"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const hash_fn_1 = require("../base/hash-fn"); const blake3_js_1 = require("../../dist/wasm/nodejs/blake3_js"); /** * @hidden */ exports.normalizeInput = (input, encoding) => hash_fn_1.inputToArray(typeof input === 'string' ? Buffer.from(input, encoding) : input); /** * Returns a blake3 hash of the input, returning the binary hash data. */ function hash(input, { length = hash_fn_1.defaultHashLength } = {}) { const result = Buffer.alloc(length); blake3_js_1.hash(exports.normalizeInput(input), result); return result; } exports.hash = hash; /** * Given cryptographic key material and a context string, services a subkey of * any length. See {@link https://docs.rs/blake3/0.1.3/blake3/fn.derive_key.html} * for more information. */ function deriveKey(context, material, { length = hash_fn_1.defaultHashLength } = {}) { const derive = blake3_js_1.create_derive(context); derive.update(exports.normalizeInput(material)); const result = Buffer.alloc(length); derive.digest(result); return result; } exports.deriveKey = deriveKey; /** * The keyed hash function. See {@link https://docs.rs/blake3/0.1.3/blake3/fn.keyed_hash.html}. */ function keyedHash(key, input, { length = hash_fn_1.defaultHashLength } = {}) { if (key.length !== 32) { throw new Error(`key provided to keyedHash must be 32 bytes, got ${key.length}`); } const derive = blake3_js_1.create_keyed(key); derive.update(exports.normalizeInput(input)); const result = Buffer.alloc(length); derive.digest(result); return result; } exports.keyedHash = keyedHash; //# sourceMappingURL=hash-fn.js.map