from pathlib import Path from pkg_resources import get_distribution from zipfile import ZipFile import numpy as np import tempfile from distutils.version import LooseVersion from csbdeep.utils import axes_check_and_normalize, normalize, _raise DEEPIMAGEJ_MACRO = \ """ //******************************************************************* // Date: July-2021 // Credits: StarDist, DeepImageJ // URL: // // // This macro was adapted from // // Please cite the respective contributions when using this code. //******************************************************************* // Macro to run StarDist postprocessing on 2D images. // StarDist and deepImageJ plugins need to be installed. // The macro assumes that the image to process is a stack in which // the first channel corresponds to the object probability map // and the remaining channels are the radial distances from each // pixel to the object boundary. //******************************************************************* // Get the name of the image to call it getDimensions(width, height, channels, slices, frames); name=getTitle(); probThresh={probThresh}; nmsThresh={nmsThresh}; // Isolate the detection probability scores run("Make Substack...", "channels=1"); rename("scores"); // Isolate the oriented distances run("Fire"); selectWindow(name); run("Delete Slice", "delete=channel"); selectWindow(name); run("Properties...", "channels=" + maxOf(channels, slices) - 1 + " slices=1 frames=1 pixel_width=1.0000 pixel_height=1.0000 voxel_depth=1.0000"); rename("distances"); run("royal"); // Run StarDist plugin run("Command From Macro", "command=[de.csbdresden.stardist.StarDist2DNMS], args=['prob':'scores', 'dist':'distances', 'probThresh':'" + probThresh + "', 'nmsThresh':'" + nmsThresh + "', 'outputType':'Both', 'excludeBoundary':'2', 'roiPosition':'Stack', 'verbose':'false'], process=[false]"); """ def _import(error=True): try: from importlib_metadata import metadata from bioimageio.core.build_spec import build_model # type: ignore import xarray as xr import bioimageio.core # type: ignore except ImportError: if error: raise RuntimeError( "Required libraries are missing for model export.\n" "Please install StarDist as follows: pip install 'stardist[bioimageio]'\n" "(You do not need to uninstall StarDist first.)" ) else: return None return metadata, build_model, bioimageio.core, xr def _create_stardist_dependencies(outdir): from ruamel.yaml import YAML from tensorflow import __version__ as tf_version from . import __version__ as stardist_version pkg_info = get_distribution("stardist") # dependencies that start with the name "bioimageio" will be added as conda dependencies reqs_conda = [str(req) for req in pkg_info.requires(extras=['bioimageio']) if str(req).startswith('bioimageio')] # only stardist and tensorflow as pip dependencies tf_major, tf_minor = LooseVersion(tf_version).version[:2] reqs_pip = (f"stardist>={stardist_version}", f"tensorflow>={tf_major}.{tf_minor},<{tf_major+1}") # conda environment env = dict( name = 'stardist', channels = ['defaults', 'conda-forge'], dependencies = [ ('python>=3.7,<3.8' if tf_major == 1 else 'python>=3.7'), *reqs_conda, 'pip', {'pip': reqs_pip}, ], ) yaml = YAML(typ='safe') path = outdir / "environment.yaml" with open(path, "w") as f: yaml.dump(env, f) return f"conda:{path}" def _create_stardist_doc(outdir): doc_path = outdir / "" text = ( "# StarDist Model\n" "This is a model for object detection with star-convex shapes.