'use strict'; var functionsHaveNames = require('functions-have-names')(); var arrows = require('make-arrow-function').list(); var generators = require('make-generator-function')(); var asyncs = require('make-async-function').list(); var IsCallable = require('es-abstract/2023/IsCallable'); var forEach = require('for-each'); var foo = Object(function foo() {}); var anon = Object(function () {}); var evalled = Object(Function()); // eslint-disable-line no-new-func module.exports = function (getName, t) { t.test('functions', function (st) { if (functionsHaveNames) { st.equal(getName(foo), foo.name, 'foo has name "foo"'); st.equal(getName(anon), anon.name, 'anonymous function has name of empty string'); st.equal(getName(evalled), evalled.name, 'eval-d function has name "anonymous" (or empty string)'); } st.equal(getName(foo), 'foo', 'foo has name "foo"'); st.equal(getName(anon), '', 'anonymous function has name of empty string'); var evalledName = getName(evalled); st.equal(evalledName === 'anonymous' || evalledName === '', true, 'eval-d function has name "anonymous" (or empty string'); st.end(); }); t.test('arrow functions', { skip: arrows.length === 0 }, function (st) { st.equal(true, functionsHaveNames, 'functions have names in any env with arrow functions'); forEach(arrows, function (arrowFn) { st.equal(getName(arrowFn), arrowFn.name, 'arrow function name matches for ' + arrowFn); }); st.end(); }); t.test('generators', { skip: generators.length === 0 }, function (st) { st.equal(true, functionsHaveNames, 'functions have names in any env with generator functions'); forEach(generators, function (genFn) { st.equal(getName(genFn), genFn.name, 'generator function name matches for ' + genFn); }); st.end(); }); t.test('asyncs', { skip: asyncs.length === 0 }, function (st) { st.equal(true, functionsHaveNames, 'functions have names in any env with async functions'); forEach(asyncs, function (asyncFn) { st.equal(getName(asyncFn), asyncFn.name, 'async function name matches for ' + asyncFn); }); st.end(); }); t.test('Function.prototype.name', function (st) { st.equal(getName(function before() {}), 'before', 'function prior to accessing Function.prototype has the right name'); var protoName = getName(Function.prototype); // on <= node v2.5, this is "Empty"; on Opera 12.1, "Function.prototype" - otherwise, the empty string st.equal(protoName === '' || protoName === 'Empty' || protoName === 'Function.prototype', true, 'Function.prototype has the right name'); st.equal(getName(function after() {}), 'after', 'function after accessing Function.prototype has the right name'); st.end(); }); t.test('DOM', function (st) { /* eslint-env browser */ st.test('document.all', { skip: typeof document !== 'object' }, function (s2t) { s2t['throws']( function () { getName(document.all); }, TypeError, 'a document.all has no name' ); s2t.end(); }); forEach([ 'HTMLElement', 'HTMLAnchorElement' ], function (name) { var constructor = global[name]; st.test(name, { skip: !constructor }, function (s2t) { s2t.match(typeof constructor, /^(?:function|object)$/, name + ' is a function or an object'); if (IsCallable(constructor)) { try { s2t.equal(getName(constructor), name, name + ' has the right name'); } catch (e) { s2t.fail(e); } } else { s2t['throws']( function () { getName(constructor); }, TypeError, name + ' is not callable' ); } s2t.end(); }); }); st.end(); }); };