import yaml import torch import random import numpy as np import os import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from einops import repeat import cv2 import time import torch.nn.functional as F __all__ = ["decode_mask_to_onehot", "encode_onehot_to_mask", 'Logger', 'get_coords_grid', 'get_coords_grid_float', 'draw_bboxes', 'Infos', 'inv_normalize_img', 'make_numpy_img', 'get_metrics' ] class Infos(object): def __init__(self, phase, class_names=None): assert phase in ['od'], "Error in Infos" self.phase = phase self.class_names = class_names self.register() self.pattern = 'train' self.epoch_id = 0 self.max_epoch = 0 self.batch_id = 0 self.batch_num = 0 = 0 self.fps_data_load = 0 self.fps = 0 self.val_metric = 0 # 'running_acc': {'loss': [], 'mIoU': [], 'OA': [], 'F1_score': []}, # 'epoch_metrics': {'loss': 1e10, 'mIoU': 0, 'OA': 0, 'F1_score': 0}, # 'best_val_metrics': {'epoch_id': 0, 'loss': 1e10, 'mIoU': 0, 'OA': 0, 'F1_score': 0}, def set_epoch_training_time(self, data): self.epoch_training_time = data def set_pattern(self, data): self.pattern = data def set_epoch_id(self, data): self.epoch_id = data def set_max_epoch(self, data): self.max_epoch = data def set_batch_id(self, data): self.batch_id = data def set_batch_num(self, data): self.batch_num = data def set_lr(self, data): = data def set_fps_data_load(self, data): self.fps_data_load = data def set_fps(self, data): self.fps = data def clear_cache(self): self.register() def get_val_metric(self): return self.val_metric def cal_metrics(self): if self.phase == 'od': coco_api_gt = COCO() coco_api_gt.dataset['images'] = [] coco_api_gt.dataset['annotations'] = [] ann_id = 0 for i, targets_per_image in enumerate(self.result_all['target_all']): for j in range(targets_per_image.shape[0]): coco_api_gt.dataset['images'].append({'id': i}) coco_api_gt.dataset['annotations'].append({ 'image_id': i, "category_id": int(targets_per_image[j, 0]), "bbox": np.hstack([targets_per_image[j, 1:3], targets_per_image[j, 3:5] - targets_per_image[j, 1:3]]), "area":[j, 3:5] - targets_per_image[j, 1:3]), "id": ann_id, "iscrowd": 0 }) ann_id += 1 coco_api_gt.dataset['categories'] = [{"id": i, "supercategory": c, "name": c} for i, c in enumerate(self.class_names)] coco_api_gt.createIndex() coco_api_pred = COCO() coco_api_pred.dataset['images'] = [] coco_api_pred.dataset['annotations'] = [] ann_id = 0 for i, preds_per_image in enumerate(self.result_all['pred_all']): for j in range(preds_per_image.shape[0]): coco_api_pred.dataset['images'].append({'id': i}) coco_api_pred.dataset['annotations'].append({ 'image_id': i, "category_id": int(preds_per_image[j, 0]), 'score': preds_per_image[j, 1], "bbox": np.hstack( [preds_per_image[j, 2:4], preds_per_image[j, 4:6] - preds_per_image[j, 2:4]]), "area":[j, 4:6] - preds_per_image[j, 2:4]), "id": ann_id, "iscrowd": 0 }) ann_id += 1 coco_api_pred.dataset['categories'] = [{"id": i, "supercategory": c, "name": c} for i, c in enumerate(self.class_names)] coco_api_pred.createIndex() coco_eval = COCOeval(coco_api_gt, coco_api_pred, "bbox") coco_eval.params.imgIds = coco_api_gt.getImgIds() coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() self.metrics = coco_eval.summarize() self.val_metric = self.metrics[1] def print_epoch_state_infos(self, logger): infos_str = 'Pattern: %s Epoch [%d,%d], time: %d loss: %.4f' % \ (self.pattern, self.epoch_id, self.max_epoch, self.epoch_training_time, np.mean(self.loss_all['loss'])) logger.write(infos_str + '\n') time_start = time.time() self.cal_metrics() time_end = time.time() logger.write('Pattern: %s Epoch Eval_time: %d\n' % (self.pattern, (time_end - time_start))) if self.phase == 'od': titleStr = 6 * ['Average Precision'] + 6 * ['Average Recall'] typeStr = 6 * ['(AP)'] + 6 * ['(AR)'] iouStr = 12 * ['0.50:0.95'] iouStr[1] = '0.50' iouStr[2] = '0.75' areaRng = 3 * ['all'] + ['small', 'medium', 'large'] + 3 * ['all'] + ['small', 'medium', 'large'] maxDets = 6 * [100] + [1, 10, 100] + 3 * [100] for i in range(12): infos_str = '{:<18} {} @[ IoU={:<9} | area={:>6s} | maxDets={:>3d} ] = {:0.3f}\n' logger.write(infos_str.format(titleStr[i], typeStr[i], iouStr[i], areaRng[i], maxDets[i], self.metrics[i])) def save_epoch_state_infos(self, writer): iter = self.epoch_id keys = [ 'AP_m_all_100', 'AP_50_all_100', 'AP_75_all_100', 'AP_m_small_100', 'AP_m_medium_100', 'AP_m_large_100', 'AR_m_all_1', 'AR_m_all_10', 'AR_m_all_100', 'AR_m_small_100', 'AR_m_medium_100', 'AR_m_large_100', ] for i, key in enumerate(keys): writer.add_scalar(f'%s/epoch/%s' % (self.pattern, key), self.metrics[i], iter) def print_batch_state_infos(self, logger): infos_str = 'Pattern: %s [%d,%d][%d,%d], lr: %5f, fps_data_load: %.2f, fps: %.2f' % \ (self.pattern, self.epoch_id, self.max_epoch, self.batch_id, self.batch_num,, self.fps_data_load, self.fps) # add loss infos_str += ', loss: %.4f' % self.loss_all['loss'][-1] logger.write(infos_str + '\n') def save_batch_state_infos(self, writer): iter = self.epoch_id * self.batch_num + self.batch_id writer.add_scalar('%s/lr' % self.pattern,, iter) for key, value in self.loss_all.items(): writer.add_scalar(f'%s/%s' % (self.pattern, key), value[-1], iter) def save_results(self, img_batch, prior_mean, prior_std, vis_dir, *args, **kwargs): batch_size = img_batch.size(0) k = np.clip(int(0.3 * batch_size), a_min=1, a_max=batch_size) ids = np.random.choice(range(batch_size), k, replace=False) for img_id in ids: img = img_batch[img_id].detach().cpu() pred = self.result_all['pred_all'][img_id - batch_size] target = self.result_all['target_all'][img_id - batch_size] img = make_numpy_img(inv_normalize_img(img, prior_mean, prior_std)) pred_draw = draw_bboxes(img, pred, self.class_names, (255, 0, 0)) target_draw = draw_bboxes(img, target, self.class_names, (0, 255, 0)) # target = make_numpy_img(encode_onehot_to_mask(target)) # pred = make_numpy_img(pred_label[img_id]) vis = np.concatenate([img/255., pred_draw/255., target_draw/255.], axis=0) vis = np.clip(vis, a_min=0, a_max=1) file_name = os.path.join(vis_dir, self.pattern, f'{self.epoch_id}_{self.batch_id}_{img_id}.png') plt.imsave(file_name, vis) def register(self): self.is_registered_result = False self.result_all = {} self.is_registered_loss = False self.loss_all = {} def register_result(self, data: dict): for key in data.keys(): self.result_all[key] = [] self.is_registered_result = True def append_result(self, data: dict): if not self.is_registered_result: self.register_result(data) for key, value in data.items(): self.result_all[key] += value def register_loss(self, data: dict): for key in data.keys(): self.loss_all[key] = [] self.is_registered_loss = True def append_loss(self, data: dict): if not self.is_registered_loss: self.register_loss(data) for key, value in data.items(): self.loss_all[key].append(value.detach().cpu().numpy()) # draw bboxes on image, bboxes with classID def draw_bboxes(img, bboxes, color=(255, 0, 0), class_names=None, is_show_score=True): ''' Args: img: bboxes: [n, 5], class_idx, l, t, r, b [n, 6], class_idx, score, l, t, r, b Returns: ''' assert img is not None, "In draw_bboxes, img is None" if torch.is_tensor(img): img = img.cpu().numpy() img = img.astype(np.uint8).copy() if torch.is_tensor(bboxes): bboxes = bboxes.cpu().numpy() for bbox in bboxes: if class_names: class_name = class_names[int(bbox[0])] bbox_coordinate = bbox[1:] if len(bbox) == 6: score = bbox[1] bbox_coordinate = bbox[2:] bbox_coordinate = bbox_coordinate.astype( if is_show_score: cv2.rectangle(img, pt1=tuple(bbox_coordinate[0:2] - np.array([2, 15])), pt2=tuple(bbox_coordinate[0:2] + np.array([15, 1])), color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1) if len(bbox) == 6: cv2.putText(img, text='%s:%.2f' % (class_name, score), org=tuple(bbox_coordinate[0:2] - np.array([1, 7])), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=0.2, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=1) else: cv2.putText(img, text='%s' % class_name, org=tuple(bbox_coordinate[0:2] - np.array([1, 7])), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=0.2, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=1) cv2.rectangle(img, pt1=tuple(bbox_coordinate[0:2]), pt2=tuple(bbox_coordinate[2:4]), color=color, thickness=2) return img def get_coords_grid(h_end, w_end, h_start=0, w_start=0, h_steps=None, w_steps=None, is_normalize=False): if h_steps is None: h_steps = int(h_end - h_start) + 1 if w_steps is None: w_steps = int(w_end - w_start) + 1 y = torch.linspace(h_start, h_end, h_steps) x = torch.linspace(w_start, w_end, w_steps) if is_normalize: y = y / h_end x = x / w_end coords = torch.meshgrid(y, x) coords = torch.stack(coords[::-1], dim=0) return coords def get_coords_grid_float(ht, wd, scale, is_normalize=False): y = torch.linspace(0, scale, ht + 2) x = torch.linspace(0, scale, wd + 2) if is_normalize: y = y/scale x = x/scale coords = torch.meshgrid(y[1:-1], x[1:-1]) coords = torch.stack(coords[::-1], dim=0) return coords def get_coords_vector_float(len, scale, is_normalize=False): x = torch.linspace(0, scale, len+2) if is_normalize: x = x/scale coords = torch.meshgrid(x[1:-1], torch.tensor([0.])) coords = torch.stack(coords[::-1], dim=0) return coords class Logger(object): def __init__(self, filename="Default.log", is_terminal_show=True): self.is_terminal_show = is_terminal_show if self.is_terminal_show: self.terminal = sys.stdout self.log = open(filename, "a") def write(self, message): if self.is_terminal_show: self.terminal.write(message) self.log.write(message) self.flush() def