/** * @since v0.3.7 * @experimental */ declare module "module" { import { URL } from "node:url"; import { MessagePort } from "node:worker_threads"; namespace Module { /** * The `module.syncBuiltinESMExports()` method updates all the live bindings for * builtin `ES Modules` to match the properties of the `CommonJS` exports. It * does not add or remove exported names from the `ES Modules`. * * ```js * const fs = require('node:fs'); * const assert = require('node:assert'); * const { syncBuiltinESMExports } = require('node:module'); * * fs.readFile = newAPI; * * delete fs.readFileSync; * * function newAPI() { * // ... * } * * fs.newAPI = newAPI; * * syncBuiltinESMExports(); * * import('node:fs').then((esmFS) => { * // It syncs the existing readFile property with the new value * assert.strictEqual(esmFS.readFile, newAPI); * // readFileSync has been deleted from the required fs * assert.strictEqual('readFileSync' in fs, false); * // syncBuiltinESMExports() does not remove readFileSync from esmFS * assert.strictEqual('readFileSync' in esmFS, true); * // syncBuiltinESMExports() does not add names * assert.strictEqual(esmFS.newAPI, undefined); * }); * ``` * @since v12.12.0 */ function syncBuiltinESMExports(): void; /** * `path` is the resolved path for the file for which a corresponding source map * should be fetched. * @since v13.7.0, v12.17.0 * @return Returns `module.SourceMap` if a source map is found, `undefined` otherwise. */ function findSourceMap(path: string, error?: Error): SourceMap; interface SourceMapPayload { file: string; version: number; sources: string[]; sourcesContent: string[]; names: string[]; mappings: string; sourceRoot: string; } interface SourceMapping { generatedLine: number; generatedColumn: number; originalSource: string; originalLine: number; originalColumn: number; } interface SourceOrigin { /** * The name of the range in the source map, if one was provided */ name?: string; /** * The file name of the original source, as reported in the SourceMap */ fileName: string; /** * The 1-indexed lineNumber of the corresponding call site in the original source */ lineNumber: number; /** * The 1-indexed columnNumber of the corresponding call site in the original source */ columnNumber: number; } /** * @since v13.7.0, v12.17.0 */ class SourceMap { /** * Getter for the payload used to construct the `SourceMap` instance. */ readonly payload: SourceMapPayload; constructor(payload: SourceMapPayload); /** * Given a line offset and column offset in the generated source * file, returns an object representing the SourceMap range in the * original file if found, or an empty object if not. * * The object returned contains the following keys: * * The returned value represents the raw range as it appears in the * SourceMap, based on zero-indexed offsets, _not_ 1-indexed line and * column numbers as they appear in Error messages and CallSite * objects. * * To get the corresponding 1-indexed line and column numbers from a * lineNumber and columnNumber as they are reported by Error stacks * and CallSite objects, use `sourceMap.findOrigin(lineNumber, columnNumber)` * @param lineOffset The zero-indexed line number offset in the generated source * @param columnOffset The zero-indexed column number offset in the generated source */ findEntry(lineOffset: number, columnOffset: number): SourceMapping; /** * Given a 1-indexed `lineNumber` and `columnNumber` from a call site in the generated source, * find the corresponding call site location in the original source. * * If the `lineNumber` and `columnNumber` provided are not found in any source map, * then an empty object is returned. * @param lineNumber The 1-indexed line number of the call site in the generated source * @param columnNumber The 1-indexed column number of the call site in the generated source */ findOrigin(lineNumber: number, columnNumber: number): SourceOrigin | {}; } /** @deprecated Use `ImportAttributes` instead */ interface ImportAssertions extends ImportAttributes {} interface ImportAttributes extends NodeJS.Dict { type?: string | undefined; } type ModuleFormat = "builtin" | "commonjs" | "json" | "module" | "wasm"; type ModuleSource = string | ArrayBuffer | NodeJS.TypedArray; interface GlobalPreloadContext { port: MessagePort; } /** * @deprecated This hook will be removed in a future version. * Use `initialize` instead. When a loader has an `initialize` export, `globalPreload` will be ignored. * * Sometimes it might be necessary to run some code inside of the same global scope that the application runs in. * This hook allows the return of a string that is run as a sloppy-mode script on startup. * * @param context Information to assist the preload code * @return Code to run before application startup */ type GlobalPreloadHook = (context: GlobalPreloadContext) => string; /** * The `initialize` hook provides a way to define a custom function that runs in the hooks thread * when the