"use strict"; const assert = require ('assert'), asTable = require (process.env.AS_TABLE_TEST_FILE), ansi = require ('ansicolor').nice describe ('as-table', () => { it ('array printing works', () => { var testData = [['qwe', '123456789', 'zxcvbnm'], ['qwerty', '12', 'zxcvb'], ['💩wertyiop', '1234567', 'z']] assert.equal (asTable (testData), 'qwe 123456789 zxcvbnm\n' + 'qwerty 12 zxcvb \n' + '💩wertyiop 1234567 z ') assert.equal (asTable.configure ({ maxTotalWidth: 22, delimiter: ' | ' }) (testData), 'qwe | 1234… | zxc…\n' + 'qwer… | 12 | zxc…\n' + '💩wer… | 1234… | z ') console.log (asTable.configure ({ maxTotalWidth: 22, delimiter: ' | ' }) (testData)) }) it ('object printing works', () => { var testData = [ { foo: true, string: 'abcde', num: 42 }, { foo: false, string: 'qwertyuiop', num: 43 }, { string: null, num: 44 } ] assert.equal (asTable (testData), 'foo string num\n' + '----------------------\n' + 'true abcde 42 \n' + 'false qwertyuiop 43 \n' + ' null 44 ') }) it ('object printing works (with ANSI styling)', () => { var testData = [ { foo: true, string: 'abcde'.cyan.bgYellow, num: 42 }, { foo: false, string: 'qwertyuiop', num: 43 }, { string: null, num: 44 } ] assert.equal (asTable (testData), 'foo string num\n' + '----------------------\n' + 'true \u001b[43m\u001b[36mabcde\u001b[39m\u001b[49m 42 \n' + 'false qwertyuiop 43 \n' + ' null 44 ') }) it ('maxTotalWidth correctly handles object field names', () => { assert.equal ( asTable.configure ({ maxTotalWidth: 15 }) ([{ '0123456789': '0123456789', 'abcdefxyzw': 'abcdefxyzw' }]), '01234… abcde…\n' + '--------------\n' + '01234… abcde…' ) }) it ('maxTotalWidth correctly handles object field names (with ANSI styling)', () => { assert.equal ( asTable.configure ({ maxTotalWidth: 15 }) ([{ '0123456789': '0123456789', 'abcdefxyzw': 'abcdefxyzw'.cyan.bgYellow.italic.inverse.bright }]), '01234… abcde…\n' + '--------------\n' + '01234… ' + 'abcde'.cyan.bgYellow.italic.inverse.bright + '…' ) }) it ('everything renders as singleline', () => { assert.equal (asTable ([['fooo\n\nbar']]), 'fooo\\n\\nbar') }) it ('configuring works', () => { const asTable25 = asTable.configure ({ maxTotalWidth: 25 }), asTable25Delim = asTable25.configure ({ delimiter: ' | ' }) assert.notEqual (asTable25, asTable25Delim) assert.equal (asTable25.maxTotalWidth, 25) assert.equal (asTable25Delim.delimiter, ' | ') }) it ('degenerate case works', () => { assert.equal (asTable ([]), '\n') assert.equal (asTable ([{}]), '\n\n') }) it ('null/undefined prints correctly', () => { assert.equal (asTable.configure ({ delimiter: '|' }) ([[null, undefined, 1, 2, 3]]), 'null||1|2|3') }) it ('custom printer works', () => { var testData = [ { foo: true, string: 'abcde', num: 42 }, { foo: false, string: 'qwertyuiop', num: 43 }, { string: null, num: 44 } ] const formatsBooleansAsYesNo = asTable.configure ({ print: obj => (typeof obj === 'boolean') ? (obj ? 'yes' : 'no') : String (obj) }) assert.equal (formatsBooleansAsYesNo (testData), 'foo string num\n' + '--------------------\n' + 'yes abcde 42 \n' + 'no qwertyuiop 43 \n' + ' null 44 ') }) it ('custom printer works with object titles', () => { var testData = [ { foo: true, string: 'abcde', num: 42, timestamp: 1561202591572 }, { foo: false, string: 'qwertyuiop', num: 43, timestamp: 1558524240034 }, { string: null, num: 44, timestamp: 1555932240034 } ] const formats = asTable.configure ({ print: (obj, title) => { if (title === 'foo') { return obj ? 'yes' : 'no'; } if (title === 'timestamp') { return new Date(obj).toGMTString(); } return String(obj); } }) assert.equal (formats (testData), 'foo string num timestamp \n' + '---------------------------------------------------\n' + 'yes abcde 42 Sat, 22 Jun 2019 11:23:11 GMT\n' + 'no qwertyuiop 43 Wed, 22 May 2019 11:24:00 GMT\n' + ' null 44 Mon, 22 Apr 2019 11:24:00 GMT') }) it ('custom printer works with array keys', () => { var testData = [ [ true, 'abcde', 42, 1561202591572 ], [ false, 'qwertyuiop', 43, 1558524240034 ] ] const formats = asTable.configure ({ print: (obj, index) => { if (index === 0) { return obj ? 'yes' : 'no'; } if (index === 3) { return new Date(obj).toGMTString(); } return String(obj); } }) assert.equal (formats (testData), 'yes abcde 42 Sat, 22 Jun 2019 11:23:11 GMT\n' + 'no qwertyuiop 43 Wed, 22 May 2019 11:24:00 GMT') }) it ('right align works', () => { var testData = [ { foo: 1234.567, bar: 12 }, { foo: '4.567'.bgMagenta.green, bar: 1234.456890 } ] assert.equal (asTable.configure ({ right: true }) (testData), ' foo bar\n' + '--------------------\n' + '1234.567 12\n' + ' ' + '4.567'.bgMagenta.green + ' 1234.45689') }) it ('ANSI coloring works', () => { const testData = [ { foo: true, string: 'abcde', num: 42 }, { foo: false, string: '💩wertyuiop'.bgMagenta.green.bright, num: 43 } ] const d = ' | '.dim.cyan const _ = '-'.bright.cyan const result = asTable.configure ({ title: x => x.bright, delimiter: d, dash: _ }) (testData) console.log (result) assert.equal (result, ['foo'.bright + ' ', 'string'.bright + ' ', 'num'.bright].join (d) + '\n' + _.repeat (24) + '\n' + ['true ', 'abcde ', '42 '].join (d) + '\n' + ['false', '💩wertyuiop'.bgMagenta.green.bright, '43 '].join (d)) }) })