import numpy as np import warnings import math from tqdm import tqdm from skimage.measure import regionprops from skimage.draw import polygon from csbdeep.utils import _raise, axes_check_and_normalize, axes_dict from itertools import product OBJECT_KEYS = set(('prob', 'points', 'coord', 'dist', 'class_prob', 'class_id')) COORD_KEYS = set(('points', 'coord')) class Block: """One-dimensional block as part of a chain. There are no explicit start and end positions. Instead, each block is aware of its predecessor and successor and derives such things (recursively) based on its neighbors. Blocks overlap with one another (at least min_overlap + 2*context) and have a read region (the entire block) and a write region (ignoring context). Given a query interval, Block.is_responsible will return true for only one block of a chain (or raise an exception if the interval is larger than min_overlap or even the entire block without context). """ def __init__(self, size, min_overlap, context, pred): self.size = int(size) self.min_overlap = int(min_overlap) self.context = int(context) self.pred = pred self.succ = None assert 0 <= self.min_overlap + 2*self.context < self.size self.stride = self.size - (self.min_overlap + 2*self.context) self._start = 0 self._frozen = False @property def start(self): return self._start if (self.frozen or self.at_begin) else self.pred.succ_start @property def end(self): return self.start + self.size @property def succ_start(self): return self.start + self.stride def add_succ(self): assert self.succ is None and not self.frozen self.succ = Block(self.size, self.min_overlap, self.context, self) return self.succ def decrease_stride(self, amount): amount = int(amount) assert 0 <= amount < self.stride and not self.frozen self.stride -= amount def freeze(self): """Call on first block to freeze entire chain (after construction is done)""" assert not self.frozen and (self.at_begin or self.pred.frozen) self._start = self.start self._frozen = True if not self.at_end: self.succ.freeze() @property def slice_read(self): return slice(self.start, self.end) @property def slice_crop_context(self): """Crop context relative to read region""" return slice(self.context_start, self.size - self.context_end) @property def slice_write(self): return slice(self.start + self.context_start, self.end - self.context_end) def is_responsible(self, bbox): """Responsibility for query interval bbox, which is assumed to be smaller than min_overlap. If the assumption is met, only one block of a chain will return true. If violated, one or more blocks of a chain may raise a NotFullyVisible exception. The exception will have an argument that is False if bbox is larger than min_overlap, and True if bbox is even larger than the entire block without context. bbox: (int,int) 1D bounding box interval with coordinates relative to size without context """ bmin, bmax = bbox r_start = 0 if self.at_begin else (self.pred.overlap - self.pred.context_end - self.context_start) r_end = self.size - self.context_start - self.context_end assert 0 <= bmin < bmax <= r_end # assert not (bmin == 0 and bmax >= r_start and not self.at_begin), [(r_start,r_end), bbox, self] if bmin == 0 and bmax >= r_start: if bmax == r_end: # object spans the entire block, i.e. is probably larger than size (minus the context) raise NotFullyVisible(True) if not self.at_begin: # object spans the entire overlap region, i.e. is only partially visible here and also by the predecessor block raise NotFullyVisible(False) # object ends before responsible region start if bmax < r_start: return False # object touches the end of the responsible region (only take if at end) if bmax == r_end and not self.at_end: return False return True # ------------------------ @property def frozen(self): return self._frozen @property def at_begin(self): return self.pred is None @property def at_end(self): return self.succ is None @property def overlap(self): return self.size - self.stride @property def context_start(self): return 