// Inspired by Chatbot-UI and modified to fit the needs of this project // @see https://github.com/mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui/blob/main/components/Markdown/CodeBlock.tsx 'use client' import { FC, memo } from 'react' import { Prism as SyntaxHighlighter } from 'react-syntax-highlighter' import { coldarkDark } from 'react-syntax-highlighter/dist/cjs/styles/prism' import { useCopyToClipboard } from '@/lib/hooks/use-copy-to-clipboard' import { IconCheck, IconCopy, IconDownload } from '@/components/ui/icons' import { Button } from '@/components/ui/button' interface Props { language: string value: string } interface languageMap { [key: string]: string | undefined } export const programmingLanguages: languageMap = { javascript: '.js', python: '.py', java: '.java', c: '.c', cpp: '.cpp', 'c++': '.cpp', 'c#': '.cs', ruby: '.rb', php: '.php', swift: '.swift', 'objective-c': '.m', kotlin: '.kt', typescript: '.ts', go: '.go', perl: '.pl', rust: '.rs', scala: '.scala', haskell: '.hs', lua: '.lua', shell: '.sh', sql: '.sql', html: '.html', css: '.css' // add more file extensions here, make sure the key is same as language prop in CodeBlock.tsx component } export const generateRandomString = (length: number, lowercase = false) => { const chars = 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXY3456789' // excluding similar looking characters like Z, 2, I, 1, O, 0 let result = '' for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { result += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)) } return lowercase ? result.toLowerCase() : result } const CodeBlock: FC = memo(({ language, value }) => { const { isCopied, copyToClipboard } = useCopyToClipboard({ timeout: 2000 }) const downloadAsFile = () => { if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return } const fileExtension = programmingLanguages[language] || '.file' const suggestedFileName = `file-${generateRandomString( 3, true )}${fileExtension}` const fileName = window.prompt('Enter file name' || '', suggestedFileName) if (!fileName) { // User pressed cancel on prompt. return } const blob = new Blob([value], { type: 'text/plain' }) const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob) const link = document.createElement('a') link.download = fileName link.href = url link.style.display = 'none' document.body.appendChild(link) link.click() document.body.removeChild(link) URL.revokeObjectURL(url) } const onCopy = () => { if (isCopied) return copyToClipboard(value) } return (
) }) CodeBlock.displayName = 'CodeBlock' export { CodeBlock }