flush(self): if self.is_terminal_show: self.terminal.flush() self.log.flush() class ParamsParser: def __init__(self, project_file): self.params = yaml.safe_load(open(project_file).read()) def __getattr__(self, item): return self.params.get(item, None) def get_all_dict(dict_infos: dict) -> dict: return_dict = {} for key, value in dict_infos.items(): if not isinstance(value, dict): return_dict[key] = value else: return_dict = dict(return_dict.items(), **get_all_dict(value)) return return_dict def make_numpy_img(tensor_data): if len(tensor_data.shape) == 2: tensor_data = tensor_data.unsqueeze(2) tensor_data =, tensor_data, tensor_data), dim=2) elif tensor_data.size(0) == 1: tensor_data = tensor_data.permute((1, 2, 0)) tensor_data =, tensor_data, tensor_data), dim=2) elif tensor_data.size(0) == 3: tensor_data = tensor_data.permute((1, 2, 0)) elif tensor_data.size(2) == 3: pass else: raise Exception('tensor_data apply to make_numpy_img error') vis_img = tensor_data.detach().cpu().numpy() return vis_img def print_infos(logger, writer, infos: dict): keys = list(infos.keys()) values = list(infos.values()) infos_str = 'Pattern: %s [%d,%d][%d,%d], lr: %5f, fps_data_load: %.2f, fps: %.2f' % tuple(values[:8]) if len(values) > 8: extra_infos = [f', {x}: {y:.4f}' for x, y in zip(keys[8:], values[8:])] infos_str = infos_str + ''.join(extra_infos) logger.write(infos_str + '\n') writer.add_scalar('%s/lr' % infos['pattern'], infos['lr'], infos['epoch_id'] * infos['batch_num'] + infos['batch_id']) for key, value in zip(keys[8:], values[8:]): writer.add_scalar(f'%s/%s' % (infos['pattern'], key), value, infos['epoch_id'] * infos['batch_num'] + infos['batch_id']) def invert_affine(origin_imgs, preds, pattern='train'): if pattern == 'val': for i in range(len(preds)): if len(preds[i]['rois']) == 0: continue else: old_h, old_w, _ = origin_imgs[i].shape preds[i]['rois'][:, [0, 2]] = preds[i]['rois'][:, [0, 2]] / (512 / old_w) preds[i]['rois'][:, [1, 3]] = preds[i]['rois'][:, [1, 3]] / (512 / old_h) return preds def save_output_infos(input, output, vis_dir, pattern, epoch_id, batch_id): flows, pf1s, pf2s = output k = np.clip(int(0.2 * len(flows[0])), a_min=2, a_max=len(flows[0])) ids = np.random.choice(range(len(flows[0])), k, replace=False) for img_id in ids: img1, img2 = input['ori_img1'][img_id:img_id+1].to(flows[0].device), input['ori_img2'][img_id:img_id+1].to(flows[0].device) # call the network with image pair batches and actions flow = flows[0][img_id:img_id+1] warps = flow_to_warp(flow) warped_img2 = resample(img2, warps) ori_img1 = make_numpy_img(img1[0]) / 255. ori_img2 = make_numpy_img(img2[0]) / 255. warped_img2 = make_numpy_img(warped_img2[0]) / 255. flow_amplitude = torch.sqrt(flow[0, 0:1, ...] ** 2 + flow[0, 1:2, ...] ** 2) flow_amplitude = make_numpy_img(flow_amplitude) flow_amplitude = (flow_amplitude - np.min(flow_amplitude)) / (np.max(flow_amplitude) - np.min(flow_amplitude) + 1e-10) u = make_numpy_img(flow[0, 0:1, ...]) v = make_numpy_img(flow[0, 1:2, ...]) vis = np.concatenate([ori_img1, ori_img2, warped_img2, flow_amplitude], axis=0) vis = np.clip(vis, a_min=0, a_max=1) file_name = os.path.join(vis_dir, pattern, str(epoch_id) + '_' + str(batch_id) + '.jpg') plt.imsave(file_name, vis) def inv_normalize_img(img, prior_mean=[0, 0, 0], prior_std=[1, 1, 1]): prior_mean = torch.tensor(prior_mean, dtype=torch.float).to(img.device).view(img.size(0), 1, 1) prior_std = torch.tensor(prior_std, dtype=torch.float).to(img.device).view(img.size(0), 1, 1) img = img * prior_std + prior_mean img = img * 255. img = torch.clamp(img, min=0, max=255) return img def save_seg_output_infos(input, output, vis_dir, pattern, epoch_id, batch_id, prior_mean, prior_std): pred_label = torch.argmax(output, 1) k = np.clip(int(0.2 * len(pred_label)), a_min=1, a_max=len(pred_label[0])) ids = np.random.choice(range(len(pred_label)), k, replace=False) for img_id in ids: img = input['img'][img_id].to(pred_label.device) target = input['label'][img_id].to(pred_label.device) img = make_numpy_img(inv_normalize_img(img, prior_mean, prior_std)) / 255. target = make_numpy_img(encode_onehot_to_mask(target)) pred = make_numpy_img(pred_label[img_id]) vis = np.concatenate([img, pred, target], axis=0) vis = np.clip(vis, a_min=0, a_max=1) file_name = os.path.join(vis_dir, pattern, str(epoch_id) + '_' + str(batch_id) + '.jpg') plt.imsave(file_name, vis) def set_requires_grad(nets, requires_grad=False): """Set requies_grad=Fasle for all the networks to avoid unnecessary computations Parameters: nets (network list) -- a list of networks requires_grad (bool) -- whether the networks require gradients or not """ if not isinstance(nets, list): nets = [nets] for net in nets: if net is not None: for param in net.parameters(): param.requires_grad = requires_grad def boolean_string(s): if s not in {'False', 'True'}: raise ValueError('Not a valid boolean string') return s == 'True' def cpt_pxl_cls_acc(pred_idx, target): pred_idx = torch.reshape(pred_idx, [-1]) target = torch.reshape(target, [-1]) return torch.mean(( == def cpt_batch_psnr(img, img_gt, PIXEL_MAX): mse = torch.mean((img - img_gt) ** 2, dim=[1, 2, 3]) psnr = 20 * torch.log10(PIXEL_MAX / torch.sqrt(mse)) return torch.mean(psnr) def cpt_psnr(img, img_gt, PIXEL_MAX): mse = np.mean((img - img_gt) ** 2) psnr = 20 * np.log10(PIXEL_MAX / np.sqrt(mse)) return psnr def cpt_rgb_ssim(img, img_gt): img = clip_01(img) img_gt = clip_01(img_gt) SSIM = 0 for i in range(3): tmp = img[:, :, i] tmp_gt = img_gt[:, :, i] ssim = sk_cpt_ssim(tmp, tmp_gt) SSIM = SSIM + ssim return SSIM / 3.0 def cpt_ssim(img, img_gt): img = clip_01(img) img_gt = clip_01(img_gt) return sk_cpt_ssim(img, img_gt) def decode_mask_to_onehot(mask, n_class): ''' mask : BxWxH or WxH n_class : n return : BxnxWxH or nxWxH ''' assert len(mask.shape) in [2, 3], "decode_mask_to_onehot error!" if len(mask.shape) == 2: mask = mask.unsqueeze(0) onehot = torch.zeros((mask.size(0), n_class, mask.size(1), mask.size(2))).to(mask.device) for i in range(n_class): onehot[:, i, ...] = mask == i if len(mask.shape) == 2: onehot = onehot.squeeze(0) return onehot def encode_onehot_to_mask(onehot): ''' onehot: tensor, BxnxWxH or nxWxH output: tensor, BxWxH or WxH ''' assert len(onehot.shape) in [3, 4], "encode_onehot_to_mask error!" mask = torch.argmax(onehot, dim=len(onehot.shape)-3) return mask def