import os import os.path as osp from argparse import ArgumentParser from functools import partial from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download from pathlib import Path import gradio as gr import numpy as np import torch from PIL import Image import dnnlib from gradio_utils import (ImageMask, draw_mask_on_image, draw_points_on_image, get_latest_points_pair, get_valid_mask, on_change_single_global_state) from viz.renderer import Renderer, add_watermark_np # download models from hub model_dir = Path('./checkpoints') snapshot_download('radames/DragGan', repo_type='model', local_dir=model_dir) parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--share', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--cache-dir', type=str, default='./checkpoints') args = parser.parse_args() cache_dir = args.cache_dir device = 'cuda' def reverse_point_pairs(points): new_points = [] for p in points: new_points.append([p[1], p[0]]) return new_points def clear_state(global_state, target=None): """Clear target history state from global_state If target is not defined, points and mask will be both removed. 1. set global_state['points'] as empty dict 2. set global_state['mask'] as full-one mask. """ if target is None: target = ['point', 'mask'] if not isinstance(target, list): target = [target] if 'point' in target: global_state['points'] = dict() print('Clear Points State!') if 'mask' in target: image_raw = global_state["images"]["image_raw"] global_state['mask'] = np.ones((image_raw.size[1], image_raw.size[0]), dtype=np.uint8) print('Clear mask State!') return global_state def init_images(global_state): """This function is called only ones with Gradio App is started. 0. pre-process global_state, unpack value from global_state of need 1. Re-init renderer 2. run `renderer._render_drag_impl` with `is_drag=False` to generate new image 3. Assign images to global state and re-generate mask """ if isinstance(global_state, gr.State): state = global_state.value else: state = global_state state['renderer'].init_network( state['generator_params'], # res valid_checkpoints_dict[state['pretrained_weight']], # pkl state['params']['seed'], # w0_seed, None, # w_load state['params']['latent_space'] == 'w+', # w_plus 'const', state['params']['trunc_psi'], # trunc_psi, state['params']['trunc_cutoff'], # trunc_cutoff, None, # input_transform state['params']['lr'] # lr, ) state['renderer']._render_drag_impl(state['generator_params'], is_drag=False, to_pil=True) init_image = state['generator_params'].image state['images']['image_orig'] = init_image state['images']['image_raw'] = init_image state['images']['image_show'] = Image.fromarray( add_watermark_np(np.array(init_image))) state['mask'] = np.ones((init_image.size[1], init_image.size[0]), dtype=np.uint8) return global_state def update_image_draw(image, points, mask, show_mask, global_state=None): image_draw = draw_points_on_image(image, points) if show_mask and mask is not None and not (mask == 0).all() and not ( mask == 1).all(): image_draw = draw_mask_on_image(image_draw, mask) image_draw = Image.fromarray(add_watermark_np(np.array(image_draw))) if global_state is not None: global_state['images']['image_show'] = image_draw return image_draw def preprocess_mask_info(global_state, image): """Function to handle mask information. 1. last_mask is None: Do not need to change mask, return mask 2. last_mask is not None: 2.1 global_state is remove_mask: 2.2 global_state is add_mask: """ if isinstance(image, dict): last_mask = get_valid_mask(image['mask']) else: last_mask = None mask = global_state['mask'] # mask in global state is a placeholder with all 1. if (mask == 1).all(): mask = last_mask # last_mask = global_state['last_mask'] editing_mode = global_state['editing_state'] if last_mask is None: return global_state if editing_mode == 'remove_mask': updated_mask = np.clip(mask - last_mask, 0, 1) print(f'Last editing_state is {editing_mode}, do remove.') elif editing_mode == 'add_mask': updated_mask = np.clip(mask + last_mask, 0, 1) print(f'Last editing_state is {editing_mode}, do add.') else: updated_mask = mask print(f'Last editing_state is {editing_mode}, ' 'do nothing to mask.') global_state['mask'] = updated_mask # global_state['last_mask'] = None # clear buffer return global_state valid_checkpoints_dict = { f.