/** * This file contains all the error strings used in the library. Also contains silliness. * * @author jdiaz5513 */ export declare const INVARIANT_UNREACHABLE_CODE = "CAPNP-TS000 Unreachable code detected."; export declare function assertNever(n: never): never; export declare const MSG_INVALID_FRAME_HEADER = "CAPNP-TS001 Attempted to parse an invalid message frame header; are you sure this is a Cap'n Proto message?"; export declare const MSG_NO_SEGMENTS_IN_ARENA = "CAPNP-TS002 Attempted to preallocate a message with no segments in the arena."; export declare const MSG_PACK_NOT_WORD_ALIGNED = "CAPNP-TS003 Attempted to pack a message that was not word-aligned."; export declare const MSG_SEGMENT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS = "CAPNP-TS004 Segment ID %X is out of bounds for message %s."; export declare const MSG_SEGMENT_TOO_SMALL = "CAPNP-TS005 First segment must have at least enough room to hold the root pointer (8 bytes)."; export declare const NOT_IMPLEMENTED = "CAPNP-TS006 %s is not implemented."; export declare const PTR_ADOPT_COMPOSITE_STRUCT = "CAPNP-TS007 Attempted to adopt a struct into a composite list (%s)."; export declare const PTR_ADOPT_WRONG_MESSAGE = "CAPNP-TS008 Attempted to adopt %s into a pointer in a different message %s."; export declare const PTR_ALREADY_ADOPTED = "CAPNP-TS009 Attempted to adopt %s more than once."; export declare const PTR_COMPOSITE_SIZE_UNDEFINED = "CAPNP-TS010 Attempted to set a composite list without providing a composite element size."; export declare const PTR_DEPTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = "CAPNP-TS011 Nesting depth limit exceeded for %s."; export declare const PTR_DISOWN_COMPOSITE_STRUCT = "CAPNP-TS012 Attempted to disown a struct member from a composite list (%s)."; export declare const PTR_INIT_COMPOSITE_STRUCT = "CAPNP-TS013 Attempted to initialize a struct member from a composite list (%s)."; export declare const PTR_INIT_NON_GROUP = "CAPNP-TS014 Attempted to initialize a group field with a non-group struct class."; export declare const PTR_INVALID_FAR_TARGET = "CAPNP-TS015 Target of a far pointer (%s) is another far pointer."; export declare const PTR_INVALID_LIST_SIZE = "CAPNP-TS016 Invalid list element size: %x."; export declare const PTR_INVALID_POINTER_TYPE = "CAPNP-TS017 Invalid pointer type: %x."; export declare const PTR_INVALID_UNION_ACCESS = "CAPNP-TS018 Attempted to access getter on %s for union field %s that is not currently set (wanted: %d, found: %d)."; export declare const PTR_OFFSET_OUT_OF_BOUNDS = "CAPNP-TS019 Pointer offset %a is out of bounds for underlying buffer."; export declare const PTR_STRUCT_DATA_OUT_OF_BOUNDS = "CAPNP-TS020 Attempted to access out-of-bounds struct data (struct: %s, %d bytes at %a, data words: %d)."; export declare const PTR_STRUCT_POINTER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS = "CAPNP-TS021 Attempted to access out-of-bounds struct pointer (%s, index: %d, length: %d)."; export declare const PTR_TRAVERSAL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = "CAPNP-TS022 Traversal limit exceeded! Slow down! %s"; export declare const PTR_WRONG_LIST_TYPE = "CAPNP-TS023 Cannot convert %s to a %s list."; export declare const PTR_WRONG_POINTER_TYPE = "CAPNP-TS024 Attempted to convert pointer %s to a %s type."; export declare const PTR_WRONG_COMPOSITE_DATA_SIZE = "CAPNP-TS025 Attempted to convert %s to a composite list with the wrong data size (found: %d)."; export declare const PTR_WRONG_COMPOSITE_PTR_SIZE = "CAPNP-TS026 Attempted to convert %s to a composite list with the wrong pointer size (found: %d)."; export declare const PTR_WRONG_STRUCT_DATA_SIZE = "CAPNP-TS027 Attempted to convert %s to a struct with the wrong data size (found: %d)."; export declare const PTR_WRONG_STRUCT_PTR_SIZE = "CAPNP-TS028 Attempted to convert %s to a struct with the wrong pointer size (found: %d)."; export declare const RANGE_INT32_OVERFLOW = "CAPNP-TS029 32-bit signed integer overflow detected."; export declare const RANGE_INT64_UNDERFLOW = "CAPNP-TS030 Buffer is not large enough to hold a word."; export declare const RANGE_INVALID_UTF8 = "CAPNP-TS031 Invalid UTF-8 code sequence detected."; export declare const RANGE_SIZE_OVERFLOW: string; export declare const RANGE_UINT32_OVERFLOW = "CAPNP-TS033 32-bit unsigned integer overflow detected."; export declare const SEG_BUFFER_NOT_ALLOCATED = "CAPNP-TS034 allocate() needs to be called at least once before getting a buffer."; export declare const SEG_GET_NON_ZERO_SINGLE = "CAPNP-TS035 Attempted to get a segment other than 0 (%d) from a single segment arena."; export declare const SEG_ID_OUT_OF_BOUNDS = "CAPNP-TS036 Attempted to get an out-of-bounds segment (%d)."; export declare const SEG_NOT_WORD_ALIGNED = "CAPNP-TS037 Segment buffer length %d is not a multiple of 8."; export declare const SEG_REPLACEMENT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = "CAPNP-TS038 Attempted to replace a segment buffer with one that is smaller than the allocated space."; export declare const SEG_SIZE_OVERFLOW: string; export declare const TYPE_COMPOSITE_SIZE_UNDEFINED = "CAPNP-TS040 Must provide a composite element size for composite list pointers."; export declare const TYPE_GET_GENERIC_LIST = "CAPNP-TS041 Attempted to call get() on a generic list."; export declare const TYPE_SET_GENERIC_LIST = "CAPNP-TS042 Attempted to call set() on a generic list."; export declare const PTR_WRITE_CONST_LIST = "CAPNP-TS043 Attempted to write to a const list."; export declare const PTR_WRITE_CONST_STRUCT = "CAPNP-TS044 Attempted to write to a const struct.";