generated_image in generated_images ] pbar.update(1) pbar.close() print("Done!") if developer_mode: pre_processing_images = [ [resized, "Resized"], [crop_mask, "Crop mask"], [cropped, "Cropped"], [depth_map, "Depth map"], [dilated_mask, "Dilated mask"], [dilated_mask_blurred, "Dilated mask blurred"], [masked_depth_map, "Masked depth map"] ] return [ composited_images, generated_images, pre_processing_images, caption, ] else: return [composited_images, None, None, None]