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]: osp.join(cache_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(cache_dir) if (f.endswith('pkl') and osp.exists(osp.join(cache_dir, f))) } print(f'File under cache_dir ({cache_dir}):') print(os.listdir(cache_dir)) print('Valid checkpoint file:') print(valid_checkpoints_dict) init_pkl = 'stylegan_human_v2_512' with gr.Blocks() as app: # renderer = Renderer() global_state = gr.State({ "images": { # image_orig: the original image, change with seed/model is changed # image_raw: image with mask and points, change durning optimization # image_show: image showed on screen }, "temporal_params": { # stop }, 'mask': None, # mask for visualization, 1 for editing and 0 for unchange 'last_mask': None, # last edited mask 'show_mask': True, # add button "generator_params": dnnlib.EasyDict(), "params": { "seed": 0, "motion_lambda": 20, "r1_in_pixels": 3, "r2_in_pixels": 12, "magnitude_direction_in_pixels": 1.0, "latent_space": "w+", "trunc_psi": 0.7, "trunc_cutoff": None, "lr": 0.001, }, "device": device, "draw_interval": 1, "renderer": Renderer(disable_timing=True), "points": {}, "curr_point": None, "curr_type_point": "start", 'editing_state': 'add_points', 'pretrained_weight': init_pkl }) # init image global_state = init_images(global_state) with gr.Row(): with gr.Row(): # Left --> tools with gr.Column(scale=3): # Pickle with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=10): gr.Markdown(value='Pickle', show_label=False) with gr.Column(scale=4, min_width=10): form_pretrained_dropdown = gr.Dropdown( choices=list(valid_checkpoints_dict.keys()), label="Pretrained Model", value=init_pkl, ) # Latent with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=10): gr.Markdown(value='Latent', show_label=False) with gr.Column(scale=4, min_width=10): form_seed_number = gr.Number( value=global_state.value['params']['seed'], interactive=True, label="Seed", ) form_lr_number = gr.Number( value=global_state.value["params"]["lr"], interactive=True, label="Step Size") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=2, min_width=10): form_reset_image = gr.Button("Reset Image") with gr.Column(scale=3, min_width=10): form_latent_space = gr.Radio( ['w', 'w+'], value=global_state.value['params'] ['latent_space'], interactive=True, label='Latent space to optimize', show_label=False, ) # Drag with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=10): gr.Markdown(value='Drag', show_label=False) with gr.Column(scale=4, min_width=10): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=10): enable_add_points = gr.Button('Add Points') with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=10): undo_points = gr.Button('Reset Points') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=10): form_start_btn = gr.Button("Start") with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=10): form_stop_btn = gr.Button("Stop") form_steps_number = gr.Number(value=0, label="Steps", interactive=False) # Mask with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=10): gr.Markdown(value='Mask', show_label=False) with gr.Column(scale=4, min_width=10): enable_add_mask = gr.Button('Edit Flexible Area') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=10): form_reset_mask_btn = gr.Button("Reset mask") with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=10): show_mask = gr.Checkbox( label='Show Mask', value=global_state.value['show_mask'], show_label=False) with gr.Row(): form_lambda_number = gr.Number( value=global_state.value["params"] ["motion_lambda"], interactive=True, label="Lambda", ) form_draw_interval_number = gr.Number( value=global_state.value["draw_interval"], label="Draw Interval (steps)", interactive=True, visible=False) # Right --> Image with gr.Column(scale=8): form_image = ImageMask( value=global_state.value['images']['image_show'], brush_radius=20).style( width=768, height=768) # NOTE: hard image size code here. gr.Markdown(""" ## Quick Start 1. Select desired `Pretrained Model` and adjust `Seed` to generate an initial image. 2. Click on image to add control points. 3. Click `Start` and enjoy it! ## Advance Usage 1. Change `Step Size` to adjust learning rate in drag optimization. 2. Select `w` or `w+` to change latent space to optimize: * Optimize on `w` space may cause greater influence to the image. * Optimize on `w+` space may work slower than `w`, but usually achieve better results. * Note that changing the latent space will reset the image, points and mask (this has the same effect as `Reset Image` button). 3. Click `Edit Flexible Area` to create a mask and constrain the unmasked region to remain unchanged. """) gr.HTML("""
