# main application file initializing the gradio based ui and calling other # standard imports import os # external imports from fastapi import FastAPI import markdown import gradio as gr from uvicorn import run # internal imports from backend.controller import interference from explanation.markup import color_codes # Global Variables and css app = FastAPI() css = "body {text-align: start !important;}" coloring = color_codes() # different functions to provide frontend abilities # function to load markdown files def load_md(path): # CREDIT: official python-markdown documentation ## see https://python-markdown.github.io/reference/) with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: text = file.read() return markdown.markdown(text) # function to display the system prompt info def system_prompt_info(sys_prompt_txt): # display the system prompt using the Gradio Info component gr.Info(f"The system prompt was set to:\n {sys_prompt_txt}") # function to display the xai info def xai_info(xai_radio): # display the xai method using the Gradio Info component if xai_radio != "None": gr.Info(f"The XAI was set to:\n {xai_radio}") else: gr.Info("No XAI method was selected.") # ui interface based on Gradio Blocks (see documentation: # https://www.gradio.app/docs/interface) with gr.Blocks( css=""" .examples {text-align: start;} .seperatedRow {border-top: 1rem solid;}", """, title="Thesis Webapp Showcase", head="", ) as ui: # header row with markdown based text with gr.Row(): # markdown component to display the header gr.Markdown(""" # Thesis Demo - AI Chat Application with GODEL ## XAI powered by SHAP and BERTVIZ ### Select between tabs below for the different views. """) # ChatBot tab used to chat with the AI chatbot with gr.Tab("AI ChatBot"): with gr.Row(): # markdown component to display the header of the current tab gr.Markdown(""" ### ChatBot Demo Chat with the AI ChatBot using the textbox below. Manipulate the settings in the row above, including the selection of the model, the system prompt and the XAI method. """) # row with columns for the different settings with gr.Row(equal_height=True): # column that takes up 3/5 of the row with gr.Column(scale=3): # textbox to enter the system prompt system_prompt = gr.Textbox( label="System Prompt", info="Set the models system prompt, dictating how it answers.", placeholder=( "You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Always" " answer as helpfully as possible, while being safe." ), ) with gr.Column(scale=1): # checkbox group to select the xai method xai_selection = gr.Radio( ["None", "SHAP", "Visualizer"], label="XAI Settings", info="Select a XAI Implementation to use.", value="None", interactive=True, show_label=True, ) # calling info functions on inputs for different settings system_prompt.submit(system_prompt_info, [system_prompt]) xai_selection.input(xai_info, [xai_selection]) # row with chatbot ui displaying "conversation" with the model with gr.Row(equal_height=True): with gr.Group(elem_classes="border: 1px solid black;"): # accordion to display the normalized input explanation with gr.Accordion(label="Input Explanation", open=False): gr.Markdown(""" The explanations are based on 10 buckets that range between the lowest negative value (1 to 5) and the highest positive attribution value (6 to 10). **The legend show the color for each bucket.** """) xai_text = gr.HighlightedText( color_map=coloring, label="Input Explanation", show_legend=True, show_label=False, ) # out of the box chatbot component # see documentation: https://www.gradio.app/docs/chatbot chatbot = gr.Chatbot( layout="panel", show_copy_button=True, avatar_images=("./public/human.jpg", "./public/bot.jpg"), ) # textbox to enter the knowledge with gr.Accordion(label="Additional Knowledge", open=False): knowledge_input = gr.Textbox( value="", label="Knowledge", max_lines=5, info="Add additional context knowledge.", show_label=True, ) # textbox to enter the user prompt user_prompt = gr.Textbox( label="Input Message", max_lines=5, info=""" Ask the ChatBot a question. Hint: More complicated question give better explanation insights! """, show_label=True, ) # row with columns for buttons to submit and clear content with gr.Row(elem_classes="border-"): with gr.Column(scale=1): # out of the box clear button which clearn the given components (see # documentation: https://www.gradio.app/docs/clearbutton) clear_btn = gr.ClearButton([user_prompt, chatbot]) with gr.Column(scale=1): submit_btn = gr.Button("Submit", variant="primary") with gr.Row(elem_classes="examples"): gr.Examples( label="Example Questions", examples=[ [ "How does a black hole form in space?", ( "Black holes are created when a massive star's core" " collapses after a supernova, forming an object with" " gravity so intense that even light cannot escape." ), ], [ ( "Explain the importance of the Rosetta Stone in" " understanding ancient languages." ), ( "The Rosetta Stone, an ancient Egyptian artifact, was key" " in decoding hieroglyphs, featuring the same text in three" " scripts: hieroglyphs, Demotic, and Greek." ), ], ], inputs=[user_prompt, knowledge_input], ) # explanations tab used to provide explanations for a specific conversation with gr.Tab("Explanations"): # row with markdown component to display the header of the current tab with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown(""" ### Get Explanations for Conversations Using your selected XAI method, you can get explanations for the conversation you had with the AI ChatBot. The explanations are based on the last message you sent to the AI ChatBot (see text) """) # row that displays the generated explanation of the model (if applicable) with gr.Row(variant="panel"): # wraps the explanation html to display it statically xai_interactive = gr.HTML( label="Static Explanation", value=( '

No Graphic to Display' " (Yet)

" ), show_label=True, ) # row and accordion to display an explanation plot (if applicable) with gr.Row(): with gr.Accordion("Token Explanation Plot", open=False): gr.Markdown(""" #### Plotted Values Values have been excluded for readability. See colorbar for value indication. """) # plot component that takes a matplotlib figure as input xai_plot = gr.Plot(label="Token Level Explanation") # functions to trigger the controller ## takes information for the chat and the xai selection ## returns prompt, history and xai data ## see backend/controller.py for more information submit_btn.click( interference, [user_prompt, chatbot, knowledge_input, system_prompt, xai_selection], [user_prompt, chatbot, xai_interactive, xai_plot, xai_text], ) # function triggered by the enter key user_prompt.submit( interference, [user_prompt, chatbot, knowledge_input, system_prompt, xai_selection], [user_prompt, chatbot, xai_interactive, xai_plot, xai_text], ) # final row to show legal information ## - credits, data protection and link to the License with gr.Tab(label="About"): gr.Markdown(value=load_md("public/about.md")) with gr.Accordion(label="Credits, Data Protection, License"): gr.Markdown(value=load_md("public/credits_dataprotection_license.md")) # mount function for fastAPI Application app = gr.mount_gradio_app(app, ui, path="/") # launch function using uvicorn to launch the fastAPI application if __name__ == "__main__": # use standard gradio launch option for hgf spaces if os.environ["HOSTING"].lower() == "spaces": ui.launch(auth=("htw", "berlin@123")) # otherwise run the application on port 8080 in reload mode ## for local development, uses Docker for Prod deployment run("main:app", port=8080, reload=True)