/** * @author jdiaz5513 */ /** * Dump a hex string from the given buffer. * * @export * @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer The buffer to convert. * @returns {string} A hexadecimal string representing the buffer. */ export declare function bufferToHex(buffer: ArrayBuffer): string; /** * Throw an error if the provided value cannot be represented as a 32-bit integer. * * @export * @param {number} value The number to check. * @returns {number} The same number if it is valid. */ export declare function checkInt32(value: number): number; export declare function checkUint32(value: number): number; /** * Decode a UTF-8 encoded byte array into a JavaScript string (UCS-2). * * @export * @param {Uint8Array} src A utf-8 encoded byte array. * @returns {string} A string representation of the byte array. */ export declare function decodeUtf8(src: Uint8Array): string; export declare function dumpBuffer(buffer: ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView): string; /** * Encode a JavaScript string (UCS-2) to a UTF-8 encoded string inside a Uint8Array. * * Note that the underlying buffer for the array will likely be larger than the actual contents; ignore the extra bytes. * * @export * @param {string} src The input string. * @returns {Uint8Array} A UTF-8 encoded buffer with the string's contents. */ export declare function encodeUtf8(src: string): Uint8Array; /** * Produce a `printf`-style string. Nice for providing arguments to `assert` without paying the cost for string * concatenation up front. Precision is supported for floating point numbers. * * @param {string} s The format string. Supported format specifiers: b, c, d, f, j, o, s, x, and X. * @param {...any} args Values to be formatted in the string. Arguments beyond what are consumed by the format string * are ignored. * @returns {string} The formatted string. */ export declare function format(s: string, ...args: unknown[]): string; /** * Return the thing that was passed in. Yaaaaawn. * * @export * @template T * @param {T} x A thing. * @returns {T} The same thing. */ export declare function identity(x: T): T; export declare function pad(v: string, width: number, pad?: string): string; /** * Add padding to a number to make it divisible by 8. Typically used to pad byte sizes so they align to a word boundary. * * @export * @param {number} size The number to pad. * @returns {number} The padded number. */ export declare function padToWord(size: number): number; /** * Repeat a string n times. Shamelessly copied from lodash.repeat. * * @param {number} times Number of times to repeat. * @param {string} str The string to repeat. * @returns {string} The repeated string. */ export declare function repeat(times: number, str: string): string;