0 if self.at_begin else self.context @property def context_end(self): return 0 if self.at_end else self.context def __repr__(self): shared = f'{self.start:03}:{self.end:03}' shared += f', size={self.context_start}-{self.size-self.context_start-self.context_end}-{self.context_end}' if self.at_end: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({shared})' else: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({shared}, overlap={self.overlap}/{self.overlap-self.context_start-self.context_end})' @property def chain(self): blocks = [self] while not blocks[-1].at_end: blocks.append(blocks[-1].succ) return blocks def __iter__(self): return iter(self.chain) # ------------------------ @staticmethod def cover(size, block_size, min_overlap, context, grid=1, verbose=True): """Return chain of grid-aligned blocks to cover the interval [0,size]. Parameters block_size, min_overlap, and context will be used for all blocks of the chain. Only the size of the last block may differ. Except for the last block, start and end positions of all blocks will be multiples of grid. To that end, the provided block parameters may be increased to achieve that. Note that parameters must be chosen such that the write regions of only neighboring blocks are overlapping. """ assert 0 <= min_overlap+2*context < block_size <= size assert 0 < grid <= block_size block_size = _grid_divisible(grid, block_size, name='block_size', verbose=verbose) min_overlap = _grid_divisible(grid, min_overlap, name='min_overlap', verbose=verbose) context = _grid_divisible(grid, context, name='context', verbose=verbose) # allow size not to be divisible by grid size_orig = size size = _grid_divisible(grid, size, name='size', verbose=False) # divide all sizes by grid assert all(v % grid == 0 for v in (size, block_size, min_overlap, context)) size //= grid block_size //= grid min_overlap //= grid context //= grid # compute cover in grid-multiples t = first = Block(block_size, min_overlap, context, None) while t.end < size: t = t.add_succ() last = t # [print(t) for t in first] # move blocks around to make it fit excess = last.end - size t = first while excess > 0: t.decrease_stride(1) excess -= 1 t = t.succ if (t == last): t = first # make a copy of the cover and multiply sizes by grid if grid > 1: size *= grid block_size *= grid min_overlap *= grid context *= grid # _t = _first = first t = first = Block(block_size, min_overlap, context, None) t.stride = _t.stride*grid while not _t.at_end: _t = _t.succ t = t.add_succ() t.stride = _t.stride*grid last = t # change size of last block # will be padded internally to the same size # as the others by model.predict_instances size_delta = size - size_orig last.size -= size_delta assert 0 <= size_delta < grid # for efficiency (to not determine starts recursively from now on) first.freeze() blocks = first.chain # sanity checks assert first.start == 0 and last.end == size_orig assert all(t.overlap-2*context >= min_overlap for t in blocks if t != last) assert all(t.start % grid == 0 and t.end % grid == 0 for t in blocks if t != last) # print(); [print(t) for t in first] # only neighboring blocks should be overlapping if len(blocks) >= 3: for t in blocks[:-2]: assert t.slice_write.stop <= t.succ.succ.slice_write.start return blocks class BlockND: """N-dimensional block. Each BlockND simply consists of a 1-dimensional Block per axis and also has an id (which should be unique). The n-dimensional region represented by each BlockND is the intersection of all 1D Blocks per axis. Also see `Block`. """ def __init__(self, id, blocks, axes): = id self.blocks = tuple(blocks) self.axes = axes_check_and_normalize(axes, length=len(self.blocks)) self.axis_to_block = dict(zip(self.axes,self.blocks)) def blocks_for_axes(self, axes=None): axes = self.axes if axes is None else axes_check_and_normalize(axes) return tuple(self.axis_to_block[a] for a in axes) def slice_read(self, axes=None): return tuple(t.slice_read for t in self.blocks_for_axes(axes)) def