# coding: utf-8 """ face detectoin and alignment using InsightFace """ import numpy as np from .rprint import rlog as log from .dependencies.insightface.app import FaceAnalysis from .dependencies.insightface.app.common import Face from .timer import Timer def sort_by_direction(faces, direction: str = 'large-small', face_center=None): if len(faces) <= 0: return faces if direction == 'left-right': return sorted(faces, key=lambda face: face['bbox'][0]) if direction == 'right-left': return sorted(faces, key=lambda face: face['bbox'][0], reverse=True) if direction == 'top-bottom': return sorted(faces, key=lambda face: face['bbox'][1]) if direction == 'bottom-top': return sorted(faces, key=lambda face: face['bbox'][1], reverse=True) if direction == 'small-large': return sorted(faces, key=lambda face: (face['bbox'][2] - face['bbox'][0]) * (face['bbox'][3] - face['bbox'][1])) if direction == 'large-small': return sorted(faces, key=lambda face: (face['bbox'][2] - face['bbox'][0]) * (face['bbox'][3] - face['bbox'][1]), reverse=True) if direction == 'distance-from-retarget-face': return sorted(faces, key=lambda face: (((face['bbox'][2]+face['bbox'][0])/2-face_center[0])**2+((face['bbox'][3]+face['bbox'][1])/2-face_center[1])**2)**0.5) return faces class FaceAnalysisDIY(FaceAnalysis): def __init__(self, name='buffalo_l', root='~/.insightface', allowed_modules=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(name=name, root=root, allowed_modules=allowed_modules, **kwargs) self.timer = Timer() def get(self, img_bgr, **kwargs): max_num = kwargs.get('max_num', 0) # the number of the detected faces, 0 means no limit flag_do_landmark_2d_106 = kwargs.get('flag_do_landmark_2d_106', True) # whether to do 106-point detection direction = kwargs.get('direction', 'large-small') # sorting direction face_center = None bboxes, kpss = self.det_model.detect(img_bgr, max_num=max_num, metric='default') if bboxes.shape[0] == 0: return [] ret = [] for i in range(bboxes.shape[0]): bbox = bboxes[i, 0:4] det_score = bboxes[i, 4] kps = None if kpss is not None: kps = kpss[i] face = Face(bbox=bbox, kps=kps, det_score=det_score) for taskname, model in self.models.items(): if taskname == 'detection': continue if (not flag_do_landmark_2d_106) and taskname == 'landmark_2d_106': continue # print(f'taskname: {taskname}') model.get(img_bgr, face) ret.append(face) ret = sort_by_direction(ret, direction, face_center) return ret def warmup(self): self.timer.tic() img_bgr = np.zeros((512, 512, 3), dtype=np.uint8) self.get(img_bgr) elapse = self.timer.toc() log(f'FaceAnalysisDIY warmup time: {elapse:.3f}s')