decode(pred, target=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: phase: 'od' pred: big_cls_1(0), big_reg_1, small_cls_1(2), small_reg_1, big_cls_2(4), big_reg_2, small_cls_2(6), small_reg_2 target: [[n,5], [n,5]] list of tensor Returns: """ phase = kwargs['phase'] img_size = kwargs['img_size'] if phase == 'od': prior_box_wh = kwargs['prior_box_wh'] conf_thres = kwargs['conf_thres'] iou_thres = kwargs['iou_thres'] conf_type = kwargs['conf_type'] pred_conf_32_2 = F.softmax(pred[4], dim=1)[:, 1, ...] # B H W pred_conf_64_2 = F.softmax(pred[6], dim=1)[:, 1, ...] # B H W obj_mask_32_2 = pred_conf_32_2 > conf_thres # B H W obj_mask_64_2 = pred_conf_64_2 > conf_thres # B H W pre_loc_32_2 = pred[1] + pred[5] # B 4 H W pre_loc_32_2[:, 0::2, ...] *= prior_box_wh[0] pre_loc_32_2[:, 1::2, ...] *= prior_box_wh[1] x_y_grid = get_coords_grid(31, 31, 0, 0) x_y_grid *= 8 x_y_grid =[x_y_grid, x_y_grid], dim=0) pre_loc_32_2 += pre_loc_64_2 = pred[3] + pred[7] # B 4 H W pre_loc_64_2[:, 0::2, ...] *= prior_box_wh[0] pre_loc_64_2[:, 1::2, ...] *= prior_box_wh[1] x_y_grid_2 = get_coords_grid(63, 63, 0, 0) x_y_grid_2 *= 4 x_y_grid_2 =[x_y_grid_2, x_y_grid_2], dim=0) pre_loc_64_2 += pred_all = [] for i in range(pre_loc_32_2.size(0)): score_32 = pred_conf_32_2[i][obj_mask_32_2[i]] # N score_64 = pred_conf_64_2[i][obj_mask_64_2[i]] # M loc_32 = pre_loc_32_2[i].permute((1, 2, 0))[obj_mask_32_2[i]] # Nx4 loc_64 = pre_loc_64_2[i].permute((1, 2, 0))[obj_mask_64_2[i]] # Mx4 score_list =, score_64), dim=0).detach().cpu().numpy() boxes_list =, loc_64), dim=0).detach().cpu().numpy() boxes_list[:, 0::2] /= img_size[0] boxes_list[:, 1::2] /= img_size[1] label_list = np.ones_like(score_list) # 目标预设150 boxes_list = boxes_list[:150, :] score_list = score_list[:150] label_list = label_list[:150] boxes, scores, labels = weighted_boxes_fusion([boxes_list], [score_list], [label_list], weights=None, iou_thr=iou_thres, conf_type=conf_type) boxes[:, 0::2] *= img_size[0] boxes[:, 1::2] *= img_size[1] pred_boxes = np.concatenate((labels.reshape(-1, 1), scores.reshape(-1, 1), boxes), axis=1) pred_all.append(pred_boxes) if target is not None: target_all = [x.cpu().numpy() for x in target] else: target_all = None return {"pred_all": pred_all, "target_all": target_all} def get_metrics(phase, pred, target): ''' pred: logits, tensor, nBatch*nClass*W*H target: labels, tensor, nBatch*nClass*W*H ''' if phase == 'seg': pred = torch.argmax(pred.detach(), dim=1) pred = decode_mask_to_onehot(pred, target.size(1)) # positive samples in ground truth gt_pos_sum = torch.sum(target == 1, dim=(0, 2, 3)) # positive prediction in predict mask pred_pos_sum = torch.sum(pred == 1, dim=(0, 2, 3)) # cal true positive sample true_pos_sum = torch.sum((target == 1) * (pred == 1), dim=(0, 2, 3)) # Precision precision = true_pos_sum / (pred_pos_sum + 1e-15) # Recall recall = true_pos_sum / (gt_pos_sum + 1e-15) # IoU IoU = true_pos_sum / (pred_pos_sum + gt_pos_sum - true_pos_sum + 1e-15) # OA OA = 1 - (pred_pos_sum + gt_pos_sum - 2 * true_pos_sum) / torch.sum(target >= 0, dim=(0, 2, 3)) # F1-score F1_score = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall + 1e-15) return IoU, OA, F1_score