slice_crop_context(self, axes=None): return tuple(t.slice_crop_context for t in self.blocks_for_axes(axes)) def slice_write(self, axes=None): return tuple(t.slice_write for t in self.blocks_for_axes(axes)) def read(self, x, axes=None): """Read block "read region" from x (numpy.ndarray or similar)""" return x[self.slice_read(axes)] def crop_context(self, labels, axes=None): return labels[self.slice_crop_context(axes)] def write(self, x, labels, axes=None): """Write (only entries > 0 of) labels to block "write region" of x (numpy.ndarray or similar)""" s = self.slice_write(axes) mask = labels > 0 # x[s][mask] = labels[mask] # doesn't work with zarr region = x[s] region[mask] = labels[mask] x[s] = region def is_responsible(self, slices, axes=None): return all(t.is_responsible((s.start,s.stop)) for t,s in zip(self.blocks_for_axes(axes),slices)) def __repr__(self): slices = ','.join(f'{a}={t.start:03}:{t.end:03}' for t,a in zip(self.blocks,self.axes)) return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({}|{slices})' def __iter__(self): return iter(self.blocks) # ------------------------ def filter_objects(self, labels, polys, axes=None): """Filter out objects that block is not responsible for. Given label image 'labels' and dictionary 'polys' of polygon/polyhedron objects, only retain those objects that this block is responsible for. This function will return a pair (labels, polys) of the modified label image and dictionary. It will raise a RuntimeError if an object is found in the overlap area of neighboring blocks that violates the assumption to be smaller than 'min_overlap'. If parameter 'polys' is None, only the filtered label image will be returned. Notes ----- - Important: It is assumed that the object label ids in 'labels' and the entries in 'polys' are sorted in the same way. - Does not modify 'labels' and 'polys', but returns modified copies. Example ------- >>> labels, polys = model.predict_instances( >>> labels = block.crop_context(labels) >>> labels, polys = block.filter_objects(labels, polys) """ # TODO: option to update labels in-place assert np.issubdtype(labels.dtype, np.integer) ndim = len(self.blocks_for_axes(axes)) assert ndim in (2,3) assert labels.ndim == ndim and labels.shape == tuple(s.stop-s.start for s in self.slice_crop_context(axes)) labels_filtered = np.zeros_like(labels) # problem_ids = [] for r in regionprops(labels): slices = tuple(slice(r.bbox[i],r.bbox[i+labels.ndim]) for i in range(labels.ndim)) try: if self.is_responsible(slices, axes): labels_filtered[slices][r.image] = r.label except NotFullyVisible as e: # shape_block_write = tuple(s.stop-s.start for s in self.slice_write(axes)) shape_object = tuple(s.stop-s.start for s in slices) shape_min_overlap = tuple(t.min_overlap for t in self.blocks_for_axes(axes)) raise RuntimeError(f"Found object of shape {shape_object}, which violates the assumption of being smaller than 'min_overlap' {shape_min_overlap}. Increase 'min_overlap' to avoid this problem.") # if e.args[0]: # object larger than block write region # assert any(o >= b for o,b in zip(shape_object,shape_block_write)) # # problem, since this object will probably be saved by another block too # raise RuntimeError(f"Found object of shape {shape_object}, larger than an entire block's write region of shape {shape_block_write}. Increase 'block_size' to avoid this problem.") # # print("found object larger than 'block_size'") # else: # assert any(o >= b for o,b in zip(shape_object,shape_min_overlap)) # # print("found object larger than 'min_overlap'") # # keep object, because will be dealt with later, i.e. # # render the poly again into the label image, but this is not # # ideal since the assumption is that the object outside that # # region is not reliable because it's in the context # labels_filtered[slices][r.image] = r.label # problem_ids.append(r.label) if polys is None: # assert len(problem_ids) == 0 return labels_filtered else: # it is assumed that ids in 'labels' map to entries in 'polys' assert