\n" "Please see the [StarDist repository]( for details." ) with open(doc_path, "w") as f: f.write(text) return doc_path def _get_stardist_metadata(outdir, model): metadata, *_ = _import() package_data = metadata("stardist") doi_2d = "" doi_3d = "" authors = { 'Martin Weigert': dict(name='Martin Weigert', github_user='maweigert'), 'Uwe Schmidt': dict(name='Uwe Schmidt', github_user='uschmidt83'), } data = dict( description=package_data["Summary"], authors=list(authors.get(name.strip(),dict(name=name.strip())) for name in package_data["Author"].split(",")), git_repo=package_data["Home-Page"], license=package_data["License"], dependencies=_create_stardist_dependencies(outdir), cite=[{"text": "Cell Detection with Star-Convex Polygons", "doi": doi_2d}, {"text": "Star-convex Polyhedra for 3D Object Detection and Segmentation in Microscopy", "doi": doi_3d}], tags=[ 'fluorescence-light-microscopy', 'whole-slide-imaging', 'other', # modality f'{model.config.n_dim}d', # dims 'cells', 'nuclei', # content 'tensorflow', # framework 'fiji', # software 'unet', # network 'instance-segmentation', 'object-detection', # task 'stardist', ], covers=[""], documentation=_create_stardist_doc(outdir), ) return data def _predict_tf(model_path, test_input): import tensorflow as tf from import IS_TF_1 # need to unzip the model assets model_assets = model_path.parent / "tf_model" with ZipFile(model_path, "r") as f: f.extractall(model_assets) if IS_TF_1: # make a new graph, i.e. don't use the global default graph with tf.Graph().as_default(): with tf.Session() as sess: tf_model = tf.saved_model.load_v2(str(model_assets)) x = tf.convert_to_tensor(test_input, dtype=tf.float32) model = tf_model.signatures["serving_default"] y = model(x) output =["output"]) else: tf_model = tf.saved_model.load(str(model_assets)) x = tf.convert_to_tensor(test_input, dtype=tf.float32) model = tf_model.signatures["serving_default"] y = model(x) output = y["output"].numpy() return output def _get_weights_and_model_metadata(outdir, model, test_input, test_input_axes, test_input_norm_axes, mode, min_percentile, max_percentile): # get the path to the exported model assets (saved in outdir) if mode == "keras_hdf5": raise NotImplementedError("Export to keras format is not supported yet") elif mode == "tensorflow_saved_model_bundle": assets_uri = outdir / "" model_csbdeep = model.export_TF(assets_uri, single_output=True, upsample_grid=True) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported mode: {mode}") # to force "inputs.data_type: float32" in the spec (bonus: disables normalization warning in model._predict_setup) test_input = test_input.astype(np.float32) # convert test_input to axes_net semantics and shape, also resize if necessary (to adhere to axes_net_div_by) test_input, axes_img, axes_net, axes_net_div_by, *_ = model._predict_setup( img=test_input, axes=test_input_axes, normalizer=None, n_tiles=None, show_tile_progress=False, predict_kwargs={}, ) # normalization axes string and numeric indices axes_norm = set(axes_net).intersection(set(axes_check_and_normalize(test_input_norm_axes, disallowed='S'))) axes_norm = "".join(a for a in axes_net if a in axes_norm) # preserve order of axes_net axes_norm_num = tuple(axes_net.index(a) for a in axes_norm) # normalize input image test_input_norm = normalize(test_input, pmin=min_percentile, pmax=max_percentile, axis=axes_norm_num) net_axes_in = axes_net.lower() net_axes_out = axes_check_and_normalize(model._axes_out).lower() ndim_tensor = len(net_axes_out) + 1 input_min_shape = list(axes_net_div_by) input_min_shape[axes_net.index('C')] = model.config.n_channel_in input_step = list(axes_net_div_by) input_step[axes_net.index('C')] = 0 # add the batch axis to shape and step input_min_shape = [1] + input_min_shape input_step = [0] + input_step # the axes strings in bioimageio convention input_axes = "b" + net_axes_in.lower() output_axes = "b" + net_axes_out.lower() if mode == "keras_hdf5": output_names = ("prob", "dist") + (("class_prob",) if model._is_multiclass() else ()) output_n_channels = (1, model.config.n_rays,) + ((1,) if model._is_multiclass() else ()) # the output shape is computed from the input shape using # output_shape[i] = output_scale[i] * input_shape[i] + 2 * output_offset[i] output_scale = [1]+list(1/g for g in model.config.grid) + [0] output_offset = [0]*(ndim_tensor) elif mode == "tensorflow_saved_model_bundle": if model._is_multiclass(): raise NotImplementedError("Tensorflow SavedModel not supported for multiclass models yet") # regarding input/output names: input_names = ["input"] output_names = ["output"] output_n_channels = (1 + model.config.n_rays,) # the output shape is computed from the input shape using # output_shape[i] = output_scale[i] * input_shape[i] + 2 * output_offset[i] # same shape as input except for the channel dimension output_scale = [1]*(ndim_tensor) output_scale[output_axes.index("c")] = 0 # no offset, except for the input axes, where it is output channel / 2 output_offset = [0.0]*(ndim_tensor) output_offset[output_axes.index("c")] = output_n_channels[0] / 2.0 assert all(s in (0, 1) for s in output_scale), "halo computation assumption violated" halo = model._axes_tile_overlap(output_axes.replace('b', 's')) halo = [int(np.ceil(v/8)*8) for v in halo] # optional: round up to be divisible by 8 # the output shape needs to be valid after cropping the halo, so we add the halo to the input min shape input_min_shape = [ms + 2 * ha for ms, ha in zip(input_min_shape, halo)] # make sure the input min shape is still divisible by the min axis divisor input_min_shape = input_min_shape[:1] + [ms + (-ms % div_by) for ms, div_by in zip(input_min_shape[1:], axes_net_div_by)] assert all(ms % div_by == 0 for ms, div_by in zip(input_min_shape[1:], axes_net_div_by)) metadata, *_ = _import() package_data = metadata("stardist") is_2D = model.config.n_dim == 2 weights_file = outdir / "stardist_weights.h5" model.keras_model.save_weights(str(weights_file)) config = dict( stardist=dict( python_version=package_data["Version"], thresholds=dict(model.thresholds._asdict()),, config=vars(model.config), ) ) if is_2D: macro_file = outdir / "stardist_postprocessing.ijm" with open(str(macro_file), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(DEEPIMAGEJ_MACRO.format(probThresh=model.thresholds.prob, nmsThresh=model.thresholds.nms)) config['stardist'].update( n_inputs = len(input_names) assert n_inputs == 1 input_config = dict( input_names=input_names, input_min_shape=[input_min_shape], input_step=[input_step], input_axes=[input_axes], input_data_range=[["-inf", "inf"]], preprocessing=[[dict( name="scale_range", kwargs=dict( mode="per_sample", axes=axes_norm.lower(), min_percentile=min_percentile, max_percentile=max_percentile, ))]] ) n_outputs = len(output_names) output_config = dict( output_names=output_names, output_data_range=[["-inf", "inf"]] * n_outputs, output_axes=[output_axes] * n_outputs, output_reference=[input_names[0]] * n_outputs, output_scale=[output_scale] * n_outputs, output_offset=[output_offset] * n_outputs, halo=[halo] * n_outputs ) in_path = outdir / "test_input.npy", test_input[np.newaxis]) if mode == "tensorflow_saved_model_bundle": test_outputs = _predict_tf(assets_uri, test_input_norm[np.newaxis]) else: test_outputs = model.predict(test_input_norm) # out_paths = [] # for i, out in enumerate(test_outputs): # p = outdir / f"test_output{i}.npy" #, out) # out_paths.append(p) assert n_outputs == 1 out_paths = [outdir / "test_output.npy"][0], test_outputs) from tensorflow import __version__ as tf_version data = dict(weight_uri=assets_uri, test_inputs=[in_path], test_outputs=out_paths, config=config, tensorflow_version=tf_version) data.update(input_config) data.update(output_config) _files = [str(weights_file)] if is_2D: _files.append(str(macro_file)) data.update(attachments=dict(files=_files)) return data def export_bioimageio( model, outpath, test_input, test_input_axes=None, test_input_norm_axes='ZYX', name=None, mode="tensorflow_saved_model_bundle", min_percentile=1.0, max_percentile=99.8, overwrite_spec_kwargs=None, ): """Export stardist model into format, Parameters ---------- model: StarDist2D, StarDist3D the model to convert outpath: str, Path where to save the model test_input: np.ndarray input image for generating test data test_input_axes: str or None the axes of the test input, for example 'YX' for a 2d image or 'ZYX' for a 3d volume using None assumes that axes of test_input are the same as those of model test_input_norm_axes: str the axes of the test input which will be jointly