# modelling util module providing formatting functions for model functionalities # external imports import torch import gradio as gr from transformers import BitsAndBytesConfig # function that limits the prompt to contain model runtime # tries to keep as much as possible, always keeping at least message and system prompt def prompt_limiter( tokenizer, message: str, history: list, system_prompt: str, knowledge: str = "" ): # initializing the new prompt history empty prompt_history = [] # getting the current token count for the message, system prompt, and knowledge pre_count = ( token_counter(tokenizer, message) + token_counter(tokenizer, system_prompt) + token_counter(tokenizer, knowledge) ) # validating the token count against threshold of 1024 # check if token count already too high without history if pre_count > 1024: # check if token count too high even without knowledge and history if ( token_counter(tokenizer, message) + token_counter(tokenizer, system_prompt) > 1024 ): # show warning and raise error gr.Warning("Message and system prompt are too long. Please shorten them.") raise RuntimeError( "Message and system prompt are too long. Please shorten them." ) # show warning and return with empty history and empty knowledge gr.Warning(""" Input too long. Knowledge and conversation history have been removed to keep model running. """) return message, prompt_history, system_prompt, "" # if token count small enough, adding history bit by bit if pre_count < 800: # setting the count to the pre-count count = pre_count # reversing the history to prioritize recent conversations history.reverse() # iterating through the history for conversation in history: # checking the token count i´with the current conversation count += token_counter(tokenizer, conversation[0]) + token_counter( tokenizer, conversation[1] ) # add conversation or break loop depending on token count if count < 1024: prompt_history.append(conversation) else: break # return the message, adapted, system prompt, and knowledge return message, prompt_history, system_prompt, knowledge # token counter function using the model tokenizer def token_counter(tokenizer, text: str): # tokenize the text tokens = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt").input_ids # return the token count return len(tokens[0]) # function to determine the device to use def get_device(): if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device("cuda") else: device = torch.device("cpu") return device # function to set device config # CREDIT: Copied from captum llama 2 example # see https://captum.ai/tutorials/Llama2_LLM_Attribution def gpu_loading_config(max_memory: str = "15000MB"): n_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count() bnb_config = BitsAndBytesConfig( load_in_4bit=True, bnb_4bit_use_double_quant=True, bnb_4bit_quant_type="nf4", bnb_4bit_compute_dtype=torch.bfloat16, ) return n_gpus, max_memory, bnb_config # formatting mistral attention values # CREDIT: copied from BERTViz # see https://github.com/jessevig/bertviz def format_mistral_attention(attention_values, layers=None, heads=None): if layers: attention_values = [attention_values[layer_index] for layer_index in layers] squeezed = [] for layer_attention in attention_values: layer_attention = layer_attention.squeeze(0) if heads: layer_attention = layer_attention[heads] squeezed.append(layer_attention) return torch.stack(squeezed)