isinstance(polys,dict) and any(k in polys for k in COORD_KEYS) filtered_labels = np.unique(labels_filtered) filtered_ind = [i-1 for i in filtered_labels if i > 0] polys_out = {k: (v[filtered_ind] if k in OBJECT_KEYS else v) for k,v in polys.items()} for k in COORD_KEYS: if k in polys_out.keys(): polys_out[k] = self.translate_coordinates(polys_out[k], axes=axes) return labels_filtered, polys_out#, tuple(problem_ids) def translate_coordinates(self, coordinates, axes=None): """Translate local block coordinates (of read region) to global ones based on block position""" ndim = len(self.blocks_for_axes(axes)) assert isinstance(coordinates, np.ndarray) and coordinates.ndim >= 2 and coordinates.shape[1] == ndim start = [s.start for s in self.slice_read(axes)] shape = tuple(1 if d!=1 else ndim for d in range(coordinates.ndim)) start = np.array(start).reshape(shape) return coordinates + start # ------------------------ @staticmethod def cover(shape, axes, block_size, min_overlap, context, grid=1): """Return grid-aligned n-dimensional blocks to cover region of the given shape with axes semantics. Parameters block_size, min_overlap, and context can be different per dimension/axis (if provided as list) or the same (if provided as scalar value). Also see `Block.cover`. """ shape = tuple(shape) n = len(shape) axes = axes_check_and_normalize(axes, length=n) if np.isscalar(block_size): block_size = n*[block_size] if np.isscalar(min_overlap): min_overlap = n*[min_overlap] if np.isscalar(context): context = n*[context] if np.isscalar(grid): grid = n*[grid] assert n == len(block_size) == len(min_overlap) == len(context) == len(grid) # compute cover for each dimension cover_1d = [Block.cover(*args) for args in zip(shape, block_size, min_overlap, context, grid)] # return cover as Cartesian product of 1-dimensional blocks return tuple(BlockND(i,blocks,axes) for i,blocks in enumerate(product(*cover_1d))) class Polygon: def __init__(self, coord, bbox=None, shape_max=None): self.bbox = self.coords_bbox(coord, shape_max=shape_max) if bbox is None else bbox self.coord = coord - np.array([r[0] for r in self.bbox]).reshape(2,1) self.slice = tuple(slice(*r) for r in self.bbox) self.shape = tuple(r[1]-r[0] for r in self.bbox) rr,cc = polygon(*self.coord, self.shape) self.mask = np.zeros(self.shape, bool) self.mask[rr,cc] = True @staticmethod def coords_bbox(*coords, shape_max=None): assert all(isinstance(c, np.ndarray) and c.ndim==2 and c.shape[0]==2 for c in coords) if shape_max is None: shape_max = (np.inf, np.inf) coord = np.concatenate(coords, axis=1) mins = np.maximum(0, np.floor(np.min(coord,axis=1))).astype(int) maxs = np.minimum(shape_max, np.ceil (np.max(coord,axis=1))).astype(int) return tuple(zip(tuple(mins),tuple(maxs))) class Polyhedron: def __init__(self, dist, origin, rays, bbox=None, shape_max=None): self.bbox = self.coords_bbox((dist, origin), rays=rays, shape_max=shape_max) if bbox is None else bbox self.slice = tuple(slice(*r) for r in self.bbox) self.shape = tuple(r[1]-r[0] for r in self.bbox) _origin = origin.reshape(1,3) - np.array([r[0] for r in self.bbox]).reshape(1,3) self.mask = polyhedron_to_label(dist[np.newaxis], _origin, rays, shape=self.shape, verbose=False).astype(bool) @staticmethod def coords_bbox(*dist_origin, rays, shape_max=None): dists, points = zip(*dist_origin) assert all(isinstance(d, np.ndarray) and d.ndim==1 and len(d)==len(rays) for d in dists) assert all(isinstance(p, np.ndarray) and p.ndim==1 and len(p)==3 for p in points) dists, points, verts = np.stack(dists)[...,np.newaxis], np.stack(points)[:,np.newaxis], rays.vertices[np.newaxis] coord = dists * verts + points coord = np.concatenate(coord, axis=0) if shape_max is None: shape_max = (np.inf, np.inf, np.inf) mins = np.maximum(0, np.floor(np.min(coord,axis=0))).astype(int) maxs = np.minimum(shape_max, np.ceil (np.max(coord,axis=0))).astype(int) return tuple(zip(tuple(mins),tuple(maxs))) # def repaint_labels(output, labels, polys, show_progress=True): # """Repaint object instances