var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; import * as wasm from './node.js'; import * as native from './node-native.js'; import { expect } from 'chai.js'; import { inputs, hello48, ogTestVectors } from './base/test-helpers.js'; import { ReadableStreamBuffer } from 'stream-buffers.js'; import { maxHashBytes } from './base/hash-reader.js'; function suite({ hash, createHash, keyedHash, deriveKey, createDeriveKey, createKeyed, }) { describe('encoding', () => { it('hashes a buffer', () => { expect(hash(Buffer.from(inputs.hello.input))).to.deep.equal(inputs.hello.hash); }); it('hashes a string', () => { expect(hash(inputs.hello.input)).to.deep.equal(inputs.hello.hash); }); it('hashes an arraybuffer', () => { const buf = Buffer.from(inputs.hello.input); expect(hash(new Uint8Array(buf).buffer)).to.deep.equal(inputs.hello.hash); }); it('customizes the output length', () => { expect(hash(inputs.hello.input, { length: 16 })).to.deep.equal(inputs.hello.hash.slice(0, 16)); }); }); describe('memory-safety (#5)', () => { it('hash', () => { const hashA = hash('hello'); const hashB = hash('goodbye'); expect(hashA.toString('hex')).to.equal('ea8f163db38682925e4491c5e58d4bb3506ef8c14eb78a86e908c5624a67200f'); expect(hashB.toString('hex')).to.equal('f94a694227c5f31a07551908ad5fb252f5f0964030df5f2f200adedfae4d9b69'); }); it('hasher', () => { const hasherA = createHash(); const hasherB = createHash(); hasherA.update('hel'); hasherB.update('good'); hasherA.update('lo'); hasherB.update('bye'); const hashA = hasherA.digest(); const hashB = hasherB.digest(); expect(hashA.toString('hex')).to.equal('ea8f163db38682925e4491c5e58d4bb3506ef8c14eb78a86e908c5624a67200f'); expect(hashB.toString('hex')).to.equal('f94a694227c5f31a07551908ad5fb252f5f0964030df5f2f200adedfae4d9b69'); }); }); describe('hasher', () => { it('digests', callback => { const buffer = new ReadableStreamBuffer(); buffer.put(Buffer.from(inputs.large.input)); buffer.stop(); const hash = createHash(); buffer.on('data', b => hash.update(b)); buffer.on('end', () => { const actual = hash.digest(); expect(actual).to.deep.equal(inputs.large.hash); callback(); }); }); it('is a transform stream', callback => { const buffer = new ReadableStreamBuffer(); buffer.put(Buffer.from(inputs.large.input)); buffer.stop(); buffer .pipe(createHash()) .on('error', callback) .on('data', hash => { expect(hash).to.deep.equal(inputs.large.hash); callback(); }); }); it('customizes the output length', () => { const hash = createHash(); hash.update(inputs.hello.input); expect(hash.digest('hex', { length: 16 })).to.equal(inputs.hello.hash.slice(0, 16).toString('hex')); }); it('throws on write after dispose', () => { const hash = createHash(); hash.dispose(); expect(() => hash.update('')).to.throw(/after dispose/); }); it('allows taking incremental hashes', () => { const hasher = createHash(); hasher.update('hel'); const hashA = hasher.digest(undefined, { dispose: false }); const readA = hasher.reader({ dispose: false }); hasher.update('lo'); const hashB = hasher.digest(undefined, { dispose: false }); const readB = hasher.reader({ dispose: false }); const expectedA = Buffer.from('3121c5bb1b9193123447ac7cfda042f67f967e7a8cf5c12e7570e25529746e4a', 'hex'); expect(hashA).to.deep.equal(expectedA); expect(readA.toBuffer()).to.deep.equal(expectedA); expect(hashB).to.deep.equal(inputs.hello.hash); expect(readB.toBuffer()).to.deep.equal(inputs.hello.hash); hasher.dispose(); readA.dispose(); readB.dispose(); }); }); describe('reader', () => { let reader; beforeEach(() => { const hash = createHash(); hash.update(inputs.hello.input); reader = hash.reader(); }); afterEach(() => reader.dispose()); it('implements toString()', () => { expect(reader.toString('hex')).to.equal(inputs.hello.hash.toString('hex')); reader.position = BigInt(42); expect(reader.toString('hex')).to.equal(inputs.hello.hash.toString('hex')); }); it('implements toBuffer()', () => { expect(reader.toBuffer()).to.deep.equal(inputs.hello.hash); reader.position = BigInt(42); expect(reader.toBuffer()).to.deep.equal(inputs.hello.hash); }); it('implements readInto() and advances', () => { const actual = Buffer.alloc(32); reader.readInto(actual.slice(0, 10)); reader.readInto(actual.slice(10)); expect(actual).to.deep.equal(inputs.hello.hash); expect(reader.position).to.equal(BigInt(32)); }); it('implements read() and advances', () => { const actual =; expect(actual).to.deep.equal(inputs.hello.hash); expect(reader.position).to.equal(BigInt(32)); const actualNext =; expect(actualNext).to.deep.equal(hello48.slice(32)); expect(reader.position).to.equal(BigInt(48)); }); it('manually sets position', () => { reader.position = BigInt(32); const actual =; expect(actual).to.deep.equal(hello48.slice(32)); }); it('throws if set out of range', () => { expect(() => (reader.position = BigInt(-1))).to.throw(RangeError); expect(() => (reader.position = BigInt('18446744073709551616'))).to.throw(RangeError); reader.position = maxHashBytes - BigInt(1); expect(() =>; }); }); describe('original test vectors', () => { for (const { inputLen, expectedDerive, expectedKeyed, expectedHash } of ogTestVectors.cases) { describe(`${inputLen}`, () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const input = Buffer.alloc(inputLen); for (let i = 0; i < inputLen; i++) { input[i] = i % 251; } it('hash()', () => { expect(hash(input, { length: expectedHash.length / 2 }).toString('hex')).to.equal(expectedHash); }); it('deriveKey()', () => { expect(deriveKey(ogTestVectors.context, input, { length: expectedDerive.length / 2 }).toString('hex')).to.equal(expectedDerive); }); it('createDeriveKey()', callback => { const buffer = new ReadableStreamBuffer(); buffer.put(Buffer.from(input)); buffer.stop(); const hash = createDeriveKey(ogTestVectors.context); buffer.on('data', b => hash.update(b)); buffer.on('end', () => { const actual = hash.digest({ length: expectedDerive.length / 2 }).toString('hex'); expect(actual).to.equal(expectedDerive); callback(); }); }); it('keyedHash()', () => { expect(keyedHash(Buffer.from(ogTestVectors.key), input, { length: expectedKeyed.length / 2, }).toString('hex')).to.equal(expectedKeyed); }); it('createKeyed()', callback => { const buffer = new ReadableStreamBuffer(); buffer.put(Buffer.from(input)); buffer.stop(); const hash = createKeyed(Buffer.from(ogTestVectors.key)); buffer.on('data', b => hash.update(b)); buffer.on('end', () => { const actual = hash.digest({ length: expectedDerive.length / 2 }).toString('hex'); expect(actual).to.equal(expectedKeyed); callback(); }); }); })); } }); } describe('node.js wasm', () => suite(wasm)); describe('node.js native', () => suite(native)); //#