import { useChat, type Message, UseChatHelpers } from 'ai/react'; import { toast } from 'react-hot-toast'; import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { MessageBase, SignedPayload } from '../types'; import { fetcher, nanoid } from '../utils'; import { getCleanedUpMessages, generateAnswersImageMarkdown, generateInputImageMarkdown, } from '../messageUtils'; import { CLEANED_SEPARATOR } from '../constants'; import { useSearchParams } from 'next/navigation'; import { ChatWithMessages, MessageRaw } from '../db/types'; import { dbPostCreateMessage } from '../db/functions'; const uploadBase64 = async ( base64: string, messageId: string, chatId: string, index: number, ) => { const res = await fetch( 'data:image/png;base64,' + base64.replace('base:64', ''), ); const blob = await res.blob(); const { signedUrl, publicUrl, fields } = await fetcher( '/api/sign', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ id: `${chatId}/${messageId}`, fileType: blob.type, fileName: `answer-${index}.${blob.type.split('/')[1]}`, }), }, ); const formData = new FormData(); Object.entries(fields).forEach(([key, value]) => { formData.append(key, value as string); }); formData.append('file', blob); const uploadResponse = await fetch(signedUrl, { method: 'POST', body: formData, }); if (uploadResponse.ok) { return publicUrl; } else { throw new Error('Upload failed'); } }; const useVisionAgent = (chat: ChatWithMessages) => { const { messages: initialMessages, id, mediaUrl } = chat; const searchParams = useSearchParams(); const reflectionValue = searchParams.get('reflection'); const { messages, append: appendRaw, reload, stop, isLoading, input, setInput, setMessages, error, } = useChat({ api: '/api/vision-agent', onResponse(response) { if (response.status !== 200) { toast.error(response.statusText); } }, onFinish: async message => { const { logs = '', content, images } = getCleanedUpMessages(message); if (images?.length) { const publicUrls = await Promise.all(, index) => uploadBase64(image,, id ?? 'no-id', index), ), ); const newContent = publicUrls.reduce((accum, url, index) => { return accum.replace( generateAnswersImageMarkdown(index, '/loading.gif'), generateAnswersImageMarkdown(index, url), ); }, content); const newMessage = { ...message, content: logs + CLEANED_SEPARATOR + newContent, }; setMessages([ ...messages, /** * A workaround to fix the issue of the messages been stale state when appending a new message * */ ...(input ? [ { id: nanoid(), role: 'user', content: input + '\n\n' + generateInputImageMarkdown(mediaUrl), createdAt: new Date(), } satisfies Message, ] : []), newMessage, ]); await dbPostCreateMessage(id, { role: newMessage.role as 'user' | 'assistant', content: newMessage.content, }); } else { await dbPostCreateMessage(id, { role: message.role as 'user' | 'assistant', content: logs + CLEANED_SEPARATOR + content, }); } }, initialMessages: initialMessages, body: { mediaUrl, id, enableSelfReflection: reflectionValue === 'true', }, }); /** * If the last message is from the user, reload the chat, this would trigger to get the response from the assistant * There are 2 scenarios when this might happen * 1. Navigated from example images, init message only include preset user message * 2. Last time the assistant message failed or not saved to database. */ useEffect(() => { if ( !isLoading && messages.length && messages[messages.length - 1].role === 'user' ) { reload(); } }, [isLoading, messages, reload]); const append: UseChatHelpers['append'] = async message => { dbPostCreateMessage(id, { role: message.role as 'user' | 'assistant', content: message.content, }); return appendRaw(message); }; return { messages: messages as MessageBase[], append, reload, stop, isLoading, input, setInput, }; }; export default useVisionAgent;