Gradio demo supported by OpenMMLab MMagic
""") # Network & latents tab listeners def on_change_pretrained_dropdown(pretrained_value, global_state): """Function to handle model change. 1. Set pretrained value to global_state 2. Re-init images and clear all states """ global_state['pretrained_weight'] = pretrained_value init_images(global_state) clear_state(global_state) return global_state, global_state["images"]['image_show'] form_pretrained_dropdown.change( on_change_pretrained_dropdown, inputs=[form_pretrained_dropdown, global_state], outputs=[global_state, form_image], ) def on_click_reset_image(global_state): """Reset image to the original one and clear all states 1. Re-init images 2. Clear all states """ init_images(global_state) clear_state(global_state) return global_state, global_state['images']['image_show'] on_click_reset_image, inputs=[global_state], outputs=[global_state, form_image], ) # Update parameters def on_change_update_image_seed(seed, global_state): """Function to handle generation seed change. 1. Set seed to global_state 2. Re-init images and clear all states """ global_state["params"]["seed"] = int(seed) init_images(global_state) clear_state(global_state) return global_state, global_state['images']['image_show'] form_seed_number.change( on_change_update_image_seed, inputs=[form_seed_number, global_state], outputs=[global_state, form_image], ) def on_click_latent_space(latent_space, global_state): """Function to reset latent space to optimize. NOTE: this function we reset the image and all controls 1. Set latent-space to global_state 2. Re-init images and clear all state """ global_state['params']['latent_space'] = latent_space init_images(global_state) clear_state(global_state) return global_state, global_state['images']['image_show'] form_latent_space.change(on_click_latent_space, inputs=[form_latent_space, global_state], outputs=[global_state, form_image]) # ==== Params form_lambda_number.change( partial(on_change_single_global_state, ["params", "motion_lambda"]), inputs=[form_lambda_number, global_state], outputs=[global_state], ) def on_change_lr(lr, global_state): if lr == 0: print('lr is 0, do nothing.') return global_state else: global_state["params"]["lr"] = lr renderer = global_state['renderer'] renderer.update_lr(lr) print('New optimizer: ') print(renderer.w_optim) return global_state form_lr_number.change( on_change_lr, inputs=[form_lr_number, global_state], outputs=[global_state], ) def on_click_start(global_state, image): p_in_pixels = [] t_in_pixels = [] valid_points = [] # handle of start drag in mask editing mode global_state = preprocess_mask_info(global_state, image) # Prepare the points for the inference if len(global_state["points"]) == 0: # yield on_click_start_wo_points(global_state, image) image_raw = global_state['images']['image_raw'] update_image_draw( image_raw, global_state['points'], global_state['mask'], global_state['show_mask'], global_state, ) yield ( global_state, 0, global_state['images']['image_show'], # gr.File.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True), # latent space gr.Radio.update(interactive=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True), # NOTE: disable stop button gr.Button.update(interactive=False), # update other comps gr.Dropdown.update(interactive=True), gr.Number.update(interactive=True), gr.Number.update(interactive=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True), gr.Checkbox.update(interactive=True), # gr.Number.update(interactive=True), gr.Number.update(interactive=True), ) else: # Transform the points into torch tensors for key_point, point in global_state["points"].items(): try: p_start = point.get("start_temp", point["start"]) p_end = point["target"] if p_start is None or p_end is None: continue except KeyError: continue p_in_pixels.append(p_start) t_in_pixels.append(p_end) valid_points.append(key_point) mask = torch.tensor(global_state['mask']).float() drag_mask = 1 - mask renderer: Renderer = global_state["renderer"] global_state['temporal_params']['stop'] = False global_state['editing_state'] = 'running' # reverse points order p_to_opt = reverse_point_pairs(p_in_pixels) t_to_opt = reverse_point_pairs(t_in_pixels) print('Running with:') print(f' Source: {p_in_pixels}') print(f' Target: {t_in_pixels}') step_idx = 0 while True: if global_state["temporal_params"]["stop"]: break # do drage here! renderer._render_drag_impl( global_state['generator_params'], p_to_opt, # point t_to_opt, # target drag_mask, # mask, global_state['params']['motion_lambda'], # lambda_mask reg=0, feature_idx=5, # NOTE: do not support change for now r1=global_state['params']['r1_in_pixels'], # r1 r2=global_state['params']['r2_in_pixels'], # r2 # random_seed = 0, # noise_mode = 'const', trunc_psi=global_state['params']['trunc_psi'], # force_fp32 = False, # layer_name = None, # sel_channels = 3, # base_channel = 0, # img_scale_db = 0, # img_normalize = False, # untransform = False, is_drag=True, to_pil=True) if step_idx % global_state['draw_interval'] == 0: print('Current Source:') for key_point, p_i, t_i in zip(valid_points, p_to_opt, t_to_opt): global_state["points"][key_point]["start_temp"] = [ p_i[1], p_i[0], ] global_state["points"][key_point]["target"] = [ t_i[1], t_i[0], ] start_temp = global_state["points"][key_point][ "start_temp"] print(f' {start_temp}') image_result = global_state['generator_params']['image'] image_draw = update_image_draw( image_result, global_state['points'], global_state['mask'], global_state['show_mask'], global_state, ) global_state['images']['image_raw'] = image_result yield ( global_state, step_idx, global_state['images']['image_show'], # gr.File.update(visible=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=False), # latent space gr.Radio.update(interactive=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=False), # enable stop button in loop gr.Button.update(interactive=True), # update other comps gr.Dropdown.update(interactive=False), gr.Number.update(interactive=False), gr.Number.update(interactive=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=False), gr.Button.update(interactive=False), gr.Checkbox.update(interactive=False), # gr.Number.update(interactive=False), gr.Number.update(interactive=False), ) # increate step step_idx += 1 image_result = global_state['generator_params']['image'] global_state['images']['image_raw'] = image_result image_draw = update_image_draw(image_result, global_state['points'], global_state['mask'], global_state['show_mask'], global_state) # fp = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png", delete=False) #, "PNG") global_state['editing_state'] = 'add_points' yield ( global_state, 0, # reset step to 0 after stop. global_state['images']['image_show'], # gr.File.update(visible=True,, gr.Button.update(interactive=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True), # latent space gr.Radio.update(interactive=True), gr.Button.update(interactive=True), # NOTE: disable stop button with loop finish gr.Button.update(interactive=False), # update other comps gr.Dropdown.update(interactive=True), gr.Number.update(interactive=True), gr.Number.update(interactive=True), gr.Checkbox.update(interactive=True), gr.Number.update(interactive=True), ) on_click_start, inputs=[global_state, form_image], outputs=[ global_state, form_steps_number, form_image, # form_download_result_file, # >>> buttons form_reset_image, enable_add_points, enable_add_mask, undo_points, form_reset_mask_btn, form_latent_space, form_start_btn, form_stop_btn, # <<< buttonm # >>> inputs comps form_pretrained_dropdown, form_seed_number, form_lr_number, show_mask, form_lambda_number, ], ) def on_click_stop(global_state): """Function to handle stop button is clicked. 1. send a stop signal by set global_state["temporal_params"]["stop"] as True 2. Disable Stop button """ global_state["temporal_params"]["stop"] = True return global_state, gr.Button.update(interactive=False), inputs=[global_state], outputs=[global_state, form_stop_btn]) form_draw_interval_number.change( partial( on_change_single_global_state, "draw_interval", map_transform=lambda x: int(x), ), inputs=[form_draw_interval_number, global_state], outputs=[global_state], ) def on_click_remove_point(global_state): choice = global_state["curr_point"] del global_state["points"][choice] choices = list(global_state["points"].keys()) if len(choices) > 0: global_state["curr_point"] = choices[0] return ( gr.Dropdown.update(choices=choices, value=choices[0]), global_state, ) # Mask