in correct order based on probability scores. # Does modify 'output' and 'polys' in-place, but will only write sparsely to 'output' where needed. # output: numpy.ndarray or similar # Label image (integer-valued) # labels: iterable of int # List of integer label ids that occur in output # polys: dict # Dictionary of polygon/polyhedra properties. # Assumption is that the label id (-1) corresponds to the index in the polys dict # """ # assert output.ndim in (2,3) # if show_progress: # labels = tqdm(labels, leave=True) # labels_eliminated = set() # # TODO: inelegant to have so much duplicated code here # if output.ndim == 2: # coord = lambda i: polys['coord'][i-1] # prob = lambda i: polys['prob'][i-1] # for i in labels: # if i in labels_eliminated: continue # poly_i = Polygon(coord(i), shape_max=output.shape) # # find all labels that overlap with i (including i) # overlapping = set(np.unique(output[poly_i.slice][poly_i.mask])) - {0} # assert i in overlapping # # compute bbox union to find area to crop/replace in large output label image # bbox_union = Polygon.coords_bbox(*[coord(j) for j in overlapping], shape_max=output.shape) # # crop out label i, including the region that include all overlapping labels # poly_i = Polygon(coord(i), bbox=bbox_union) # mask = poly_i.mask.copy() # # remove pixels from mask that belong to labels with higher probability # for j in [j for j in overlapping if prob(j) > prob(i)]: # mask[ Polygon(coord(j), bbox=bbox_union).mask ] = False # crop = output[poly_i.slice] # crop[crop==i] = 0 # delete all remnants of i in crop # crop[mask] = i # paint i where mask still active # labels_remaining = set(np.unique(output[poly_i.slice][poly_i.mask])) - {0} # labels_eliminated.update(overlapping - labels_remaining) # else: # dist = lambda i: polys['dist'][i-1] # origin = lambda i: polys['points'][i-1] # prob = lambda i: polys['prob'][i-1] # rays = polys['rays'] # for i in labels: # if i in labels_eliminated: continue # poly_i = Polyhedron(dist(i), origin(i), rays, shape_max=output.shape) # # find all labels that overlap with i (including i) # overlapping = set(np.unique(output[poly_i.slice][poly_i.mask])) - {0} # assert i in overlapping # # compute bbox union to find area to crop/replace in large output label image # bbox_union = Polyhedron.coords_bbox(*[(dist(j),origin(j)) for j in overlapping], rays=rays, shape_max=output.shape) # # crop out label i, including the region that include all overlapping labels # poly_i = Polyhedron(dist(i), origin(i), rays, bbox=bbox_union) # mask = poly_i.mask.copy() # # remove pixels from mask that belong to labels with higher probability # for j in [j for j in overlapping if prob(j) > prob(i)]: # mask[ Polyhedron(dist(j), origin(j), rays, bbox=bbox_union).mask ] = False # crop = output[poly_i.slice] # crop[crop==i] = 0 # delete all remnants of i in crop # crop[mask] = i # paint i where mask still active # labels_remaining = set(np.unique(output[poly_i.slice][poly_i.mask])) - {0} # labels_eliminated.update(overlapping - labels_remaining) # if len(labels_eliminated) > 0: # ind = [i-1 for i in labels_eliminated] # for k,v in polys.items(): # if k in OBJECT_KEYS: # polys[k] = np.delete(v, ind, axis=0) ############ def predict_big(model, *args, **kwargs): from .models import StarDist2D, StarDist3D if isinstance(model,(StarDist2D,StarDist3D)): dst = model.__class__.__name__ else: dst = '{StarDist2D, StarDist3D}' raise RuntimeError(f"This function has moved to {dst}.predict_instances_big.") class NotFullyVisible(Exception): pass def _grid_divisible(grid, size, name=None, verbose=True): if size % grid == 0: return size _size = size size = math.ceil(size / grid) * grid if bool(verbose): print(f"{verbose if isinstance(verbose,str) else ''}increasing '{'value' if name is None else name}' from {_size} to {size} to be evenly divisible by {grid} (grid)", flush=True) assert size % grid == 0 return size # def render_polygons(polys, shape): # return polygons_to_label_coord(polys['coord'], shape=shape)