hooks module is initialized. Initialization happens when the hooks module is registered via `register`. * * This hook can receive data from a `register` invocation, including ports and other transferrable objects. * The return value of `initialize` can be a `Promise`, in which case it will be awaited before the main application thread execution resumes. */ type InitializeHook = (data: Data) => void | Promise; interface ResolveHookContext { /** * Export conditions of the relevant `package.json` */ conditions: string[]; /** * @deprecated Use `importAttributes` instead */ importAssertions: ImportAttributes; /** * An object whose key-value pairs represent the assertions for the module to import */ importAttributes: ImportAttributes; /** * The module importing this one, or undefined if this is the Node.js entry point */ parentURL: string | undefined; } interface ResolveFnOutput { /** * A hint to the load hook (it might be ignored) */ format?: ModuleFormat | null | undefined; /** * @deprecated Use `importAttributes` instead */ importAssertions?: ImportAttributes | undefined; /** * The import attributes to use when caching the module (optional; if excluded the input will be used) */ importAttributes?: ImportAttributes | undefined; /** * A signal that this hook intends to terminate the chain of `resolve` hooks. * @default false */ shortCircuit?: boolean | undefined; /** * The absolute URL to which this input resolves */ url: string; } /** * The `resolve` hook chain is responsible for resolving file URL for a given module specifier and parent URL, and optionally its format (such as `'module'`) as a hint to the `load` hook. * If a format is specified, the load hook is ultimately responsible for providing the final `format` value (and it is free to ignore the hint provided by `resolve`); * if `resolve` provides a format, a custom `load` hook is required even if only to pass the value to the Node.js default `load` hook. * * @param specifier The specified URL path of the module to be resolved * @param context * @param nextResolve The subsequent `resolve` hook in the chain, or the Node.js default `resolve` hook after the last user-supplied resolve hook */ type ResolveHook = ( specifier: string, context: ResolveHookContext, nextResolve: ( specifier: string, context?: ResolveHookContext, ) => ResolveFnOutput | Promise, ) => ResolveFnOutput | Promise; interface LoadHookContext { /** * Export conditions of the relevant `package.json` */ conditions: string[]; /** * The format optionally supplied by the `resolve` hook chain */ format: ModuleFormat; /** * @deprecated Use `importAttributes` instead */ importAssertions: ImportAttributes; /** * An object whose key-value pairs represent the assertions for the module to import */ importAttributes: ImportAttributes; } interface LoadFnOutput { format: ModuleFormat; /** * A signal that this hook intends to terminate the chain of `resolve` hooks. * @default false */ shortCircuit?: boolean | undefined; /** * The source for Node.js to evaluate */ source?: ModuleSource; } /** * The `load` hook provides a way to define a custom method of determining how a URL should be interpreted, retrieved, and parsed. * It is also in charge of validating the import assertion. * * @param url The URL/path of the module to be loaded * @param context Metadata about the module * @param nextLoad The subsequent `load` hook in the chain, or the Node.js default `load` hook after the last user-supplied `load` hook */ type LoadHook = ( url: string, context: LoadHookContext, nextLoad: (url: string, context?: LoadHookContext) => LoadFnOutput | Promise, ) => LoadFnOutput | Promise; } interface RegisterOptions { parentURL: string | URL; data?: Data | undefined; transferList?: any[] | undefined; } interface Module extends NodeModule {} class Module { static runMain(): void; static wrap(code: string): string; static createRequire(path: string | URL): NodeRequire; static builtinModules: string[]; static isBuiltin(moduleName: string): boolean; static Module: typeof Module; static register( specifier: string | URL, parentURL?: string | URL, options?: RegisterOptions, ): void; static register(specifier: string | URL, options?: RegisterOptions): void; constructor(id: string, parent?: Module); } global { interface ImportMeta { url: string; /** * Provides a module-relative resolution function scoped to each module, returning * the URL string. * * Second `parent` parameter is only used when the `--experimental-import-meta-resolve` * command flag enabled. * * @since v20.6.0 * * @param specifier The module specifier to resolve relative to `parent`. * @param parent The absolute parent module URL to resolve from. * @returns The absolute (`file:`) URL string for the resolved module. */ resolve(specifier: string, parent?: string | URL | undefined): string; } } export = Module; } declare module "node:module" { import module = require("module"); export = module; }