import os import gradio as gr from transformers import pipeline from pytube import YouTube from datasets import Dataset, Audio from moviepy.editor import AudioFileClip import googletrans from googletrans import Translator pipe = pipeline(model="rafat0421/whisper-small-hi") def download_from_youtube(url): streams = YouTube(url).streams.filter(only_audio=True, file_extension='mp4') #Downloads the video from the given YouTube URL and returns the path to the audio file. fpath = streams.first().download() return fpath def get_timestamp(seconds): minutes = int(seconds / 60) seconds = int(seconds % 60) return f"{str(minutes).zfill(2)}:{str(seconds).zfill(2)}" #Creates %M:%S timestamp from seconds. def create_segments(audio_fpath, seconds_max): if not os.path.exists("segmented_audios"): os.makedirs("segmented_audios") sound = AudioFileClip(audio_fpath) n_full_segments = int(sound.duration / 30) len_last_segment = sound.duration % 30 max_segments = int(seconds_max / 30) if n_full_segments > max_segments: n_full_segments = max_segments len_last_segment = 0 segment_paths = [] segment_start_times = [] segments_available = n_full_segments + 1 for i in range(min(segments_available, max_segments)): start = i * 30 # Skip last segment if it is smaller than two seconds is_last_segment = i == n_full_segments if is_last_segment and not len_last_segment > 2: continue elif is_last_segment: end = start + len_last_segment else: end = (i + 1) * 30 segment_path = os.path.join("segmented_audios", f"segment_{i}.wav") segment = sound.subclip(start, end) segment.write_audiofile(segment_path) segment_paths.append(segment_path) segment_start_times.append(start) return segment_paths, segment_start_times def get_translation(text): translator = Translator() result = translator.translate(text, src='sv', dest='en') return result.text #translation_pipeline = pipeline("translation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, src_lang=src_lang, tgt_lang=tgt_lang, max_length=400, device=device) #result = translation_pipeline(text) #return result[0]['translation_text'] #return "Under Development..." def transcribe(audio, url, seconds_max): if url: fpath = download_from_youtube(url) segment_paths, segment_start_times = create_segments(fpath, seconds_max) audio_dataset = Dataset.from_dict({"audio": segment_paths}).cast_column("audio", Audio(sampling_rate=16000)) pred = pipe(audio_dataset["audio"]) text = "" n_segments = len(segment_start_times) for i, (seconds, output) in enumerate(zip(segment_start_times, pred)): text += f"[Segment {i+1}/{n_segments}, start time {get_timestamp(seconds)}]\n" text += f"{output['text']}\n" text += f"[Translation]\n{get_translation(output['text'])}\n\n" return text else: text = pipe(audio)["text"] return text iface = gr.Interface( fn=transcribe, inputs=[ gr.Audio(source="microphone", type="filepath", label="Transcribe from Microphone"), gr.Text(max_lines=1, placeholder="YouTube Link", label="Transcribe from YouTube URL"), gr.Slider(minimum=30, maximum=600, value=30, step=30, label="Number of seconds to transcribe") ], outputs="text", title="Whisper: transcribe Swedish language audio to text", description="Swedish Text Transcription using Transformers.", ) iface.launch()