import os import gradio as gr from background_replacer import replace_background developer_mode = os.getenv('DEV_MODE', False) DEFAULT_POSITIVE_PROMPT = "on the pavement, poolside, idyllic infinity pool, Hawaiian hilltops, commercial product photography" DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_PROMPT = "" EXAMPLES = [] INTRO = "Test." def generate( image, positive_prompt, negative_prompt, seed, depth_map_feather_threshold, depth_map_dilation_iterations, depth_map_blur_radius, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True) ): if image is None: return [None, None, None, None] options = { 'seed': seed, 'depth_map_feather_threshold': depth_map_feather_threshold, 'depth_map_dilation_iterations': depth_map_dilation_iterations, 'depth_map_blur_radius': depth_map_blur_radius, } return replace_background(image, positive_prompt, negative_prompt, options) custom_css = """ #image-upload { flex-grow: 1; } #params .tabs { display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; } #params .tabitem[style="display: block;"] { flex-grow: 1; display: flex !important; } #params .gap { flex-grow: 1; } #params .form { flex-grow: 1 !important; } #params .form > :last-child{ flex-grow: 1; } .md ol, .md ul { margin-left: 1rem; } .md img { margin-bottom: 1rem; } """ with gr.Blocks(css=custom_css) as iface: gr.Markdown(INTRO) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): image_upload = gr.Image( label="Product image", type="pil", elem_id="image-upload" ) caption = gr.Label( label="Caption", visible=developer_mode ) with gr.Column(elem_id="params"): with gr.Tab('Prompts'): positive_prompt = gr.Textbox( label="Positive Prompt: describe what you'd like to see", lines=3, value=DEFAULT_POSITIVE_PROMPT ) negative_prompt = gr.Textbox( label="Negative Prompt: describe what you want to avoid", lines=3, value=DEFAULT_NEGATIVE_PROMPT ) if developer_mode: with gr.Tab('Options'): seed = gr.Number( label="Seed", precision=0, value=0, elem_id="seed", visible=developer_mode ) depth_map_feather_threshold = gr.Slider( label="Depth map feather threshold", value=128, minimum=0, maximum=255, visible=developer_mode ) depth_map_dilation_iterations = gr.Number( label="Depth map dilation iterations", precision=0, value=10, minimum=0, visible=developer_mode ) depth_map_blur_radius = gr.Number( label="Depth map blur radius", precision=0, value=10, minimum=0, visible=developer_mode ) else: seed = gr.Number(value=-1, visible=False) depth_map_feather_threshold = gr.Slider( value=128, visible=False) depth_map_dilation_iterations = gr.Number( precision=0, value=10, visible=False) depth_map_blur_radius = gr.Number( precision=0, value=10, visible=False) gen_button = gr.Button(value="Generate!", variant="primary") with gr.Tab('Results'): results = gr.Gallery( show_label=False, object_fit="contain", columns=4 ) if developer_mode: with gr.Tab('Generated'): generated = gr.Gallery( show_label=False, object_fit="contain", columns=4 ) with gr.Tab('Pre-processing'): pre_processing = gr.Gallery( show_label=False, object_fit="contain", columns=4 ) else: generated = gr.Gallery(visible=False) pre_processing = gr.Gallery(visible=False) gr.Examples( examples=EXAMPLES, inputs=[image_upload, positive_prompt, negative_prompt], ) fn=generate, inputs=[ image_upload, positive_prompt, negative_prompt, seed, depth_map_feather_threshold, depth_map_dilation_iterations, depth_map_blur_radius ], outputs=[ results, generated, pre_processing, caption ], ) iface.queue(max_size=10, api_open=False).launch(show_api=False)