import gradio as gr import torch from translate import Translator # # title = "Translation Chatbot" description = "A simple implementation of translating one language to another" examples = [["UN Chief Says There Is No Military Solution in Syria","en_XX","ja_XX"]] translator_obj = Translator() def translate_sentence(sentence): return pipe(f'<-ja2zh-> {sentence}')[0]['translation_text'] def predict(input, history=[], original_language="en_XX", translated_language="ro_RO"): response = translator_obj.translate(input, original_language, translated_language) history.append((input, response)) return history, history if __name__ == "__main__": gr.Interface( fn=predict, title=title, description=description, examples=examples, inputs=[ gr.Textbox(), "state", gr.Dropdown( [("English","en_XX"), ("French","fr_XX"), ("German","de_DE"), ("Japanese","ja_XX"), ("Russian","ru_RU")], value="en_XX", label="Input Language", info="Choose the language the input text is in." ), gr.Dropdown( [("French","fr_XX"), ("German","de_DE"), ("Japanese","ja_XX"), ("Russian","ru_RU"), ("English","en_XX")], value="fr_XX", label="Output Language", info="Choose the language to convert the text to." ) ], outputs=[ gr.Chatbot(), "state" ], theme='earneleh/paris', ).launch()