# interpret module that implements the interpretability method # external imports from shap import models, maskers, plots, PartitionExplainer import torch # internal imports from utils import formatting as fmt from .markup import markup_text # global variables TEACHER_FORCING = None TEXT_MASKER = None # main explain function that returns a chat with explanations def chat_explained(model, prompt): model.set_config({}) # create the shap explainer shap_explainer = PartitionExplainer(model.MODEL, model.TOKENIZER) # get the shap values for the prompt shap_values = shap_explainer([prompt]) # create the explanation graphic and marked text array graphic = create_graphic(shap_values) marked_text = markup_text( shap_values.data[0], shap_values.values[0], variant="shap" ) # create the response text response_text = fmt.format_output_text(shap_values.output_names) # return response, graphic and marked_text array return response_text, graphic, marked_text # function used to wrap the model with a shap model def wrap_shap(model): # calling global variants global TEXT_MASKER, TEACHER_FORCING # set the device to cuda if gpu is available device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # updating the model settings model.set_config() # (re)initialize the shap models and masker # creating a shap text_generation model text_generation = models.TextGeneration(model.MODEL, model.TOKENIZER) # wrapping the text generation model in a teacher forcing model TEACHER_FORCING = models.TeacherForcing( text_generation, model.TOKENIZER, device=str(device), similarity_model=model.MODEL, similarity_tokenizer=model.TOKENIZER, ) # setting the text masker as an empty string TEXT_MASKER = maskers.Text(model.TOKENIZER, " ", collapse_mask_token=True) # graphic plotting function that creates a html graphic (as string) for the explanation def create_graphic(shap_values): # create the html graphic using shap text plot function graphic_html = plots.text(shap_values, display=False) # return the html graphic as string to display in iFrame return str(graphic_html)