import time import urllib.request import os import re from random import randint from import By from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as EC from commands.driver_instance import create_url_headers, tab_handler from commands.exec_path import imgList from commands.universal import searchQuery, save_Search, continue_Search, contains_works from ai.classifying_ai import img_classifier def getOrderedYandexImages( driver, exec_path, user_search, num_pics, filters, imageOrientation): global image_locations, image_names, ai_mode image_names = imgList(mode=2) ai_mode = True recents = True if 1 in filters else False image_locations = [] link = "" link = link + "text=" + user_search.replace(" ", "+").replace("_", "+") if imageOrientation: orientations = ["horizontal", "vertical", "square"] link += f"&iorient={orientations[imageOrientation]}" driver.get(link) WebDriverWait(driver, timeout=11).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//*[@class="SerpList"]')) ) driver.find_element( By.XPATH, "//*[@class='SimpleImage SimpleImage_showPlaceholderIcon SerpItem-Thumb']//a", ).click() grid_search(driver, num_pics, exec_path, user_search) time.sleep(20) driver.close() return image_locations def grid_search(driver, num_pics, exec_path, user_search): WebDriverWait(driver, timeout=11).until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.XPATH, "//*[contains(@class, 'MMGallery-Item')]") ) ) images = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//*[@class='MMGallery-Container']/*") for image in images: time.sleep(2) # Navigate the webpage and filter the image link try: if len(image_locations) >= num_pics: break driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", image) time.sleep(0.5) imageLink = driver.find_element( By.XPATH, '//*[@class="OpenImageButton OpenImageButton_text OpenImageButton_sizes MMViewerButtons-OpenImageSizes"]//a', ).get_attribute("href") if (imageLink.rsplit("/",1)[-1].encode("ascii", "ignore") .decode("ascii")) in image_names: print("Image already exists, moving to another image...\n") continue except: print("I ran into an error finding the image, closing the tab and moving on...\n") time.sleep(randint(0, 1) + randint(0, 9) / 10) continue # Ai mode check try: if ai_mode: checker = ai_dl(image, exec_path, driver, user_search) if checker: continue except Exception as e: # TODO: Implement proper exception handling in case of http error 404 time.sleep(randint(0, 1) + randint(0, 9) / 10) checker = ai_dl(image, exec_path, driver, user_search, site="") except: time.sleep(randint(0, 1) + randint(0, 9) / 10) print("AI mode failed to check the image, skipping...\n") continue # Download the image try: download_image( exec_path=exec_path, driver=driver, image=imageLink, user_search=user_search, ) except: # TODO: Use the same exception handling as above to try and redownload the image print("I ran into an error downloading, closing the tab and moving on...\n") time.sleep(randint(0, 1) + randint(0, 9) / 10) def download_image(exec_path, driver, image, user_search, mode=1, site=0): tempDLAttr = image matching ="([^/]+\.(?:jpg|jpeg|png|webp))", image.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]) if not matching: tempDLAttr += ".png" if tempDLAttr.startswith('//'): tempDLAttr = 'https:' + tempDLAttr tempDLName = ("([^/]+\.(?:jpg|jpeg|png|webp))", tempDLAttr.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]) .group(1) .encode("ascii", "ignore") .decode("ascii")) if not mode: tempDLName = re.sub(r'[\\/*?:"<>|]', "", tempDLName) img_loc = f"./{exec_path.folder_path}/{tempDLName}" # User other site headers (to be implemented properly) if site: urllib.request.install_opener(create_url_headers(tempDLAttr, site=site)) urllib.request.urlretrieve(tempDLAttr, img_loc) urllib.request.install_opener(create_url_headers(tempDLAttr)) urllib.request.urlretrieve(tempDLAttr, img_loc) if mode: print(f"{tempDLAttr}\n") image_locations.append(img_loc) image_names.append(f"{tempDLName.split('.')[0]}") return img_loc def ai_dl(image, exec_path, driver, user_search, site=""): checker = 0 image_thumbnail = image.find_element( By.XPATH, './/*[@class="MMThumbImage-Image"]' ).get_attribute("style") # Filter url from the style attribute image_thumbnail = re.findall(r'url\("(.+?)"\)', image_thumbnail)[0] # Download the image thumbnail image_loc = download_image( exec_path=exec_path, driver=driver, image=image_thumbnail, user_search=user_search, mode=0, site=site ) # Check if the image is good or not and delete the image if img_classifier(image_loc): print("AI Mode: I approve this image") else: print("AI Mode: Skipping this image\n") checker = 1 os.remove(image_loc) return checker