normalized, for example 'ZYX' for all spatial dimensions ('Z' ignored for 2D input) use 'ZYXC' to also jointly normalize channels (e.g. for RGB input images) name: str the name of this model (default: None) if None, uses the (folder) name of the model (i.e. ``) mode: str the export type for this model (default: "tensorflow_saved_model_bundle") min_percentile: float min percentile to be used for image normalization (default: 1.0) max_percentile: float max percentile to be used for image normalization (default: 99.8) overwrite_spec_kwargs: dict or None spec keywords that should be overloaded (default: None) """ _, build_model, *_ = _import() from .models import StarDist2D, StarDist3D isinstance(model, (StarDist2D, StarDist3D)) or _raise(ValueError("not a valid model")) 0 <= min_percentile < max_percentile <= 100 or _raise(ValueError("invalid percentile values")) if name is None: name = name = str(name) outpath = Path(outpath) if outpath.suffix == "": outdir = outpath zip_path = outdir / f"{name}.zip" elif outpath.suffix == ".zip": outdir = outpath.parent zip_path = outpath else: raise ValueError(f"outpath has to be a folder or zip file, got {outpath}") outdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as _tmp_dir: tmp_dir = Path(_tmp_dir) kwargs = _get_stardist_metadata(tmp_dir, model) model_kwargs = _get_weights_and_model_metadata(tmp_dir, model, test_input, test_input_axes, test_input_norm_axes, mode, min_percentile=min_percentile, max_percentile=max_percentile) kwargs.update(model_kwargs) if overwrite_spec_kwargs is not None: kwargs.update(overwrite_spec_kwargs) build_model(name=name, output_path=zip_path, add_deepimagej_config=(model.config.n_dim==2), root=tmp_dir, **kwargs) print(f"\ model with name '{name}' exported to '{zip_path}'") def import_bioimageio(source, outpath): """Import stardist model from format, Load a model in format from the given `source` (e.g. path to zip file, URL) and convert it to a regular stardist model, which will be saved in the folder `outpath`. Parameters ---------- source: str, Path resource (e.g. path, URL) outpath: str, Path folder to save the stardist model (must not exist previously) Returns ------- StarDist2D or StarDist3D stardist model loaded from `outpath` """ import shutil, uuid from csbdeep.utils import save_json from .models import StarDist2D, StarDist3D *_, bioimageio_core, _ = _import() outpath = Path(outpath) not outpath.exists() or _raise(FileExistsError(f"'{outpath}' already exists")) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as _tmp_dir: tmp_dir = Path(_tmp_dir) # download the full model content to a temporary folder zip_path = tmp_dir / f"{str(uuid.uuid4())}.zip" bioimageio_core.export_resource_package(source, output_path=zip_path) with ZipFile(zip_path, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(tmp_dir) zip_path.unlink() rdf_path = tmp_dir / "rdf.yaml" biomodel = bioimageio_core.load_resource_description(rdf_path) # read the stardist specific content 'stardist' in biomodel.config or _raise(RuntimeError(" model not compatible")) config = biomodel.config['stardist']['config'] thresholds = biomodel.config['stardist']['thresholds'] weights = biomodel.config['stardist']['weights'] # make sure that the keras weights are in the attachments weights_file = None for f in biomodel.attachments.files: if == weights and f.exists(): weights_file = f break weights_file is not None or _raise(FileNotFoundError(f"couldn't find weights file '{weights}'")) # save the config and threshold to json, and weights to hdf5 to enable loading as stardist model # copy bioimageio files to separate sub-folder outpath.mkdir(parents=True) save_json(config, str(outpath / 'config.json')) save_json(thresholds, str(outpath / 'thresholds.json')) shutil.copy(str(weights_file), str(outpath / "weights_bioimageio.h5")) shutil.copytree(str(tmp_dir), str(outpath / "bioimageio")) model_class = (StarDist2D if config['n_dim'] == 2 else StarDist3D) model = model_class(None,, basedir=str(outpath.parent)) return model