/** * @author jdiaz5513 */ import initTrace from "debug"; import { MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, VAL32 } from "../constants"; import { RANGE_INT64_UNDERFLOW } from "../errors"; import { pad } from "../util"; const trace = initTrace("capnp:uint64"); trace("load"); /** * Represents an unsigned 64-bit integer stored using a Uint8Array in little-endian format. It's a little bit faster * than int64 because we don't need to keep track of the sign bit or perform two's compliment operations on set. * * You may convert this to a primitive number by calling `toNumber()` but be wary of precision loss! * * Note that overflow is not implemented, so negative numbers passed into `setValue()` will be negated first. * * The value passed in as the source buffer is expected to be in little-endian format. */ export class Uint64 { readonly buffer: Uint8Array; /** * Creates a new instance; this is a no-frills constructor for speed. Use the factory methods if you need to convert * from other types or use a different offset into the buffer. * * Will throw if the buffer is not at least 8 bytes long. * * @constructor * @param {Uint8Array} buffer The buffer to use for this 64-bit word; the bytes must be in little-endian order. */ constructor(buffer: Uint8Array) { if (buffer.byteLength < 8) throw new RangeError(RANGE_INT64_UNDERFLOW); this.buffer = buffer; } static fromArrayBuffer(source: ArrayBuffer, offset = 0, noCopy = false): Uint64 { if (noCopy) return new this(new Uint8Array(source, offset, 8)); return new this(new Uint8Array(source.slice(offset, offset + 8))); } static fromDataView(source: DataView, offset = 0, noCopy = false): Uint64 { if (noCopy) { return new this(new Uint8Array(source.buffer, source.byteOffset + offset, 8)); } return new this(new Uint8Array(source.buffer.slice(source.byteOffset + offset, source.byteLength + offset + 8))); } /** * Parse a hexadecimal string in **big endian format** as a Uint64 value. * * @static * @param {string} source The source string. * @returns {Uint64} The string parsed as a 64-bit unsigned integer. */ static fromHexString(source: string): Uint64 { if (source.substr(0, 2) === "0x") source = source.substr(2); if (source.length < 1) return Uint64.fromNumber(0); if (source[0] === "-") throw new RangeError("Source must not be negative."); source = pad(source, 16); if (source.length !== 16) { throw new RangeError("Source string must contain at most 16 hexadecimal digits."); } const bytes = source.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\da-f]/g, ""); const buf = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(8)); for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { buf[7 - i] = parseInt(bytes.substr(i * 2, 2), 16); } return new Uint64(buf); } static fromNumber(source: number): Uint64 { const ret = new this(new Uint8Array(8)); ret.setValue(source); return ret; } static fromUint8Array(source: Uint8Array, offset = 0, noCopy = false): Uint64 { if (noCopy) return new this(source.subarray(offset, offset + 8)); return new this(new Uint8Array(source.buffer.slice(source.byteOffset + offset, source.byteOffset + offset + 8))); } equals(other: Uint64): boolean { for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (this.buffer[i] !== other.buffer[i]) return false; } return true; } inspect(): string { return `[Uint64 ${this.toString(10)} 0x${this.toHexString()}]`; } /** * Faster way to check for zero values without converting to a number first. * * @returns {boolean} `true` if the contained value is zero. * @memberOf Uint64 */ isZero(): boolean { for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (this.buffer[i] !== 0) return false; } return true; } setValue(loWord: number, hiWord?: number): void { let lo = loWord; let hi = hiWord; if (hi === undefined) { hi = lo; hi = Math.abs(hi); lo = hi % VAL32; hi = hi / VAL32; if (hi > VAL32) throw new RangeError(`${loWord} is outside Uint64 range`); hi = hi >>> 0; } for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { this.buffer[i] = lo & 0xff; lo = i === 3 ? hi : lo >>> 8; } } /** * Convert to a native javascript number. * * WARNING: do not expect this number to be accurate to integer precision for large (positive or negative) numbers! * * @param {boolean} allowImprecise If `true`, no check is performed to verify the returned value is accurate; * otherwise out-of-range values are clamped to +Infinity. * @returns {number} A numeric representation of this integer. */ toNumber(allowImprecise?: boolean): number { const b = this.buffer; let x = 0; let i = 0; let m = 1; while (i < 8) { const v = b[i]; x += v * m; m *= 256; i++; } if (!allowImprecise && x >= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { trace("Coercing out of range value %d to Infinity.", x); return Infinity; } return x; } valueOf(): number { return this.toNumber(false); } toArrayBuffer(): ArrayBuffer { return this.buffer.buffer; } toDataView(): DataView { return new DataView(this.buffer.buffer); } toHexString(): string { let hex = ""; for (let i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { let v = this.buffer[i].toString(16); if (v.length === 1) v = "0" + v; hex += v; } return hex; } toString(radix?: number): string { return this.toNumber(true).toString(radix); } toUint8Array(): Uint8Array { return this.buffer; } }