import gradio as gr from confidence import run_nli DESCRIPTION = """\ # Llama Chatbot with confidence scores 🩺 This space shows that we can teach LLMs to express how confident they are in their answers. Since we can only access free CPUs, we use a tiny Llama ([TinyLlama-1.1B]( as the chatbot and an [NLI model]( to get scores.
💯 There will be a score between 0 and 1 after each sentence, and a higher value means the sentence is more factual.
⏳ It takes 150s-300s to process each query, and we limit the token numbers of answers for saving time. """ def greet(query, history): results = run_nli(query, sample_size=3) return results #return "this is the result" sample_list = [ "Tell me something about Albert Einstein, e.g., a short bio with birth date and birth place", "Tell me something about Lihu Chen, e.g., a short bio with birth date and birth place", "How tall is the Eiffel Tower?" ] iface = gr.ChatInterface( fn=greet, stop_btn=None, examples=sample_list, cache_examples=True ) with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(DESCRIPTION) iface.render() #gr.Markdown(LICENSE) demo.launch()