def on_click_reset_mask(global_state): global_state['mask'] = np.ones( ( global_state["images"]["image_raw"].size[1], global_state["images"]["image_raw"].size[0], ), dtype=np.uint8, ) image_draw = update_image_draw(global_state['images']['image_raw'], global_state['points'], global_state['mask'], global_state['show_mask'], global_state) return global_state, image_draw on_click_reset_mask, inputs=[global_state], outputs=[global_state, form_image], ) # Image def on_click_enable_draw(global_state, image): """Function to start add mask mode. 1. Preprocess mask info from last state 2. Change editing state to add_mask 3. Set curr image with points and mask """ global_state = preprocess_mask_info(global_state, image) global_state['editing_state'] = 'add_mask' image_raw = global_state['images']['image_raw'] image_draw = update_image_draw(image_raw, global_state['points'], global_state['mask'], True, global_state) return (global_state, gr.Image.update(value=image_draw, interactive=True)) def on_click_remove_draw(global_state, image): """Function to start remove mask mode. 1. Preprocess mask info from last state 2. Change editing state to remove_mask 3. Set curr image with points and mask """ global_state = preprocess_mask_info(global_state, image) global_state['edinting_state'] = 'remove_mask' image_raw = global_state['images']['image_raw'] image_draw = update_image_draw(image_raw, global_state['points'], global_state['mask'], True, global_state) return (global_state, gr.Image.update(value=image_draw, interactive=True)), inputs=[global_state, form_image], outputs=[ global_state, form_image, ]) def on_click_add_point(global_state, image: dict): """Function switch from add mask mode to add points mode. 1. Updaste mask buffer if need 2. Change global_state['editing_state'] to 'add_points' 3. Set current image with mask """ global_state = preprocess_mask_info(global_state, image) global_state['editing_state'] = 'add_points' mask = global_state['mask'] image_raw = global_state['images']['image_raw'] image_draw = update_image_draw(image_raw, global_state['points'], mask, global_state['show_mask'], global_state) return (global_state, gr.Image.update(value=image_draw, interactive=False)), inputs=[global_state, form_image], outputs=[global_state, form_image]) def on_click_image(global_state, evt: gr.SelectData): """This function only support click for point selection """ xy = evt.index if global_state['editing_state'] != 'add_points': print(f'In {global_state["editing_state"]} state. ' 'Do not add points.') return global_state, global_state['images']['image_show'] points = global_state["points"] point_idx = get_latest_points_pair(points) if point_idx is None: points[0] = {'start': xy, 'target': None} print(f'Click Image - Start - {xy}') elif points[point_idx].get('target', None) is None: points[point_idx]['target'] = xy print(f'Click Image - Target - {xy}') else: points[point_idx + 1] = {'start': xy, 'target': None} print(f'Click Image - Start - {xy}') image_raw = global_state['images']['image_raw'] image_draw = update_image_draw( image_raw, global_state['points'], global_state['mask'], global_state['show_mask'], global_state, ) return global_state, image_draw on_click_image, inputs=[global_state], outputs=[global_state, form_image], ) def on_click_clear_points(global_state): """Function to handle clear all control points 1. clear global_state['points'] (clear_state) 2. re-init network 2. re-draw image """ clear_state(global_state, target='point') renderer: Renderer = global_state["renderer"] renderer.feat_refs = None image_raw = global_state['images']['image_raw'] image_draw = update_image_draw(image_raw, {}, global_state['mask'], global_state['show_mask'], global_state) return global_state, image_draw, inputs=[global_state], outputs=[global_state, form_image]) def on_click_show_mask(global_state, show_mask): """Function to control whether show mask on image.""" global_state['show_mask'] = show_mask image_raw = global_state['images']['image_raw'] image_draw = update_image_draw( image_raw, global_state['points'], global_state['mask'], global_state['show_mask'], global_state, ) return global_state, image_draw show_mask.change( on_click_show_mask, inputs=[global_state, show_mask], outputs=[global_state, form_image], ) gr.close_all() app.queue(concurrency_count=5, max_size=20) app.launch(share=args.share)